Monday, August 30, 2010

Are you Louise?

Hi Everyone.  Was it a good weekend for ya'll?  I hope it was.  I've had so many new people leave comments lately and I'm still working my way around Neil to have computer time to answer everyone back.  I really am going to have to try to sell something on etsy to get $35.00 to get my computer running again!

Yesterday (Sunday) was a painful day emotionally.  I know this is getting old for so many of you.  There was an email on my post about my ugly side from last week.  I was surprised to get a response on that post now.  The point is just when I was hurting yesterday,  I took my cell phone and retreated to the closet.  It's a nice size closet and made a pallet on the floor and took refuge and a nap there.  I took my baby Mattie (the dog) with me.  Having her sleep with me is comfort.  After crying and sleeping, I woke up to find a comment  from someone new. (I like to read my emails and comments on the phone when I can't get to the computer but hate typing on it).  It really did bring tears back to my eyes for much better reasons.  I don't know who Louise is or how to contact her but I would like to personally thank her.  If you are Louise please let me know how to reach you via email.  If you prefer to not be reach please accept my most heartfelt thanks.  God really does find the most unique ways to comfort us.  I think he knew how alone I felt or much, words had hurt.

There are so many emails I read last week that touched me in the most deep and profound way.  I'm sure you know who you are.  I would read them and cry (what a baby I am).  I didn't write back at the time because I wanted to really be able to sit and address each one with the attention and love it was sent with.  Between that and the giveaway and roller coaster here everything just got so mixed up and away from me.  I hope no one's feelings have been hurt because your words still resonate in my heart.  I'm determined to catch up and I thank  you from the bottom of my  heart.  

I just wish I could hug each one of you and send you a token of my appreciation.  Words just aren't enough.  I pray each of you feel as blessed as you make me feel.

With bushels of love....Tracy :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bright and Colorful, Sweet and Kind - Smiling Ear To Ear

Is this not the cutest card you've ever seen?  I've been wanting to show this off for over a week now, but the giveaway really kept me hopping. 

I've been following Pam's blog Expressions With Heart for a good while now.  I look forward to seeing her name pop up on my email because I know I'm going to see a brand new card that she has created.  I have so much blog envy going on from all the creative souls I know here and Pam is right up there at the top.  She was so sweet to send me this one.  I just love the primary colors.  I was telling her how much it reminded me of a childhood memory and bold and behold she sent it to me.  EEEKKKK!!!!  I was so excited and so proud to own someones work that I admire so much.  I can't quit looking at it and smiling.  Tell the truth.  You are too, right?  And her work is so neat and clean.  Why can't I do that????  Her cards are so better than professional/retail.  So much love and heart in each one.  And as for me, everyday I say this is my favorite and she's knows that tomorrow she'll hear the same thing from me.  Truly, this is my favorite.  This one is MINE....

I hope you stop by and say hi to Pam and enjoy all her beautiful works of love.  Just click here or on her name.

Thank you Pam for being so thoughtful.  It certainly  turn an upside down week, right side up.

Hugs and Kisses..............Tracy :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We Have A Winner!

I bet you thought the day would never get here.  This has been a whole lot of fun for me.  I have never had so many comments and entries as I have for this.  Before I announce the winner I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who have left comments lately.  Not only entries here but comments on all my post the last 2 weeks.  You've left me with tears and smiles.  I've laughed and cried.  I've felt uplifted, warmed, hugged and appreciate.  Well, ya'll've (I know, not a real word just the Southern shortening) all just plain out made me feel special and to be honest a little spoiled.  I sure hope you don't go away and not come back.  And I really hope when time allows that you'll leave a word to just let me know you've been by.  

For those who haven't heard from me yet, I really am trying to get to you.  I've gotten a little mixed up between, all the post and kindness but it's all touched my heart so much.

I know, who's the winner Tracy.    

The winner is Jan @ The Polka Dot Barn!!!!!   

Congratulations Jan,  email me your address and I will get it headed your way.

Heart Felt Hugs To You Friends.............Tracy :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Last Day To Enter My Giveaway

Just a little reminder.  This is the last day to enter my 1 year blogiversary giveaway.  Just click here or on the picture above to enter at that post (not here, Sweeties).

Good Luck to everyone.  And thank you for blessing me with so many kind comments.  I've had the time of my life reading them!

Hugs...Tracy :)

What Goes Together Better Than Makeover and Review

You've all heard me talk about CSN Stores and there unbelievable selection of items.  You can find everything from lights to rugs to porch furniture.  Just click on lights to take a peek.

Lucky for me I've been offered the opportunity to do a review of  my choice of CSN Stores' products.  Oh' how will I ever decide which to choose?  Well since I was in the middle of a porch makeover when everything went haywire this summer I will be using it to continue that project.  By the time my summer makeover is done it will be fall but that works fine in Florida since we'll still be in the high 80's till December unless we get lucky.

So I hope you stay tuned to see what wonderful product I review and see if I hit or miss on the makeover.  Remember this is a limited, up-cycle for the most part makeover.  Thank goodness for CSN, I have something shiny and new too.

Hugs.....Tracy :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Happiest Day of My Life

Out to dinner with reserve friends. Ty is in the red plaid.

I remember the day so well.  As far as I'm concerned it could have been yesterday.  (dreamy music, blurry dream like fading)...........................


My one and only child is a grown man of 31 today.  Like any mother he means the world to me.  I only wish I could celebrate with him today.  I love you, Ty with all my heart!

Now back to that dreamy state........................................

 My obstetricians were a group of 3 older Doctors.  The oldest being my main Doctor but I saw each one at a different visit so that I would be accustom to whomever might deliver my child.  It was the early years of being able to discover if you were having a boy or a girl.  Pampers even were fairly new.  Don't tell me, I want to be surprised.  Now remember this is 31 years ago, I was 18, 19 when Ty was born.  All the talk was natural childbirth.  Me and my silly young self, opened my mouth and said "I'd like to have my child naturally.  Yep, natural childbirth, no drugs".   It's taken nearly 31 years to laugh at that one.  

Months later.............My husband driving me to the hospital.  No contractions just back labor.  Already I think I'm dying.  After having the nurses do their part to clean me out I was stuck in a bathroom screaming for my life -  Can I Go Lay Down Yet?  Where Is My Husband?   Yes, that was the days of Dads being allowed into the delivery room and when I say Dad's, that's what I mean.  Just one person.  No family gatherings in a lovely birthing room back then.  Just a stark delivery room.  I don't remember a whole lot after that.  I kept blacking out, only waking up long enough to pull myself out of the bed by squeezing the life out of my husbands hand while screaming (ever so attractively, I'm sure) from the top of my lungs.  Within an hour I was saying drugs, make them give me drugs, I can't do this.  The drugs came and my memories of childbirth didn't return until 2 days later.  

I remember at delivery time telling the nurses, doctors and whoever would listen that I've got to pee.  Let me up to go to the bathroom - push, scream, push, scream, pass out.  

Here it is!  It's coming, the babies coming.  Loud savage screams from me.  The heads out, push Tracy push.  With dead seriousness from me (remember I was totally drugged at the time), I tell them leave it right there, I changed my mind, it's okay.  Just stop, leave it there!  A few more pushes, passing out for awhile.  I awaken when the Doctor says Tracy, Tracy.......It's a boy.  You have a son.  I remember this so clearly.  I looked at the Doctor ifand said Un-Un.  He said, yes you've had a son.  Again Un-Un, where?  Show me.  He points to the nurse who I assume was standing next to me holding my son and thinking, why in the heck is she standing why over there in the corner and I can't see with all those people around him.  I then promptly passed out again.

Yep, it's all true.  But I also remember my dad standing there when I was rolled out to recovery saying, he's got the Whittemore nose Tracy, he's got our nose.  A standing joke between my dad and me. Well any Whittemore really.  There were lots of family and friends there but I was too out of it to appreciate them.  The next day I called my Daddy and told him  I couldn't believe it I have a son.  We only had girls in our family for so long, no one really thought I'd have a son, including me.  I told my Daddy I couldn't believe it, I loved him so much.  I don't think I could have loved a daughter this much, I can't believe how much I love him.  I'm must have called Daddy back three times, saying the same thing before they could get back to the hospital.  I was a new Mother and I was in love!!!

As for that Doctor that never bothered to tell me there was such a thing as an epidural.  Well I learned that little secret while in the hospital AFTER delivery.  I asked his nurse why my Doctor never offered me that option.  She said he was very old fashioned and didn't believe in natural child birth and if a woman wanted to have natural child birth then it was natural all the way.  Great policy Pops.

The truth of the matter is I wouldn't have missed giving birth to Ty for anything in the world.  Thank you God for blessing me with the most wonderful, handsome, surfing, cowboy, soldier, truck driver Son in the world.  You are the reason I live and you fill my heart with love.

First Party Link Up Ever - Giveaway Reminder

****UPDATE 4/28/11****
I've linked this apron post up with Delightfully Inspiring Thursdays with DaNita @ Delightful Order.
You can see more of my aprons for sell here in my Etsy shop "Cotton Pickin Cute".  I also make custom orders too.  I'm getting close to a new milestone so that means a new giveaway for y'all.  Keep watching.  Thanks y'all!

It's true.....You never stop learning.  Well I learned how to link up to another site tonight.  This is my first link up ever.  

I've linked up with A Frugal Friend.  Every Saturday she lets people link up their giveaway to her blog.  Well you know me.  I never disappoint (ha-ha), late as usual. I just linked up which means I'm late (surprise) and that puts me at #219.  Yes you read that right, there are #219 giveaways just waiting for ya'll to check them out. 

I hope ya'll will go by and visit Debra.  She has other link ups too.  As she describes her blog "Helping families save money through coupons, rebates, freebies and deals".  So whether you like giveaways or saving money, you'll find both on this busy gals blog.  Good Luck!!!
Don't forget my giveaway ends August 25th.  If you haven't enter yet, just go to that post by clicking here.

Have a blessed week friends.  Hugs...Tracy :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A New Giveaway From A New Found Blog


I came upon a precious new blog tonight.  You know how it starts, you get on to go visit the people you've been wanting to say thank you to and then you pop somewhere else because there is that tempting little button just calling your name.  That's how I found Lysa and her blog "Lessons from the Desert".  

Well of all things, Lysa is having a giveaway too.  And you know I can't resist sharing them with you.  This giveaway is called Good Reads, for obvious reasons.  Good books, bookmarks and a candle to relax with.  Her  giveaway ends on August 29th.  

I hope you'll go by and say hi to Lysa she hasn't been a bloglander for even a year yet.  Like I'm an old pro. ha.    I think she describes herself and her blog best in these words: "A personal blog by a woman who has devoted her life to living for the Lord and has been called to share her understanding of HIM as a way of encouraging others". 

You can visit her by clicking on her name or blog name above or here.  And if I did my job right you should be able to click the picture of her giveaway and get there too.

Have a wonderfully blessed Sunday.  You'll all blessed me beyond measure this week. And I'm still visiting between all the hub-bub going on here.  So if you haven't heard from me yet I'm on my way.
Love ya'll.....Tracy :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Have You Seen My Ugly Side

I don't like it.  I do my best not to have one.  But we all do.  I do my best to keep it to myself, hidden from others.  I've never seen a reason to be ugly to people or mean just because I'm having a bad day.  Of course I can be ugly.  I can get mean right back to someone who's horrible to me.  I'll probably hear from some of you telling me that I should be more understanding, less selfish.  For 3 years she has gotten ruder and meaner but and I for almost the whole part have lived with, tried to pretend it wasn't said and on and on.  But now it is so much worse.

My MIL's 90th birthday is tomorrow.  It should be a time of great celebrate.  A milestone that few get to mark.  She has alienated everyone and now there is no one to celebrate.  Her Granddaughter did call to say she'd like to get together tomorrow.  For years I put on birthday celebrations, bought many gifts, landscaped her yard, went shopping with her, took her to Drs., painted her house several times inside and out, sewed curtains and on and on.  She always said birthdays don't mean a thing.  She kept a calendar with her second husbands children, grandchildren and her children's birthdays and never mine or my son.  That hurt but I still always never said anything.I just tried to be as good to her as I would my own Mother.  She never has been the type to say thank you or to do for others but she was not rude.  In the last 2 weeks she has cursed us out as well as the rehabilitation therapist, the nursing aid and anyone else who speaks to her.  Rehabilitation said there is no point on them coming back because she won't cooperate.  You say that shirt makes your eyes look pretty and she say something rude and smart.  I've changed her sheets every day this week.  One evening she went back to bed after going to the bathroom and didn't put on clean panties  That morning when we woke her and she was wet she still refused to clean up or let me help.  She actually was so out of control when Neil and I tried to get her into the shower I told him to just help her stand up and I would clean her.  She was slapping and hitting the entire time.  What do you do?  I couldn't leave her like that.  But her  words are even worse and more painful.  The way she speaks to the people who come in our home to help her.  She tells us daily that she doesn't know how she got here but she'll never step foot in here again (with many explicative's) and she puts her finger in our face and says I never want to see you or you again.   One time she even took my childhood bible that I put on her beside to read since hers wasn't there and she tore out all the pages with my family history and when the bible was given to me, ripped them up and through them behind her beside table and of course denied it.  I never said a word though Neil did.  I was so hurt.

I know you all want to tell me how it's not her fault and how I should be more understanding.  It's true, I'm sure, but I'm so tired of burying the hurt, pain and yes anger that I feel.  I'm tired of  being nice only to be treated like a maid. I have feelings too.  My tension headaches are getting worse, I can hardly eat (which may be a good thing).

So friends I have a request.  Please, Please say a prayer for my heart.  Please pray that it will soften again,  pray that I can be someone Jesus would be proud of.  But also pray that just maybe my family can appreciate what I try to do.   Pray for me not to be selfish or stubborn.  I hope I  haven't run off all my friends but I was going to scream if I didn't get this out.

With a heart of sorrow and tears.....Tracy

P.S.  I bet there are a ton of mistakes in this but I'm to tired to read over it so I hope it makes sense.
And yes I know she is scared and this is probably her way of dealing with it unfortunately I'm worn out from dealing with it to long.  I just want to love her but maybe I don't have enough love.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Want to say Thanks!!!

I think this picture perfectly describes how you've made me feel this week. It seems like people have been lining up to go on a wild ride of fun with me and I'm having the best time of all. I have had a blast reading all the sweet comments. I've got lots of new friends to visit. And I'm so grateful for the faithful ones I've known so long... Many of you know how hard my days seem to be and you've all been so sweet and made the load feel lighter.

Thank you each and everyone for joining in on my giveaway. There's still plenty of time if you haven't. Thank ya'll for just coming by to visit, for caring and sharing and loving and lending shoulders. I'm trying my best to get back to everyone but it seems I'm fast losing ground ~ but I WILL GET THERE! Just know if you haven't heard from me yet I'm on my way.

Love you all ~ Be Blessed....Tracy :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

What Would I Do Without Friends?

Do you see my new button?  Isn't it great.  I'm so lucky to have the sweetest friend.  Dear Donna from Brynwood Needleworks created it for me.  It was just a surprise gift from her today. I didn't ask, I was just blessed!  I think Donna knows just how heard things have been lately.  I barely find time to eat and late at night I try to catch up with everyone.  Today, well actually the last three days have been awful.  Blogging and all your comments are all that's gotten me through.  So Donna, I just want you to know what a blessing your kindness and spontaneous generosity mean to me today.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I hope everyone will take a moment to stop by and say hey to Donna today.  I know she'd love to hear from you and you're definitely missing out if you don't because she is the creator of the most beautiful things.  What else would you expect from a beautiful heart. 

Hugs and love.....Tracy :)

P.S.  Remember someone who's kind to you today.  Kindness should be appreciate and rewarded with a loving  heart and spirit!

The Sweetest Pink Giveaway

Hey ya'll!  Did everybody have a fun weekend?  I'm hoping you did.  Here's a new giveaway to start your week off right.  I found another wonderful new blog to share with you and she just so happens to have the cutest giveaway going on.  Her name is Lynn and her blog is called Teacup Stitches.  Look at this beautiful bottle she's embellished to give to one lucky winner.  She has so much eye candy on her blog that you'll be tempted to stay awhile.

Good luck ya'll.  Oh' don't forget to enter my giveaway here.  

Have a good Monday. Hugs...Tracy :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another Giveaway To Share

Is anyone getting tired of GIVEAWAYS?  I didn't think so.  Well I have a brand new one for you.  This is a new blog to me as well.  Linda over at the Prairie Flower Farm is having a Christmas Bundle Giveaway to get you started.  You do know it will be here way before you know it, don't you?   I think you'll like her blog as much as her giveaway.  It's a cozy place you'll enjoy visiting.  Linda is a faith loving woman of the Lord.  She has cute tutorials and is a very crafty gal.  Please go by and say hey but do it soon, her giveaway ends on August 20th.

Love and Hugs Friends....T :)

P.S.   Thank you all for the overwhelming response to my giveaway.  I just love, love, love reading your comments.  It's been a huge bright spot for me.  If you haven't entered there's still time, just click here

I've been posting all the giveaways I can find so take a look at the recent post.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

News Alert!!! Generousity Abounds on Blogger - Giveaways Galore

Blogland seems to be overflowing with giveaways and one of my dearest friends is having one too.  Debbie from Love the Decor is hosting this one.  Love the decor is right!  I love her blog and if you don't love her already, you will once you meet her.  She has such a Sweet soul.  See the cute custom blocks up for grabs.  Well if you want a chance to win them and even better a chance to make a great new friend head on over to Love the Decor and enter Debbie's giveaway.

P.S.  I've been listing giveaways over the past 3 days as I find them and can find time.  So be sure an check out the older post to read about them and don't forget to enter my giveaway too!

Have a beautiful and blessed Sunday everyone.  Hugs....Tracy :)

Bakers Twine Giveaway - It Reminds Me Of Candy

Well, I'm on a giveaway roll this weekend.  Here's another new giveaway I've found.  Well a new blogger too.  Grace at Grace Hester is hosting a new giveaway sponsored by The Twinery. She is giving  one full spool of twine (in any color) OR one of the twine sampler packs (combo of 15 yards of each color - 120 yards total) to one of her readers!   Not only that but she also has a cool tutorial and download to make these cute tags.

I love the striped bakers twine.   I always think of candy and cakes when I see it.  Be sure to go here to enter.  And don't forget I have a giveaway too just click here to enter.  Be sure to check my older post for other giveaways.

Have a blessed weekend friends.  OOXX's....Tracy :)

Someone Else Is Having A Giveaway

Hey Ya'll. 

I know you're all out enjoying these last days of summer before the kids or grands go back to school, but hopefully you'll find time to read this.  I love to find giveaways and even though I get an extra entry, I really like to share them because that's what blogland's all about ~ right?  

Well I just found out about Lynn's blog  Happiness is Cross Stitching and she's having a giveaway to celebrate her Second Anniversary.  You have until August 31st to enter, but you don't want to wait and take a chance on missing this one.  Lot's of pretty Marie Antoinette creations by Lynn herself.  They really are so pretty.

P.S. Don't forget about my One Year Blogiversary.  I just listed the 2nd (last) giveaway yesterday. Click here to enter.

Lots of love....Tracy :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Giveaway I Promised Finally

Giveaway is Closed

I been promising for awhile but it's finally time.  I can't get a decent picture for anything but here it goes anyway.  I had this together before everything went haywire here.  My MIL is back home and free time between Neil and her is at a premium.

I want each of you to know how very much each of you mean to me.  A year ago, I could have never dreamed how of having so many friends and how much they you would mean me.  Virtual Friends, what's that?   You are very real to me.   It's just so great to know that there are people that care through the good and bad.  I love seeing bits of everyone's lives, what they're making, what they're doing, the great photos, their vacations.  It's wonderful to be able to share the good and the bad, to know there are others like you.  Real life.  I hope you  know your comments mean the world to me.  They brighten each and everyday.   Thank you all for seeing me through a difficult year and making it so much brighter.

So on with the show.  

First off, I've created a special apron.  It is totally up-cycled, from the soft white bed sheet to the old tulle.  I love soft worn sheets to sew with and this one had a beautiful battenburg lace trim.  I added bits and pieces of old tulle, lace napkins, doilies and created a flower.

2nd, I made a quilted tote bag to keep you're crafts in or take to the library with you.

3rd, I found this cute little silver sugar bowl and made a pincushion out of it. I love it ahd had so much fun making it.

4th, look at this cute little globe.  Isn't it just the cutest thing.  Apparently a Paris Souvenir with an etching of the Eiffel Tower and Paris inside.

5th, this darling little jar I found with cherries in the top.  I filled it with button.

6th, is the pink glass bottle filled with lavender buds.  I used to never like the smell of lavender but it's true it is very calming and relaxing.  If you have sinus problems like me, it really helps.

7th, a few little vintage postcards.

Now for the details.

Mandatory Entry ~ Please leave a comment even if you say....Peter Pumpkin Picked a Pepper.

For extra entries do any of the following but be sure to leave a separate comment for each.

* ~ Become a follower of Cotton Pickin Cute.  If you are already a follower leave a comment for an entry too.

** ~ Blog about my giveaway or add my giveaway button to your sidebar for 2 extra entries

*** ~ Make a purchase from my Esty store Cotton Pickin Cute for 2 extra entries.

**** ~  Follow me with Twitter at tonasun.  Be sure to leave me your twitter name so I can follow you too.
***** ~ Follow me with Facebook. Same with Facebook.  Let me know your name so I can follow you too.

That's all there is to it ~ 8 easy entries.  Non-bloggers are welcome to enter.  I'll be picking a winner with a number generator thingy on August 25th.  Just be sure you leave me your email so I can contact you in case you win.

Good Luck and plenty of hugs...Tracy :)

P.S. If anyone can tell me how to add words to my giveaway picture I would be very grateful.  I can't believe I was able to get the button made as it is.

Please ignore - this is only a test

Please Ignore, just testing.  Yea!!!! It worked, after months of no photo's showing up on reading list, I finally fixed it.  Whew.....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Catching My Breath

Wonderful, Peaceful, Restful Sunday!  Oh how happy I am to see you.  And all you friends too.

It has been a way to hectic 3 weeks.  I'm really so confused now, I don't know if it's been three weeks or not, that everything just went CRAZY!

Nadine (my MIL) is out of the hospital and in a nursing home.  Although I can't call it a nursing home to Neil.  It's rehab, only to get his Mom back on her feet and back home with us again.  Bless his heart, he worries about her so.  Honestly, I worry about him.  She will be 90 on August 20th.  I think she's just tired.  Do you know what I mean.  I, in no way am belittling her pain.  She certainly is in pain, but can't you imagine how tired she is.  Growing old is not for the weak.  I've never had to see a loved one grow old really.  My first huge loss was my paternal Grandmother - Grandma Lizzie.  Oh' how I loved that woman.  We didn't see her all the time.  She traveled between her childrens homes by the time I was born.  I was 12 when she passed away and she was 93.  She was a vintage grandmother.  All soft and pale with long dresses, kind of old timey shoes and lots of beautiful old sparkling brooches.  All white haired and powdery smelling.  Slow moving but with a mind as sharp as a tack.  I never knew her to drive, like I said she was a little old Granny by the time I came along, I truly doubt that she ever learned how.  She lived a long life and was a very strong independent woman.  Well I'm off track now but I do think I'll come back and share a little of this amazing woman's life later.

Neil told the hospital they could send his mom to rehab for 2 weeks but then he was bringing her home after that.  I believe the Doctor was suggesting it was time for a more permanent stay.  We had the rescue take her to the hospital Friday night a week ago because of her ribs and she wasn't eating and was bedridden.  We left the hospital without knowing anymore than when we went in.  She stayed there until Wednesday before moving to the rehab center.  They did xrays of her ribs,CAT scans,  went down her throat, checked for bleeding ulcers (we told them she had been complaining of heart burn or acid reflux).  Then her stomach was hurting so they did a sonogram.  They said all the test were excellent.  I'm beginning to think they were just running up the bill, but you never want to take a chance especially when with her because with the Alzheimer's she really doesn't know how to tell you how she feels.  And she really doesn't understand what your asking her a lot of the time.  It's very scary.  Sometimes she's just fed up with us and won't talk to us and we panic.  But at least we got her re-hydrated and had professionals there to look after her.  Neil stayed with her day and night.  He did come home to change and grab a bite.  He was so tired and so worried about her being confused and scared without him there.

Please keep my MIL and us in your prayers.  They are so needed right now.  I'm finally starting to catch my breath and then a panic attack sneaks in.  Uuuuggghhh. 

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.  Love...Tracy :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Book Full of Inspiration ~ Goodie, Goodie!

I've been such a bad blogger.  Missing in action and missing so much.  Worst of all I was the lucky winner of a dear friends blog and am only now getting to you and show you what I won.

Deb of Deb's Vintage Soul is a collector and creator of all things girly and beautiful.  She gave away 2 prizes and I was lucky enough to win Mary Emmerling's Smart Decorating Book.  I miss the old days when she was on HGTV.  She makes the most out of the least.  Deb's good at that too, wouldn't you say?  Look at this desk and chair that she just made over.  And they weren't even a set before she started!
Take a minute and stop in Deb's Vintage Soul, just click here or on her name.  Lots to look at and a kind, kind soul to visit with.

Wishing you all a fun, fun weekend.  Hugs...Tracy :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm Dreaming of Christmas and Rebecca Has the Perfect Giveaway

Well the spirit of Christmas is alive and well in blogland.  As a matter of fact it's downright thriving.  Artist busy creating the most wonderful things to get me excited.  And with this weather I'm staying in the cool a/c so it's not too hard to dream of winter.  Just take a peek at the beautiful creations Rebecca of "A Gathering Place" has come up with!  Her creations are just deliciously sweet, they always remind me of a wonderful old sweet shop or bakery.  I adore the beautiful pillow but I'm such a collector of Christmas ornaments and I even have a Christmas tree themed in soft pink and white ornaments.  I'd be thrilled to win either.  If you'd like to win and I know you would, just click here or on the pictures or Rebecca's giveaway button on my sidebar.

Debra's Having A Giveaway - Oh' Goodie!

I love to share giveaways with you and especially when they are hosted by a dear friend.  Debra at Common Ground is celebrating the opening of her new Etsy shop "Debra's Vintage Design".  She creates the sweetest jewelry.  I hope you drop by and enter.  You'll end up with a wonderful friend and maybe even a necklace Designed by you.  Just click here or on her giveaway button below or on my sidebar.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hospitals, Doctors, Hospitals - We're Not Done Yet - UUUUGGGHHHH!

Hello Dear Friends who keep me sane.

Is anyone up for a little Whine today?  Last night we were back at the hospital.  Not for me this time but for my MIL.  The past week and a half she has been having more and more rib pain.  Getting in the car and waiting 2 hours for the hospital to decide to keep me did not help her at all.  The last 2 days we haven't been having any luck getting her up or even eating in bed.  Last night we finally called the rescue and went to the hospital.  It looks like she has several newly fractured ribs and they got her on fluids for dehydration.  So for the short story she and Neil spent the night at the hospital and I came home about 3 AM.

I'm still trying to get back to normal.  Last Friday I went back to the Dr. and got new meds because I couldn't keep the antibiotics down.  It was horrible.  But now I'm on something that doesn't bother me at all, thank goodness.  But the Dr. decided I needed a tetanus shot.  I asked if there would be any after affects, fever, etc to deal with and they said no.  THEY LIED!!!  OMG, where they gave me the shot it got the size of a baseball and fevered like crazy.  My whole arm has ached for days.  I really don't like taking pain meds but had to a couple of times.  Today the redness is finally receding.  Did I tell you I stepped on an old rusty piece of farm equipment after I came home from the hospital.  Like an old tiller and got a good gash between two  toes.  Believe me when I say July couldn't end fast enough.  I was destined for the hospital.  Later I'll tell you how I almost broke my arm in the kitchen a mixer a few days before the cat bite.  Who knew a kitty could be so dangerous.  And why am I being so klutzy all of a sudden? 

 No, this is not the kitty that bit me.  Thank Goodness!
Plus we're having a heat index of 105-110.  Oh Summer please end, and sweet fall last months instead of our usual month.

Sneak Peek

On to some brighter news.  I kept telling you last month that I had another giveaway planned for my anniversary and I do even if it is a month late.  I finished the apron that will be apart of the giveaway before going in the hospital but pics are horrible so I do need to retake them.  I'm going to give you just a small peek here.  I can't promise when I'll get the giveaway going.  Even before Nadine went to the hospital I was trying to care for her, Neil has had to go places several days and I'm really still tired and just starting to feel a little pain free.  Now with her in the hospital and I don't know if she is coming home tomorrow or not, and me visiting and Neil staying with her, it may take a little time before I can get to blog and get the giveaway listed.

PLEASE, PLEASE know Dear Sweet Friends just how much your comments me to me.  They are what keep me going.  Every single kind word is like the voice of an angel. Please keep my family in your prayers, we need them so much right now.  I know your tired of hearing this but it's hard to find the positives and you provide that right now.

May God bless each of you for the kindness you've shared with me.
Love and Sweet Hugs...Tracy :)