Monday, July 12, 2010

1st Blogiversary Giveaway Ending Soon - Low Entries

Hi Ya'll.   I hope everyone had a fun packed weekend.  This is just a quick reminder.  My first blogiversary giveaway will end Tuesday night so please be sure to click here and leave a comment on that post to be entered.  That's it...Easy Peasy - no jumping through hoops for this one.  If your not already a follower I would love to have you become one but it's not a requirement.  

And remember I have more giveaways coming up for my blogiversary so keep checking back.

Hugs and best of luck....Tracy :)


  1. Hello Tracy~time does fly by when you're having fun, especially when it comes to blogging. There are so many wonderfully generous friends as yourself. I for one appreciate strolling in for a visit. Congratulations on your One Year!
    Sweet wishes,

  2. Tracy,

    Thanks so much for coming by to visit.

    Love that white set in the first picture.I'd get to build a whole new house to set it in. =)
    And that French shelf at the CSN site is gorgeous.
    blessings on our day.

    Barbara Jean

  3. Wow... I've been away for while. Just loven' your new header and sidebars. Has it been a year already. I must be right behind you this August. Would love to join your giveaway. Off to see what I've been missing here.

    Kate - The Garden Bell

  4. Hi Tracy!
    Congratulations on your blog anniversary!!! wooo hooo!

    I wanted to come by and tell you HOW GORGEOUS THE APRON YOU MADE FOR SARAH WAS!!!!
    I haven't seen it in person yet, but...I'm going to have to beat her over her head for that one! hahaha
    Fabulous work's gorgeous :))))

  5. Hi Tracy,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog this evening and thanks for the comment about the new blog header. I really appreciate it. I'm off to check out your blog. Have a great evening!
