Sunday, August 22, 2010

A New Giveaway From A New Found Blog


I came upon a precious new blog tonight.  You know how it starts, you get on to go visit the people you've been wanting to say thank you to and then you pop somewhere else because there is that tempting little button just calling your name.  That's how I found Lysa and her blog "Lessons from the Desert".  

Well of all things, Lysa is having a giveaway too.  And you know I can't resist sharing them with you.  This giveaway is called Good Reads, for obvious reasons.  Good books, bookmarks and a candle to relax with.  Her  giveaway ends on August 29th.  

I hope you'll go by and say hi to Lysa she hasn't been a bloglander for even a year yet.  Like I'm an old pro. ha.    I think she describes herself and her blog best in these words: "A personal blog by a woman who has devoted her life to living for the Lord and has been called to share her understanding of HIM as a way of encouraging others". 

You can visit her by clicking on her name or blog name above or here.  And if I did my job right you should be able to click the picture of her giveaway and get there too.

Have a wonderfully blessed Sunday.  You'll all blessed me beyond measure this week. And I'm still visiting between all the hub-bub going on here.  So if you haven't heard from me yet I'm on my way.
Love ya'll.....Tracy :)


  1. Tracy~
    Thank you so much for posting this on your blog!
    Yes, I am new to the blogger world and I just love your day I'll figure out how to post yours to mine via the same method you did mine to yours! So much to learn! But I'm loving it!
    Blessings to you and yours!

  2. Hi Tracy, I came via Donna's blog and I'm glad I did. We are almost neighbors ... Jacksonville is 90 miles from us :))
    Have read about your MIL and oh I do understand. Mine has become the same way and it is very difficult for my Sweetie too. So I'm praying for all of us !
