Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thanks For Entering My Giveaway - But We're Not Done Yet!

I've had so much fun hearing from so many friends this week.  A year ago I would have never guess that I would have loved blogging so much.  The friends, the support, the uplifting, the has all become so important to me.  I love hearing your stories, seeing your creations, admiring your up-cycling.  Thank you friends for feeling a void.  

First.....I want to say congratulations to Diane at Diane Knotts Musings! said it was Diane's turn for a win.  By the way have you seen the gorgeous new pillow that Diane and Holly have made for their etsy store.  As Donna likes to say it's swooney.   Just full of lace and sweetness.   You can see the pillow here along with a multitude of other beautiful things.

Second.....Please excuse my mess.  I am trying to correct some layout problems and I'm almost bald now.  But I hope to be  it will be back to normal soon.

Third.....I just want to remind you all that I have another giveaway coming up for my blogiversary.  I hope to have it posted tomorrow.  It all depends on if there is enough sun to get a good photo but I think you're going to like it.

Thank you CSN for hosting this anniversary giveaway.  I can't wait to see what you get Diane.

Have a wonderful night friends.  Hugs....Tracy :)


  1. Tracy, as I was reading thru your blog, I had to laugh. Like you, I am fumbling with my computer and when I started this blog only a very short time ago, I was ready to throw in the towel. But being a very stubborn German, and after hissy fits, tears and all, I prevailed. Now nothing would have been possible without help from Laura at! It pays to have a friend that knows about blogging.
    You are doing just fine,and I will check back often
    God bless, Evi

  2. Tracy,
    I think this looks great!!!!! And guess what? I got the postcard that you use for your button in my stack of 'Wish you were Here" cards from E!!!!!! I just love it!!!! I wish I had enough space to use everybodies buttons on my blog, but they go on and on and ...well you get the drift! But I lvoe your button!!!! :)

  3. Your blog looks great and I love the colors your got going here. So bright and cheery. Be blessed. Cindy
