Friday, July 8, 2011

Celebrating TWO "2" Years and Lovin' It!

It was my blogiversary Wednesday and with all the computer problems I didn't even get to put a post up.  Boo-Hiss!!!

As you can see from this photo, the cats are beyond excited for me!  They can barely keep their eyes open.  Oh' to you it might look like they're bored but it's just from a long night of celebrating my 2 years of accomplishments.
And by the way, July also honor's the year ago mark, that blackie here, decided to bite me and send me for a nice 5 day vacation in the hospital.  Of course that's before she moved into the house with us, where she now resides.  She still doesn't feel we are worthy of touching her yet but she has taken a shine to Pumpkin, the meanest and strangest cat in the world.  There's no accounting for taste.  Blackie really is a sweet kitty, she's just still kind of a scaredy cat with us.  And I use the term loosely since she's probably over a year and a half old.  Anything looks little compared to Pumpkin.  If you notice he takes up a really large section of that love seat and he's not even stretched out.

And that's not all,  I just noticed that this is my 191nd post and it's only July.  That's already 1 more post than I wrote in all of 2010.  So basically in only a half-a-year I've already posted more than I did in all of 2010.  That's an improvement in my book.  Yippee!

Thank ALL of YOU  for making me feel so special!  It's been so much fun being a member of blog land and making such awesome friends.  You've all laughed and cried with me.  Supported me and prayed with me.  You've kept me company when I felt alone and encouraged me when I was down.  I've had such a good time visiting all of your blogs and getting to know you and find out how creative in all aspects of art and life you are.  Thank you from the bottom of my Cotton Pickin' Heart!!

And by the way I haven't overlooked this opportunity to share a little blog love with a giveaway.  I'm still working on something and I'll be sure to let you all in on it very soon.

Love and hugs.....Tracy :)


  1. Congratulations! Two years- Wow!!! That's great! I just started blogging in January, and I'm still learning how to do it. Had a lot of computer problems for a while, but everything seems okay now so maybe I can get going.
    Pumpkin looks like a beautiful cat. Cute photo of he 2 of them together! We have 2 brothers, but they don't hang out together like that.

  2. Happy Blogoversary!!! I have been having major computer problems, too! :( Your cats are adorable...even thought that bite sounds awful scary!
    Enjoy your weekend!!!

  3. Congratulations....I have been having trouble commenting with blogger recently...Evey week there seems to be a new problem....
    Hope you have a great Sunday

  4. hey Tracy! congrats on two years! I'm glad youre here!!
    have a great day!

  5. Happy Bloggy Birthday Tracy. We all hope you will continue for many more years!

