Sunday, December 26, 2010

Urgent - Dear Friend Needs A Prayer Chain!!!

Dear Friends, 

I hope you all had a glorious Christmas with your loved ones.  I'm sending out this post trusting that it will be read by each of you.  You can make a difference in someones life today.

You have all made such a difference in my life. You have all come to my rescue and the Lord has heard your prayers and blessed me and my family immensely.  I'm coming to you with a request for a prayer chain for someone who has always had only the kindness words and heart for me.

is going through so much right now.  Her shoulders and heart just can't carry the burdens alone.  She needs your deepest prayers  and could use your kindest words.  

I won't go into what she has shared with me but I know frightened, scared, heartbreaking pain when I hear it.  Her family has had many strains this year.  Depression is seeping in and loneliness and sadness seem to have invaded her home.   She could use our love.  Her health is not good and the stress and worry she is under at this time is making her susceptible and weak.  

Please pray for her peace of mind, pray that loving and understanding fill her home.  I hope our words will give her the strength that she doesn't possess now.  Let our voices and prayers rise up to the heavens on her behalf.  Let our prayer chain be unbroken in the name of our Father.   

Miracles happen when two or more gather in his name!

I hope you stop by and leave Kym a kind word, it will mean so much.

Love to each of you....Tracy :)


  1. How sad to hear this news, Of Course, I will lift Kym in Prayer... off to visit her blog ~ xox to You Tracy...

  2. Tracy,
    I have stopped by to say thank you and hello and saw this seems a few of us are needing prayers and good wishes.....I will visit her shortly. I am not sure why you have that problem with my blog! You are also on blogspot....maybe when I get my regular backround and such it will work. Perhaps there is a glitch in my Christmas html work.....???? I will be back soon....just need to gather my thoughts for a bit and get the right synergy going again! Love you too! Sandy

  3. Tracy:
    You're a wonderful friend to ask for prayers for your friend. I'll head over to her blog to leave a message and will have her in my thoughts.

  4. Heading to her blog now. She will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. HI Tracy, I just wanted to let you know that I prayed for you friend last night and will again today. I didnt have time last night when i stopped here to leave a comment so I wanted to be sure I stopped back this morning.. and I will stop at kims place too.
    have a sweet day!

  6. I will be lifting her name in prayer.

  7. How blessed your friend is to have you!! The power of God and prayer is awesome! He hears our silent prayers and even our not so silent! When two or more gather in His name He is amongst them! I am praying now. XO Fran.

  8. I will pray. I believe that this blogland can be used for the good of God and there is power in prayer. Best Wishes for both in 2011!

  9. Prayer is so powerful! Thanks for loving your friend enough to ask for more pray-ers!

    Thank you also for the follow and putting my button on your are very thoughtful indeed!

    I'm now following you :)

  10. Oh No I just saw this, I can only hope by now, that all is resolved!
