Thursday, February 24, 2011

$25 Publix Give Card Giveaway Reminder! MIL Update

I have very few family photos with us all gathered together.  Our 2 cherished grandchildren Ki'a  with the birthday doll I made her and Zack with our fur baby Mattie.  The back row is my DIL Christal, Me, our son Ty (you can see he got my height- haa), MIL Nadine and Neil.  I love seeing everyone laughing.

What a busy day.  Neil and I just got home from the hospital.  We received a phone call this morning and Nadine's sugar was as high as 467 (normal is 72 - 100).  It was about 4 times as high as it should have been.  She has never had sugar diabetes.  This was really scary.  It's still very high but they have her on insulin and are checking her sugar every 4 hours.  It is coming down and they say they can control it.  They don't know why it shot up but it could be the feeding tube formula she is on.  They're doing tests to try and figure that out.

But on to better news....
The last few days she had gotten hard to communicate with.  Kind of glassy eyed and hazed.  Not even saying I love you and hardly responding at all.  Then last night I was really worried because we couldn't even get her to open her eyes the whole time we were there.  No response at all.  The nurse had some trouble with that this morning too.  But once they addressed the insulin issue we saw an amazing change.  This afternoon we really had a nice visit.  I had made her a mini photo album with a picture of her high school, I included a copy of her bio she wrote for her 50th graduation book, some of her wedding pictures with a copy of her marriage certificate and even notes she wrote in her wedding book about her meeting Neils dad for the first time and memories of their engagement.  I also included her house when the kids were little all the way through to girlfriends and great-grand children.  I labeled the pictures with husband, son, granddaughter, home, etc....  I was so happy to see her spending time looking at it.  She was a little confused but I think she really enjoyed it and will be spending a lot of time with it. I hope this will help her with her memory so she won't be so confused when we come and go. 
 This was taken during Halloween, duh!! When our son and his family were last home. You can see Neil and his Mom on the first row next to our precious granddaughter Ki'a.  Then Me and our sweet grandson Zack on the 2nd step.  And on the 3rd step is our one and only child Ty and our DIL Christal.

Thank each and everyone of you for your prayers.  I truly know in my heart that your prayers were heard and have lead to a miraculous difference!  Thank you Father for answered prayers and thank you all my prayer warriors.  You're all amazing and I love you.

Just a reminder.  If you haven't enter the giveaway please be sure to if you have a Publix near you or maybe a family member does that you'd like to share this with.  $25.00 at the grocery store would help anyone out.  Did you hear?  They are talking about gas being over $5.00 a gallon by May!  Unbelievable.  You can enter the giveaway here
Have a blessed and peaceful night y'all.    
Tracy :)


  1. Your MIL is having a very hard times these days, isn't she Tracy. I am sure the book that you made for her will be a great help to her when she tries to remember. It sounds beautiful. I love your story about the birds below. It made me laugh. You sound like me when you describe your lack of energy. I have very little. I am going to the dr soon to get some blood work done because this tired feeling all the time cannot be right. Let me know how things go with you. I will be back to visit.

  2. Just dropping in to check up on you. Nice family portraits there. Great idea on the album for Nadine. Hope they get that blood sugar thing under control.

  3. Tracy, you are such a joy to our day. How sweet the book you created for MIL, I am sure she will immensely enjoy it. I do hope & PRAY that she will be lifted from all these medical issues. So love your family pics ... I wish we had more than we do, also.

    Thank you for the giveaway, please toss me into the hat, sweetie.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." (Matthew 6:34)

    TTFN ~

  4. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your nice comments! I always enjoy meeting new people through blogging.
    I'm sorry to read about the the troubles your MIL has been having. I'm glad they were able to get her blood sugar down.
    What a nice idea to make a mini photo album for her to enjoy. I'm sure she loved it.
    Have a great weekend!
