Friday, July 8, 2011

New Molding and Lots of Prep ~ Room Redo

If you see a smile on my face, it's only because I'm dreaming about how much brighter my house will look when we're through.  Actually I'm usually a lot  happier when I have a project to do, as long as I don't have to do it by myself.  So with me and Neil working together I'm pretty happy right now.

We added crown moldings a few years ago when we first remodeled this area of the house but we never got around to the windows and all the little finish up details.  Here's the windows before the molding was added.
Pretty Plain and dull.  Neil bought the trim pieces and trimmed them out just a few weeks ago.  No one ever said we were fast.  In the next pictures you can see the new trim which hasn't been painted yet.

It's a really open house with all the walls we removed when we started this project years ago.  No body ever believes that this is actually a 1920's house.  All new walls and bigger rooms with all new trim made a huge difference.  If you look at my old house photos part 1 here and part 2 here, you'll see what I mean.
I'm standing in the dining room side of the archway Neil created between the dining room and the living room.  It used to be the bathroom.
I really love the trim color but I would have liked to have gone to a shade of white.  Not the bright white of the window trim above.  But with this much trim, I had said I would never paint it again and I am so glad that I don't have to.  I'm mudding in all the little cracks and all around the new window trim (these things happen with an older off grade (i.e. above ground) house.  We bought a paint shade that will work with the trim so there may be a little trim touch up, but it would take forever to paint all the trim in these two rooms if I changed colors.  So yea for keeping it the same.
In the photo above you can see some of the new window trim.  Neil still has to get some trim to go between each set of two windows.  We have 3 sets = 6 windows across the front of the house, that includes the joining living room and dining room.

I always dread starting projects like this, especially mudding and painting.  There's so much clean up.  But once I get started I enjoy it.  It gives me a fresh clean feeling and I get nice and worn out so I sleep really good.  I just can't wait to see the new color.  Now, does anyone know where I can win a shopping certificate?

I can't believe Friday came so fast this week.  Ya'll have a fun weekend!
Hugs...Tracy :)
Quote of the Day

"If you hear a voice within you say, you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."
         ~Vincent Van Gogh (Birthdate March 30, 1853)
{Okay maybe this wasn't exactly the painting he had in mind.} LOL

1 comment:

  1. How fabulous my friend. I'm a LOVER of molding and using it in our 1969 era home has transformed it! LOVE IT!

    xoRebecca YOU LOOK LIKE ME WHEN I WORK! :)
