Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bright and Colorful, Sweet and Kind - Smiling Ear To Ear

Is this not the cutest card you've ever seen?  I've been wanting to show this off for over a week now, but the giveaway really kept me hopping. 

I've been following Pam's blog Expressions With Heart for a good while now.  I look forward to seeing her name pop up on my email because I know I'm going to see a brand new card that she has created.  I have so much blog envy going on from all the creative souls I know here and Pam is right up there at the top.  She was so sweet to send me this one.  I just love the primary colors.  I was telling her how much it reminded me of a childhood memory and bold and behold she sent it to me.  EEEKKKK!!!!  I was so excited and so proud to own someones work that I admire so much.  I can't quit looking at it and smiling.  Tell the truth.  You are too, right?  And her work is so neat and clean.  Why can't I do that????  Her cards are so better than professional/retail.  So much love and heart in each one.  And as for me, everyday I say this is my favorite and she's knows that tomorrow she'll hear the same thing from me.  Truly, this is my favorite.  This one is MINE....

I hope you stop by and say hi to Pam and enjoy all her beautiful works of love.  Just click here or on her name.

Thank you Pam for being so thoughtful.  It certainly  turn an upside down week, right side up.

Hugs and Kisses..............Tracy :)


  1. Tracy! The two of us up until all hours! Thank you so much for letting me know about this wonderful card maker. This IS the cutest card ever, and I have the paper. I am off to visit her blog and then bed! Have a lovely Sunday! Elizabeth

  2. Beautiful card maker my friend. Thank you for sharing~

    Love to you~


  3. thanks Tracy! I love to share and so glad for your friendship!
    Pam Going Postal
