Everything Southern & So Cotton Pickin Cute
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Bounce It Off Millions and Win
Should I have a baby? That's a shocker isn't it? Not to worry that time has passed and isn't even a consideration. Should I repaint my whole house? That's more like it. That was a recent question I was debating. It was no small question for me, because I was contemplating a totally different pallet and I'm so glad I did.
We all have a question or two that is just dogging us with no answer in sight. Sometimes it takes the insight of a third party or maybe a million or two. This is where Bounce comes to the rescue. Yes that Bounce, the one you use in your dryer.
Bounce has a new contest called what else "Bounce it off Millions" on their facebook page. So if you have a question that's been dogging you, and don't we all? You can visit the "Bounce it off Millions" facebook page and post yours.
To celebrate the four weeks of Bounce it Off Millions, four lucky users will be chosen to win a grand prize—the chance to turn their life’s great questions into a Facebook-wide advertisement, inviting Facebook’s 150+ million users to help you decide between your two options!
And if you don't have a good question (lucky you) don't worry you can still enter to win the Bounce Dryer Bar Sweepstakes. 5000 fans will each win 2 Bounce Dryer Bars, one to keep an one to give to a friend! I love these because they last for a month and that's one less thing you have to remember. No more forgetting to add the dryer sheet. Sometimes Neil's really helpful and puts the clothes in the dryer but my Sweetie forgets the dryer sheets which I hate.
So add your question for a chance to turn your life’s great questions into a Facebook-wide advertisement, inviting Facebook’s 150+ million users to help you decide between your two options!
Don't have a good question, but like Bounce anyway? Enter to win the Bounce Dryer Bar sweepstakes on the Bounce facebook page! 5000 fans will each win 2 Bounce Dryer Bars, one to keep and one to give to a friend! Click here to enter today!
Bounce it Off Millions ends on September 17th.
Disclosure: I was asked by the One2One Network to participate in this campaign. All opinions are my own.
Labels: photos
Bounce it Off Millions Campaign
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Just My Style ~ In Music ~ Mat Kearney's Young Love

Music moves my soul. It always has. I have a really diverse love of music too. Growing up in the sixties my parents were older than most so not only did they play all the motown hits, I also was familiar with Stardust by Hoogie Carmichael (don't judge, unless you hear it) and Sea of love, the song that made my Mother cry when she was pregnant with me.
My son is the same way. He loves music from Journey to Prince to Waylan Jennings to Bob Marley as well as older and more classic music and of course all the new artist as well.
I had never hear of Mat Kearney, or so I thought until One2One Network offered me the opportunity to review his newest album Young Love. And as soon as I heard the first track "Hey Mama", I recognized it. I just never knew who the artist was. I love this song. It's just my style, with a feel good beat that just makes you happy. This wonderful Nashville artist is generating new buzz and rightfully so. Matt wrote the song "Hey Mama" for his wife a little more than a year ago, honoring their meeting.
Just take a listen and see if you don't love it too. This album is so soulful with a hip-hop feel.
The goodness doesn't end with that song either. There are 10 wonderful tracks on this latest album. I also noticed his album is also for sale at Christian book stores.
The album landed at #4 on the Billboard Top 200 and #1 on the Top Digital Albums Chart during it's first week!
Best of all One2One offered me the chance to see Matt here in Jacksonville on Sept. 14th. Am I going? You bet I am! And I can't wait to come back with pictures to share.
Hope you enjoy Matt as much as I do.
Hugs...Tracy :)
Disclosure: One2One Network provided me with the album so I could share my honest opinions with my readers. Thank you One2One Network and Matt Kearney.
Labels: photos
Mat Kearney Young Love Reveiw
Gain Detergent Giveaway at Sammi's Blog of Life
Sammi over at Sammi's Blog of Life is having a giveaway and one winner will win a bottle of Gain lavender scented fabric softener and lavender scented laundry detergent. As always Sammi has lot's of giveaways going on so you'll want to check out her blog a little futher while your there. Just click here or the picture above.
Good Luck Ya'll.
Hugs....Tracy :)
Labels: photos
Giveaway Link
Monday, August 29, 2011
We Have a Publix Great Deals On Great Meals Winner
Thank you to everyone who entered the Great Deals on Great Meals gift card giveaway. I appreciate everyone spreading the word and making the giveaway a success. I hope you all took advantage of the coupons and got some great savings.
Before I announce the winner, I want to share a little teaser with you. I have another giveaway coming up in a few days and I'll just say it YUMMY! So you'll want to stayed tuned for that one.
And the winner chosen by Random.org is...............................
Alison Green
You're the winner of the Publix $25 gift card!!!
Thanks for entering Alison. I've emailed you and you have 48 hours to respond. Congratulations!!!
Thanks again to General Mills, Publix and MyBlogSpark for sponsoring this giveaway.
Labels: photos
Publix gift card winner
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry - Only 5 Mins Left to Enter
The Publix $25.00 gift card giveaway ends in 5 mins. (Don't tell anyone but you probably have 15 mins, just cause I love you guys). Click here to enter.
Labels: photos
Publix $25 giveaway
Last Chance To Enter to Win Free Groceries
Today is the last day to enter the Publix Great Deals on Great Meals Giveaway. You can win a $25 Publix Gift Card just by entering. And check out the coupons too. Just click here to enter. But HURRY, the giveaway ends today "Monday" at noon EST.
Good Luck Ya'll!
Labels: photos
Publix $25 giveaway
I Found The Most Beautiful Blog Post I Must Share
Have you ever come across a blog post that makes you want to sing and to cry at the same time. Well that's exactly what I felt when I came across Anita's post at Castles Crowns and Cottages. I hope you'll go check it out be sure to have your volumn up when you do.
Be blessed in all you have today freinds! XO's...Tracy :)
Be blessed in all you have today freinds! XO's...Tracy :)
My First Hands-On Bible Is a Must

This year I have been a little obsessed with the goal of providing a Bible for every member of my family for Christmas. Part of that goal has been to chose one that's suitable for that child or even adult, whether male or female and for there specific age group. So far I'm doing really well. I love that the Bible's available now have study points with them. You'll see just what I mean with this next Bible.
My First Hands-On Bible is the preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible, which has sold over a half million copies. Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations; My First Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God's Word in an active, understandable way. My First Hands-On Bible is a fun and simple yet meaningful way to engage preschool, pre-K, and K children (ages 3-6) with the Bible while helping them build a solid faith foundation. Each lesson focuses on a specific Bible point through a variety of activities in order to reinforce and help young children remember the stories and lessons. Using common household items, you can help your children have a “hands-on” learning experience while engaging them in 85 key stories from the Bible. My First Hands-On Bible doesn’t just retell the Bible stories; it also includes actual Scripture from the easy-to-understand and easy-to-read Holy Bible, New Living Translation. In addition to the stories and
My thougths
My very first thought was why wasn't this Bible around when Ty was a child. My second thought, heck why wasn't this around when I was a child.
I love it. I really do. It features the New Living Translation, which I've become so used to in my own Bible I can't imagine reading the Kings James version anymore. The hands on activities are really wonderful. I think it's so important to talk about the lesson that your reading to your child and this book gives you the opportunity and leads to do just that. They have even two fun characters "Pockets the kangaroo and Cuddles the lamb to lead you and your child in the activities with each Bible story, including prayer.
The stories are short and brief, just what you want for a preschooler. If you are looking to share the Bible with a preschooler, I whole-heartily encourage you to take a look at My First Hands-On Bible.
Disclosure: Thanks to Tyndale Publishing for giving me the opportunity to review this book. All opinions submitted are my own.
Labels: photos
Bible Review for pre-schoolers,
Gift Bible,
NLT Bible
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Giveaway Links for Saturday
I'd like to share some giveaway linky parties that I've linked up with today. I hope you enjoy them.
Best of luck ya'll!
Be sure to click here to enter my Publix $25 gift card giveaway here.
Best of luck ya'll!
Be sure to click here to enter my Publix $25 gift card giveaway here.
Have a fun weekend ya'll!
Labels: photos
Saturday Givaway Linky List
Friday, August 26, 2011
New Extended Deadline ~ Publix Gift Card Giveaway Yet?

Thanks to everyone who has already entered and GOOD LUCK! But I felt that I really did owe the sponsor this weekend to spread the word since I wasn't really able too. So if you didn't get to enter, here's your chance. Just click here to go to the giveaway post and enter. And don't forget you can still earn extra entries by twitting and sharing on facebook twice a day.
Remeber the Publix coupons are valid from August 15th through September 4th.
Disclosure: I received a Publix gift card for myself and one lucky winner from General Mills through MyBlogSpark)
Labels: photos
Publix $25 giveaway
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Can I Share a Personal Family Moment With You
Thank goodness for the internet, facebook and a wonderful daughter-in law. With families so spread out through the country and world for that matter, the internet can be such a blessing. Without it we wouldn't be able to enjoy such a precious moment in our families life like this. Our first grandchild Zach was baptized last Sunday. What a wonderful birthday gift to his daddy, who's birthday was August 23rd. God is so good. Glory be to God!
What a beautiful place to be baptized. They live in upper NY and this spot looks so peaceful.
He came home from church camp and had made the decision that he was ready to take this step.
What a beautiful place to be baptized. They live in upper NY and this spot looks so peaceful.
Look how eager our precious grandson is. Our hearts are bursting with joy!!!
Here is our beautiful grandson Zach preparing to be baptized in the name of Jesus.He came home from church camp and had made the decision that he was ready to take this step.
I love this sweet picture.
Our beautiful granddaughter Ki'a is growing up to be such a beautiful young lady. I just want to cry when I think of all the times I've missed being with them.
My daughter-in-law Christal is such a good mother, always working hard to enroll the kids in activities and spending so much making sure they get there. I'm so proud of my son for providing for his family and putting them first. You both make us so proud!!!
Thank you Christal for being so deligent in documenting these precious moments.
Thank you God for being present in the lives of our family and blessing us beyond measure.
God bless all of you and your families. Love....Tracy :)
Labels: photos
Family photos,
Grandson Zach's baptisim
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
How Many Projects Can You Start At One Time
Okay I'll admit it....I have trouble staying on task. Anytime...but even more so now with the more bad days than good, health wise.
We seem to be all over the place in our home projects. Leave it up to me to start one project and decide I can only do it by starting, three, four, five or more at the same time. Now, that's nothing new. Even as a kid at home, when I would decide to clean my room the project would run into the wee hours of the morning because I would start buy taking everything down off the dresser etc, and then clean each drawer inside out. The difference now is that the project may start today and end next month. Boy, I hate that.
So with that said, I thought I'd give you a few peeks of whats going on at our house.
Yep, there's a fabric project underway. All because of a little paint project. Ha, it's a huge paint project.
No simple recovering project here. A complete makeover calls for foam. Who knew foam could be so expensive. Thank goodness for those 50% off sales.
Time to sand them down to raw wood and start the staining process. These need to come as close as possible to match the round pedestal game table in the first picture. Here's your sneak peek after staining and before clear coats.
Did I hear you ask "Is the paint job finish?, Are the chairs finished?" Well, no but we don't let little things like that stop us. Lets throw an art work project into the mix. I think I'll do a frame makeover and art project.
We seem to be all over the place in our home projects. Leave it up to me to start one project and decide I can only do it by starting, three, four, five or more at the same time. Now, that's nothing new. Even as a kid at home, when I would decide to clean my room the project would run into the wee hours of the morning because I would start buy taking everything down off the dresser etc, and then clean each drawer inside out. The difference now is that the project may start today and end next month. Boy, I hate that.
So with that said, I thought I'd give you a few peeks of whats going on at our house.
Yep, there's a fabric project underway. All because of a little paint project. Ha, it's a huge paint project.
No simple recovering project here. A complete makeover calls for foam. Who knew foam could be so expensive. Thank goodness for those 50% off sales.
New foam has to go on something. So lets take a peek at the before.
I wish I had smell vision. No, I don't. I like you guys too much for that. These were not my chairs. If they were I would have never shown them. I found them on the side of the road. Gotta love free! But seriously, the smell after getting them to the house (outside only) almost made me change my mind.Time to sand them down to raw wood and start the staining process. These need to come as close as possible to match the round pedestal game table in the first picture. Here's your sneak peek after staining and before clear coats.
Did I hear you ask "Is the paint job finish?, Are the chairs finished?" Well, no but we don't let little things like that stop us. Lets throw an art work project into the mix. I think I'll do a frame makeover and art project.
No time to stop now. Lets throw a few more projects into the mix. This is just some of the tile for the new kitchen back splash. Neils laid it on the floor and surround it with wood to get some layout ideas. 

Yes, my house does look like a construction zone but I can live with it just knowing that things are moving forward. We did get the living room, dining room, powder room, and hall way painted and the kitchen is partially done. The windows are now framed and painted too. No small feat in a house of windows.
Well the list of projects goes on and on. So stay with me for more sneak peeks and makeovers to come.
So what projects are you working on right now? I'd love to hear about them. If you have one that you'd like to share, let me hear about it. I'd love to share a peek here or maybe you'd like to even guest post here. I love sharing new blogs with my readers.
So what projects are you working on right now? I'd love to hear about them. If you have one that you'd like to share, let me hear about it. I'd love to share a peek here or maybe you'd like to even guest post here. I love sharing new blogs with my readers.
Hugs....Tracy :)
Labels: photos
DIY Wall Art,
house remodel,
Living Room,
subway tile,
Task Chair Makeover,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Great Deals on Great Meals Publix Gift Card Giveaway

***New Extended Deadline Until 12pm EST, Monday, 8/29***
Publix is Florida institution as far as grocery shopping goes. I always enjoy shopping there. The stores are always so clean and the employees are friendly and helpful. We're lucky enough to have a store only a few blocks away. So convenience is just the cheery on the top.
Starting August 18th through August 23rd, Publix is hosting Great Deals on Great Meals. During this event you can visit Great Deals on Great Meals and download $12 in coupons for saving money on lots of items from breakfast to dinner. You can also find these coupons available in the stores.
*Coupons are valid from August 15th through September 4th.
General Mills is joining with My Blog Spark and Publix to give one of my readers a $25 Publix Gift Card. You could be that lucky winner!
Mandatory Entry: What is your favorite thing about shopping at Publix?
One entry not enough? Well, here are a few ways to get some additional entries. Just be sure to leave a separate comment for each one, telling me what you did. If it says 2 entries, please leave 2 comments.
- {2 extra entries} Become a follower of Cotton Pickin Cute. If you are a follower just leave me a comment.
- {3 extra entries} Post a link back to this giveaway on your blog.
- {1 extra entry per tweet per day} Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter with @cottonpickincute. (see button at the bottom of this post)
- Follow Cotton Pickin Cute on Twitter (see button at the bottom of this post)
- {1 extra entry per post per day}Share this giveaway on your facebook page.
- Like Cotton Pickin Cute on facebook (see button at the bottom of this post)
Be sure to leave your email address so that I can contact you if you win. Please don't forget to leave a comment for each entry.
Disclosure: I received a Publix gift card for myself and one lucky winner from General Mills through MyBlogSpark)
A Letter From God
Good Morning Ya'll. When I was at the Dr's. last week I saw this and asked for a copy to share with you. I hope you enjoy it.
Date: Today
Good Morning,
I am the Lord your God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If the devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD (something for Jesus to do) box. It will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it or attempt to remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think your capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away.
Love Eternally,
The Lord your God
P.S. Please pass this on to all my other children.
OX's....Tracy :)
Date: Today
Good Morning,
I am the Lord your God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If the devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD (something for Jesus to do) box. It will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it or attempt to remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think your capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away.
Love Eternally,
The Lord your God
P.S. Please pass this on to all my other children.
Labels: photos
Letter from God
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Interior Design Inspiration at the Loveliest Blogs
I found a new blog the other day while searching for decorating inspiration. What in the world did we do before blogging came along? Now that I think of it, the world was a much smaller place when I was a child. Decorating had it's value and place at our house more so than that of my Grandma and other older relatives, where decorating was a second or after thought to necessity and purpose. Decorating was limited more to the geographical area's where we lived too. And why wouldn't it be?
Television had only become a staple in every home in the 50's, not much before I had come along (did I really just say that?) What a way to start my day! There was no HGTV and even the "women's" talk shows spent more time on pleasing your husband and being a good cook, housekeeper and mother then they did on decorating. I know, I totally veered off where I was going. Oh' well, that's the upside for me being my on editor.
I want to introduce you to Michelle @ Hello Lovely Inc. She's been blogging since 2008 and she's describes herself better than I ever could, so I'll let you just read her about me description.
Michele's blog is lovely, indeed!
This is the post that I fell in love with. She highlighted a beautifully decorated cottage interior designed by decorator Mabley Handler.
I had already started picked my colors and starting painting when I found Michele's post and was happy to see that it had a color palate so close to mine. Though my newly painted living room is not exactly like this, it's similar. If you remember, we did not want to repaint all the molding in the rooms again, but I did (something I had to ease Neil into) want to lighten it up. So our walls are now a creamy white to blend with the khaki (for lack of a better word) trim. We have greenish/brown sofas and I'm wanting to introduce blue and beach colors without replacing those pieces.
I wish I could say this was my room below but....ha, you know that's not true. I am excited about the new colors and how much lighter my room feels. And yes I will get around to posting pics soon. We repaired sheetrock and painted 3 rooms so far with more to go.
If I was being a critic the only thing I would change is the kitchen color. It's a little blah for me. I love the flow of the entry hall and the living room and I get that she's keeping the flow going in the kitchen but I think a little more color to excite the eye would have been nice.
Now this is the color I have been wanting in my bedroom and bath for the longest time. I love the soothing pallet. The palest of blues. Was Ms. Handley stalking my dreams? I've been in love with the fan coral, like the one framed above for over a year. I love the white but I also love the colored coral as well and have been keeping a watch out for some to frame.
The bedding is the perfect cottage bedding to me! It just takes me back to all our vacations growing up that were spent at the beach cottage. The lamps are so vintage cool. I'm already thinking about how easy those would be for all you diy lovers and copy cats like me to duplicate. I love their shape. The shades are what gives them the pop but I'm not really digging the gold and lacquered look. I do love the aqua, just not the lacquer look of it. Of course we all love the bead board and that headboard is perfect. I'm wanting those pillows and that coverlet something awful. Simply put....Gorgeous.
To see more beautiful pictures of these rooms just click here. Michele has tons of eye candy for you at hello lovely, inc.
Just my style.
Television had only become a staple in every home in the 50's, not much before I had come along (did I really just say that?) What a way to start my day! There was no HGTV and even the "women's" talk shows spent more time on pleasing your husband and being a good cook, housekeeper and mother then they did on decorating. I know, I totally veered off where I was going. Oh' well, that's the upside for me being my on editor.
I want to introduce you to Michelle @ Hello Lovely Inc. She's been blogging since 2008 and she's describes herself better than I ever could, so I'll let you just read her about me description.
"I'm Michele. I'm a mom, wife, and writer. Hello Lovely Inc is a collection of inspiring finds, creative ventures, and encouraging words. It's a place where I share dreams and rants and wishes. It's a place for room porn and to laugh (especially if you appreciate one-off humor). Besides a passion for creativity, my sensibilities lean toward beachy, romantic, tranquil, quirky, ethereal, meditative, and soulful.
After graduating from Northwestern University, I earned a master's degree in counseling at the University of Missouri-Columbia. A freelancer contributing regularly to more than 80 parenting/family/women's magazines, I also edit and write press. I love books, baking, creating art, design, and nesting. "
Michele's blog is lovely, indeed!
This is the post that I fell in love with. She highlighted a beautifully decorated cottage interior designed by decorator Mabley Handler.
I had already started picked my colors and starting painting when I found Michele's post and was happy to see that it had a color palate so close to mine. Though my newly painted living room is not exactly like this, it's similar. If you remember, we did not want to repaint all the molding in the rooms again, but I did (something I had to ease Neil into) want to lighten it up. So our walls are now a creamy white to blend with the khaki (for lack of a better word) trim. We have greenish/brown sofas and I'm wanting to introduce blue and beach colors without replacing those pieces.
I wish I could say this was my room below but....ha, you know that's not true. I am excited about the new colors and how much lighter my room feels. And yes I will get around to posting pics soon. We repaired sheetrock and painted 3 rooms so far with more to go.
If I was being a critic the only thing I would change is the kitchen color. It's a little blah for me. I love the flow of the entry hall and the living room and I get that she's keeping the flow going in the kitchen but I think a little more color to excite the eye would have been nice.
Now this is the color I have been wanting in my bedroom and bath for the longest time. I love the soothing pallet. The palest of blues. Was Ms. Handley stalking my dreams? I've been in love with the fan coral, like the one framed above for over a year. I love the white but I also love the colored coral as well and have been keeping a watch out for some to frame.
The bedding is the perfect cottage bedding to me! It just takes me back to all our vacations growing up that were spent at the beach cottage. The lamps are so vintage cool. I'm already thinking about how easy those would be for all you diy lovers and copy cats like me to duplicate. I love their shape. The shades are what gives them the pop but I'm not really digging the gold and lacquered look. I do love the aqua, just not the lacquer look of it. Of course we all love the bead board and that headboard is perfect. I'm wanting those pillows and that coverlet something awful. Simply put....Gorgeous.
To see more beautiful pictures of these rooms just click here. Michele has tons of eye candy for you at hello lovely, inc.
Just my style.
Have a great day ya'll.
Hugs.....Tracy :)
Quote of the Day
be joyful always.
pray continually.
give thanks in all circumstances.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16.18
Labels: photos
Monday, August 8, 2011
What Color Is Your Map?
Our map is hot! It looks like it's going to burn right off the page. Just looking at it makes me hot.
Sounds like I'm complaining, doesn't it? Okay, well maybe I am a little. At least I'm aware of it and I try to remember that as hot as it is here in Jacksonville, Florida, it's even hotter in Fort Worth, Texas where my sister is. It seems all last week their temperatures were between 104 and 110. Yes that's One Hundred and Ten BEFORE the heat index!!! I know a lot of you are out there suffering these dog days of summer. And Lord be with those who work outside in it.
When I think of whining again, I stop and think of our many men and women serving our country in a foreign land. Tuesday's forecast for Iraq is 115 degrees! Can you imagine? No, our service men and women won't be at the beach or at the pool. They will most likely be covered in head to toe clothing and helmets and bearing what I consider the unimaginable.
God bless our troops.
I have an endless amount of gratitude to them for doing the job that no one wants to do. War is ugly. No one wants this great country of ours to be in the midst of a war. No one wants the world to be in a war. The loss of life. The monetary cost to the world. I mean really, think what that money could do to accomplish an end to world hunger, to strengthening our economy and so much more. How amazing would it be to be in a peaceful world, where everything worked in together for the good of mankind. Yes, I realize that's a idealistic view of life. A little Disney-esque. I'm picturing the original Cinderella animated movie with bluebirds dressing her.
Our service men and women do what so many of us can't imagine doing. They do what so many of our country men and women have done before them........They serve. They serve because they know that wars happen and whether right or wrong our country needs to be protected. They serve because they believe in our in our forefathers vision of responsibility for the least of mankind. Those being abused by dictators and maniacs. They serve because they were lucky enough to have been born in a country with so much when other countries have so little and they were raised to know that those who have much are responsible to help those who have little.
My prayers go out to the families and their communities who lost their loved ones, our hero's, in the lastest tragedy that took 30 of our soldiers from us.
Labels: photos
American Soldiers,
Dog Days of Summer
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Are You Wearing the Proper Clothes?
Thanks to my friends for leaving such sweet comments and letting me know that your thinking of me. It's been a rough weekend. I have a splitting headache and don't want my blog to be all about that. I'm keeping in mind that it will pass and the Lord will be my strength.
This song came to mind while thinking about my sister and a little project I want to do. It made me think of better days ahead and I want to share it with you. Oh' and you're probably wondering about that title, keep reading and you'll understand. I just got sidetracked with this song.
It was written by and performed by Gale Garnette from Australia who later went on to play in many TV shows and movies including "Bonanza" and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".
This song came to mind while thinking about my sister and a little project I want to do. It made me think of better days ahead and I want to share it with you. Oh' and you're probably wondering about that title, keep reading and you'll understand. I just got sidetracked with this song.
It was written by and performed by Gale Garnette from Australia who later went on to play in many TV shows and movies including "Bonanza" and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".
What a beautiful song to start out with on Sunday. I hope your Sunday is full of sunshine and love.
Now back to that title. This verse is why I named this post "Are You Wearing the Proper Clothes?"
Matthew 22:11-14 (From Parable of the Wedding Feast)
11 But when the king came in to meet the guest, he noticed a man who wasn't wearing the proper clothes for a wedding. 12 'Friend, he asked, 'how is it that you re here without wedding clothes?' 13 But the man had no reply. 13 Then the king said to his aides, 'Bind his hands and feet and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' 14 "For many are 'called, but few are chosen."
Reading the study notes I learned the meaning of this passage.
- 22:11 The term proper clothes correspond to spiritual fruit that demonstrates real faith (see 7:13-27).
- 22:13 Weeping and gnashing of teeth express the intense pain and sorrow that result from condemnation for sin and unbelief (see 8:12; 13:42, 50; 24:51; 25:30. *Outer darkness is a metaphor for eternal punishment.
- 22:14 While many people are called-they hear the invitation to the kingdom-few are actually chosen by God and respond in faithful obedience to Jesus.
I'm so glad that I have a study Bible. I've wanted one for years. While I understand certain phrases such as 'weeping and gnashing of teeth', I didn't realize what the term 'proper clothes' referred to. I won this Bible though a giveaway earlier this year and am so grateful, as I said before, I had wanted one for years. Now I realize just how vital it is. I'm not writing this to promote this particular Bible (which I love, if you can't tell). I just wanted to share the verse this morning and thought it was important to share what I learned as well. If you've ever thought about getting a study Bible I whole-heartily recommend that you do. Mine is the NLT Study Bible by Tyndale.
Now I have to go lay down and I'll be pondering the question about my clothes and what other people see inside of me.
Love and wishes for a blessed day ya'll.
Hugs......Tracy :)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Has anyone else out there had to deal with "Chonic Fatigue Syndrome"? The Dr. told me that's what he thinks is wrong but didn't offer much in the way of advice. Don't you just love that?
I would love to hear from anyone else who has had to live with this or work they way through it. Any tips and suggestions would be appreciated. Unlike what the message above says, I'll be grateful to hear from ya'll.
Hugs....Tracy :)
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Tired of being tired
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