Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm Featured at DeLightful Order and It Made Me Smile.

I've been featured!  Can you believe it?  I was certainly surprised.  The lovely and talented DaNita at Delightful Order featured my fabric organization post (you can see it here) to her Delightfully Inspiring Thursday link party.
There are so many great link ups,  you'll have a blast hopping from blog to blog.  We can all use a little inspiration.  Thanks DaNita.

Since we've already had a Quote of the Day today, we'll just call this one a Quote of the Post.

"You are never to old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream".
                                                       ~ C.S. Lewis


  1. Congratulations!!!
    Praying for you today with all the wild weather!

    Hugs and lovin..Cindy

  2. Congrats!!!!You did a great job organizing your

  3. Congratulations! That's so exciting. Love the quote too.

  4. Congrats!!! I know how awesome it feels to have your creation picked for a feature out of hundreds of others.. you deserve it! That organizing of your pretty fabrics looks like it took forever, but, so worth it in the end! Great job!!
