Monday, August 23, 2010

First Party Link Up Ever - Giveaway Reminder

****UPDATE 4/28/11****
I've linked this apron post up with Delightfully Inspiring Thursdays with DaNita @ Delightful Order.
You can see more of my aprons for sell here in my Etsy shop "Cotton Pickin Cute".  I also make custom orders too.  I'm getting close to a new milestone so that means a new giveaway for y'all.  Keep watching.  Thanks y'all!

It's true.....You never stop learning.  Well I learned how to link up to another site tonight.  This is my first link up ever.  

I've linked up with A Frugal Friend.  Every Saturday she lets people link up their giveaway to her blog.  Well you know me.  I never disappoint (ha-ha), late as usual. I just linked up which means I'm late (surprise) and that puts me at #219.  Yes you read that right, there are #219 giveaways just waiting for ya'll to check them out. 

I hope ya'll will go by and visit Debra.  She has other link ups too.  As she describes her blog "Helping families save money through coupons, rebates, freebies and deals".  So whether you like giveaways or saving money, you'll find both on this busy gals blog.  Good Luck!!!
Don't forget my giveaway ends August 25th.  If you haven't enter yet, just go to that post by clicking here.

Have a blessed week friends.  Hugs...Tracy :)


  1. Hi Tracy:
    Thank you for sharing a new resource/blogger! We can all appreciate savings these days. I hope you have a creative and joyful week, my friend.

  2. Hi Tracy!
    I just started a giveaway linkup feature each Sunday. I'd love it if you'd come on over and link up your giveaways!

    Have a great week!
