Friday, December 24, 2010

Room In The Inn

Room In The Inn
And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in
swaddling clothes, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2: 7 (KJV)
Read Luke 2: 1-20

Years ago in a nearby school, the First Grade was presenting the Christmas Play. All children had learned their parts and were anxious to win the approval of fellow students, parents and guests who were the audience. The children playing Mary and Joseph came to the door of the inn; they knocked and asked for a bed.
The child playing the innkeeper knew his line well and said loudly, “There is no room in the inn. Go away.”

The audience sighed, “Oh” sympathetically. Then the student innkeeper felt distressed (not pleasing the
audience), SO, he ad-libbed. “There are no beds in the inn, but come on in and have a beer anyway.”
The audience clapped and student Joseph said ,”Well, I think we will go to the barn,” and the play went
on as planned.

Now, some think this might have spoiled this program, but not I.
I thought it showed the real spirit of Christmas...offer what you have. Help those in need. I am sure this little boy might have heard this at home as a gesture of hospitality. No matter, it was a heart of hospitality.

Do we have a heart sensitive to the needs of others?

Prayer: Our heavenly Father, give us a sensitive heart. May we open our hearts to You and be ready to
invite all into your kingdom and our lives. Amen.

Thought for the Day: Is there room in your heart and your life for Christ the Lord?
by Bettye Quinn

I just heard from Kate @ Auntie Cake's last night that her sister Libbie's in-laws just lost their home in a fire.  The entire home will have to be bulldozed.    How devastating to lose all your belongs anytime of year and especially at a time of celebration.  I don't have anymore details but am assuming that the family is okay physically.  
Please keep this family in your prayers.

From the bottom of my heart I wish each one of you 
The Very Merriest Christmas 
Love and Hugs......Tracy


  1. Merry, Merry, MERRY Christmas, sweet friend!!!!

  2. Merry Christmas, Tracy. I hope you have a joyful, restful and peaceful holiday season. Be safe, my friend.
    Love from our home to yours,
    Donna, Handsome, Kes and Fezzik

  3. Tracy...Santa is checking his have been put on the Nice list..yes you have.You have been a great prayer friend..and true Neighbor in all ways here in Blogville..and oh such a Joy to have as a friend. I pray you and your family have a great and Joyous Christmas tomorrow!!
    I will remember your friends in my prayers sad!! Love you girlfriend..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. What a beautiful post Tracy! It seems we all know of some tragedy that has happened this Christmas season. A true test to keeping our hearts open to God in the face of such unfairness. I hope your Christmas was blessed, and I hope for all good things in the coming New Year for you. Elizabeth
