Nope, I'm not talking about bees. This is an all together different bzz (pronounced buzz). As in BzzAgent. Maybe you've heard of it and wondered what it's all about. Keep reading to learn more.
Let's get down to Bizzness.
BzzAgent is all about Try, Share, Repeat.
I've been a BzzAgent for some time now and you've all seen my post on different products that I've reviewed for BzzAgent. But it occured to me that I've never really told you alot about being a BzzAgent and what that means. Keep reading to find out how you can become a BzzAgent too.
It Means....
I get to try the newest products for FREE and then share my honest opinions with you. So what's the catch? There is none. For a few minutes of my time I review only the products I'm interested in and then tell you the truth about what I think. The companies gets advertising and insight into what real consumers like and don't like. I call that a win-win situation.
Who is BzzAgent?
BzzAgent is the leading social marketing company. They have been connecting people and their favorite brands since 2001. They do that by putting products in the hands of hundreds of thousands of real consumers and help them share their opinions about those products with friends and family via reviews, Facebook posts, photos and videos, blog posts and more.
In short BzzAgent works with companies to spread the news about their products. To do that they need reviews who are willing to try those products for free and share their opinions. That's were people like you and I come in.
It seems companies have finally realized that consumers are tuning out all the advertising noise we get from television, Just as television replaced radio ads, social media is the new frontier. It where consumers are spending their time chatting. Now that I think about it, it's the new porch stoop where we gather to chat about what we like. Word of mouth has always been and always will be the most reliable advertising for a company.
BzzAgent doesn't work with only bloggers they're interested in consumers who are active with social media, i.e...Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and more. When you sign up with BzzAgent you take surveys so that they can get an idea of your likes. That way they can fit you with products that you would actually use. They aren't looking for agents to like everything they try, they really do want honest reviews, but lets face it, if you're not a dog owner how are you going to review dog food. When you are a match for a campaign they give you the option to try it if you want to and that's when the Bzz begins! If you're excited about a product you've tried, well what better advertising could a company get.
The Best BzzAgents Get The Best Campaigns...
BzzAgent also has a way to rate agents. They want to know who is not only talking the talk, but walking the walk...about talking that is. That's why the reward the best BzzAgents with the best campaigns that fit, and more of them too!
So What Makes The Best BzzAgent?
There's a lot that they consider, but what's important for you to know is that as long as you're sharing your honest opinion about the products you try and creating real, two-way conversations with friends - both online and off - in every campaign you join, you're going to be in a good place with more campaigns coming your way. An added bonus is that most campaign activites will earn you a nice chunk of MyPoints too. These are redeemable for a huge variety of thank you gifts from popular retailers and restaurants. I've earned enough to get a $50 gift card at one of my favorite stores, TJMaxx. Woo-Hoo!!!
Get down with a high score

What’s in an invite?
How do we figure out who gets invited to a campaign? We consider three things:
- Your BzzScore: A numerical representation of how well you’re doing as a BzzAgent, on a scale of zero to ten. Your BzzScore takes into account everything you’ve done, including the past 365 days of campaign activity, survey completeness and how socially connected and influential you are, and can go up and down. The higher your score, the more likely you are to get campaign invites.
- Your Interests: We learn about your interests and preferences through the surveys you take, and match you with the campaigns we think you’ll find relevant and fun.
- Brand Requests: Who, What, Where, and When aren’t just important to BzzAgent Holmes — they’re important to brands, too. And sometimes, brands ask for feedback from a certain number of BzzAgents who meet specific criteria, like age, location, or if you’ve just had a child (congrats!). If you don’t fit the bill, you may sit this one out.
I'm pretty proud of my BzzScore right now. Out of 0 being the lowest to 10 being the best mine's:
Woo-Hoo again dog!!! It pretty consistently stays there. Below you'll see a list of achievements I've earned. I like stars and stickers for good work in grade school and I still do today. Encouragement is never discouraged at my house!
Welcome to my BzzAgent trophy case, a collection of the sweet Achievements I've bagged, tagged and mounted while out on word-of-mouth safari.

So there you have it.
I hope I've answered some of your BzzAgent questions. If you are interested in trying products for FREE from well known manufacturers, like Nexxus, Glade, Covergirl, Green Mountain Coffee, Cross Pens, Morning Star Farms, Dr. Scholls, TruMoo, Pennington Smart Feed, Claritin, Eukanuba and more; then visit BzzAgent to sign up. I been a BzzAgent for a few years now and it's so much fun trying new products for FREE!! Thanks BzzAgent! There's never a fee to join - It's absolutely FREE. Go get your Bzz on and then come let me know so I can watch you spread the goodness.
That's quite an impressive score you have there!! I'm still at 8.4. I love being a BzzAgent myself. ;) I didn't know they offered Cross Pens. I wish I had got in on that campaign!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog as well.