Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Holiday House Prepping Step One

I thought I take a minute to show you the before of our front door.  It's not finished yet.  This is the before while in the middle of sanding it down.  Since then I've put the first coat of varnish on.  I'll continue to sand and varnish at least 3 coats to get the finish I want or until I get so sick of it I can't stand it anymore.

You know it really does feel good to be getting another project started that's on my long list of things to.  Sometimes we, (okay me) get all tied up in the totality of it all.  We get overwhelmed and think I'll never get all of it done.  But it really is just one project at a time.  No, I don't have all the money to get the projects I want done right now.  Yes, it seems like there is more to do than I will ever be able to finish.  It's like the old saying you can't see the forest for the trees.  But just break it down to one tree at a time, i.e. one project at the time, you won't feel so defeated before you begin.

In the past 2 months I've gotten these projects done.  You can click on them to see the actual post.

So I guess even when you think you're not getting anything done,  well you might just be wrong.


  1. Good grief lady, I am exhausted just listening to you. Some of those I remember. I will have to find time to go back and check out all of them. Now, You sit down and take a break. Hugs, Ginger

  2. Hi hun! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a new follower;) In regards to your question about your video saying "This Video is unavailible, please try again later." I have done a little research for you on Google, as I have never used Google video before for my Sony Bloggie camera videos. It seems you aren't the only one experiencing this issue and seems to date back to 2007, with no fix for anyone!!!

    May I suggest setting up a Youtube account for your blog if you haven't already and using that video upload/sharing platform instead? I think that would be the best option for you with these Google video problems.

    Hopefully that helps you out. If you have any other questions, I will try my best to help you out, just shoot me an email. You can find it on my blogger profile;)

    xo, Tasha
