My Philodendrons never fail me. They're always there waiting when nothing else is. I used a leaf from another plant to dress the inside of the vase. So easy, after filling with the vase with water, just roll the leaf in a circle and place it where you want it. It will stay right there.
Isn't that old Tip Top Lemonade can cute. I'm always raiding Neils vintage stash to use around the house.
I love the African Iris' that grow outside. The are so drought tolerant and thrive without any attention at ALL. They look like little butterflies in the garden. Unfortunately the blooms only last for a day in the house.
I love this old milk bottle that reads FLORIDA STORE BOTTLE. It also says 5¢ around the top. Did I already say I love this bottle!!
This is a Cut Leaf Philodendron and a Shell Ginger bloom. They are so tropical and showy.
This is a bold plant in the north Florida landscape. Although it can grow in
sun, shell ginger looks its best with the least amount of care when grown in
the shade. Perfect for me. Really easy to grow in the north Florida garden. In exceptionally cold
winters, it may die to the ground and recover the following spring.
A little tip: I use mayonnaise to make the leaves shine. Just rub a small amount over the leaves and they have that florist shine.
You can see what the Shell Ginger looks like when it blooms in the picture below which I got off Google Images and saved on Pinterest. Gotta love Pinterest! The only issue I have with these are the gorgeous blooms are heavy and hang upside down making it hard to see. Maybe I'll get a chaise lounge and lay under them. lol.
What started out as picking a few flowers lead to being reminded about this..........
Which is what happens when you have foot surgery and spend a year indoors.
Which lead to this.............
Which lasted for an entire day and finally lead to this......
These tired dogs needed a good hot wax treatment!
BTW - Do not do as I do, do as I say. Vines should be cut when dormant in February to March here. Mine obviously aren't dormant so I don't know what will happen to this years crop. Let's just hope I didn't kill the vines.
You can see more of my garden flowers on my post - Every Flower Is Proof of Gods Gifts HERE.

Do you have plants or flowers growing that you pick and bring inside? Any good tips on arranging them? I wanna hear about it.
I hope y'all had a wonderful spring (or if you're in Florida - Summer) weekend. Now go make it a good week!
Hugs Y'all.....Tracy
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ReplyDeleteWhat lovely photos and beautiful flowers! I am not too good with growing flowers, but I do love to look at them. I would like to soak my feet too!
ReplyDeletetwinkle at optonline dot net