Friday, May 28, 2010

I Found The Most Lovely New Blog and Giveaway


It's the weekend.  Not just any weekend but a holiday weekend!  I hope you take time to thank anyone you see who is now serving our country or has served our country.  They are true hero's and I am so proud that my father served and my son served.  I don't think I could ever be brave enough to do what they have done. 

Let's get this party started!!!  Unfortunately I don't have a party planned.  But I did find a new blog that I really like and on top of that she's having the most wonderful vintage giveaway.  Just take a look at all the goodies she has carefully chosen for one lucky winner.  And see the photo of her own creation below.  Talented and generous.  She is so generous she even explains how you can create a vintage handkerchief card holder of your own.  Who you ask is having such a wonderful giveaway.  The answer is Thespa at Vintiquities Workshop.  She is celebrating 100 posts.  Okay now I feel bad, I'm so late I totally let mine slid by and only promised a giveaway.  But you can enter Thespa's by clicking here.  She has such a lovely blog.

I hope you all have a wonderful, fun and safe holiday weekend.   Hugs....Tracy :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pertending I'm Scarlett O' Hara and Sarah's Special Apron

 I just thought I'd share a few pictures of the apron I made for Sarah over at Gypsy Mermaid.
You've all heard me talk about Sarah before.  She's such a sweetheart.  She had a certain kind of Apron/top in mind and gave me an idea of what she was looking for. Now I'm not a pattern maker by any means so when she said she loved it and it fit I was thrilled.  

I just added a few extra touches with some vintage table scarfs and doilies.

Made a few flowers and added a few buttons.  Buttons make everything better.

I like finding a way to upcycle old items into something totally different and new.  This fabric started out as a pair of drapes with a burlap band at the top.  I felt just like Scarlett O'Hara making this one.  Hee-hee.

I was already to do more creating last week but it wasn't to be.  Now my heads just stopped up and I'm very uncreative.

Hugs ya'll......Tracy :)

My New Old Cabinet After Summer Scrapes and Cuts

We all know summer is full of scrapes and cuts but isn't it usually the kids?  They're all home for the summer, outside playing, having the time of their little lives.  

I wasn't having fun and believe me I'm way past school age.  Last week I could only be described as klutzy.  At the first of the week I was walking through the dining room with a smile on my face saying good morning to everyone.  The next thing I know my feet are as high in the air as my knees should be and with the sound of an overloaded dump truck I was laying on the floor.  The tile floor.  Not a lot of give there.  Ouch!!!!  My elbow seemed to take the brunt of it.  My MIL's our cat Pumpkin was in the middle of the floor and has the poof-est cotton hair.  It's like stepping on silk threads.  I'm not kidding I didn't just slip and fall forward catching myself, my feet went totally to the right and my body went totally to the left where I prominently hit the floor.  Lived through it for better times to come.  

Well by Saturday better times had come, not for me but for the evil mojo that keep me on the ground.  We have some cinder (cement) blocks on the other side of the wraparound porch and silly me stepped on them, fell, scrapping myself all the way down.  Much bigger ouch!!!  Such an attractive look for shorts season.  

My sinus' are the only thing playing with me.  And this is not my idea of summer fun.

On a much brighter note take a look at what I found.  A sewing cabinet!  Solid wood, no it can't be!   When I first saw the cabinet at GW, it was marked $39.95 cheap enough but not today.  No it's not the prettiest but it has lots of potential with great bones and I've wanted one for YEARS.

I went back the next week OMG it's only $29.95.  I asked the manager about it.  Is it going to be marked down again do you think?  The sweet surfer dude manager said it's been here awhile.  Why don't you come back Monday and if it's still here I'll mark it down and you can also get the 10% senior discount.  Hiding my err. for the senior comment I went home with dreams of a new cabinet dancing in my head.  I tell my sister that I hope the age eligible for a senior discount is under 55 since I'm only 50.  By now she is on the other end of the phone cackling with laughter. 

Monday morning came and things kept getting in my way.  Hate that.  I sneak away by 4:00.  Entering the store with a combination of hope and doubt and my necking stretching like a giraffes I spot it.  Way in the back.  It's still there.  
Heart pounding I rush  to the managers office and remind him.  He comes back minutes later and tells me the new tag's on it.  I couldn't snatch that baby off fast enough.  I grab a precious little side table marked $3.99 and head to the front.  When I tell her I get the seniors discount she looks at me with shock  (thank you Ms. cashier) and says you can't be 65.  SIXTY-FIVE..........It's still ringing in my ears.  Surfer boy thinks I'm SIXTY-FIVE?  Say it ain't so.........  I prefer to think he was just being generous with his discounts but he made no effort to assure me of that, but I tell her what he said, and we both have a good laugh.  Thank you again Ms Cashier for trying to ease the pain.  None the less she gave me my 10% discount (for being sweet and not 65 I hope).  I left paying only 10.66 for my new sewing cabinet.

Boy, what humiliation a thrifter will suffer all in the name of a deal.  So last week I took a beating both physically and mentally but I got my sewing table and my deal that I'd been dreaming of.
This little table's going to need a lot of work but I think it could turn in to a real cutie.

So now after all that I had a 2 day migraine and now a sinus head cold, but it was so worth it.  Now I have the redo to dread look forward too.

Hope you're all having a fun Summer week!  xxoo's....Grandma Tracy :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hodge-Pod of Crafts

I guess I'm on a posting roll here.  Though I'm not getting much else done, I'm determined to catch up with at least some bloggy stuff.  I just thought I'd show ya'll a few of the things I've been doing the last couple of months.  Starting with the bookmarks I made for a dear friend of mine Kate from Auntie Cakes.

It reminds me of playing with paper dolls when you're a kid.  I just used old cards or file folders for card stock  Cut out the form and got busy dressing them with some pretty scrapbooking paper.  Of course you must dress them up with a some painted jewelry and ribbon!

Next time I make some I think I'll use just a little stiffer board because of the narrow leg area.

Sweet Katie loved watching the Olympics this year.  She was even a Champion Disc Thrower in high school!  Oh' did I mention she  is a figure skater as well.  I on  the other hand was just the opposite.  I was about as klutzy as can get.  Although I did like roller skating.

So that's why I decided to make her a red, white and blue garland.  Elizabeth at Creative Breathing of course is the Garland Maker Supreme and my block teacher.  She was the one who sent me the precious books that I copied these images from.

Take note of the stars and the gold ribbon.  Kate is truly worthy of a gold metal, so she got a gold ribbon garland and a blue ribbon badge instead!

I bet you didn't know that Kate is a member of an all woman's professional football team.  I really don't know how she gets it all done.  She even travels out of town with them.  She's a wife and mother and works too.  Just the other day while her kids were on spring break she set up the most lovely tea for her daughter.  Boy I wish we lived closer.

This is the little lavender scented owl I made for her out of felt with big sparkly eyes.  I hope she liked it.

So to all of you I say go forth this weekend and create, celebrate and love with your family and friends.  They are the most precious gifts we have!  oooxxx's....Tracy :)

I Won the Sweetest Little Book

Has anyone else seen this book?  I was lucky enough to win it and it is precious.  I was the winner of Kristen's giveaway over at Hands, House and Heart.  

Kristen is a Christian wife and mother of 4 children so she knows the importance of feeding you childrens minds and hearts as well as there tummies.  Her blog is just what is says it is.   It's all about hands, house and heart.  She blogs about her Christian Walk, Reviews and Giveaways as well as household tips and tips on blogging/tweeting, etc....  I hope you drop by and meet her, just click her name or here.

Author Anthony DeStefano’s adult books, The Prayers God Always Says Yes To and A Travel Guide to Heaven, have sold a quarter-million copies. Illustrator Mark Elliott’s cherished artwork has appeared in popular picture books and novels for young readers, including Gail Carson Levine’s ever-popular Princess Tales series.
Now, these acclaimed inspirational experts have come together to create This Little Prayer of Mine, a beautiful and alluring book designed to guide children into a very simple, real and expressive relationship with God.

Thanks for stopping by I hope ya'll have a blessed weekend!  It's too hot for warm hugs so Popsicle Hugs....Tracy :)

We Have A Winner!

Hey Ya'll.  I hope your weekend is starting off bright, sunny and cheery!  

First I'd like to thank each and everyone of you who stopped by and left comments.  I really do consider the followers that keep stopping by friends.  I also want to thank any new followers for joining me and hope that you'll come back again and we'll get to know each other better.

Without further adieu...I'd like to announce the lucky winner.

Congratulations to Beth!!!!

Beth left comment #11, which random generator chose as the winner.  Beth's a new follower and one busy girl.  She is a wife and mother of three beautiful girls and she has several blogs.  I hope you'll all stop by and congratulate Beth.  She has a love of photography which is obvious from the pictures of the tea party she held for her daughters 5th birthday.  And you've got to see the gorgeous photos she took at the tulip festive.  Click here to visit Beth.

Thanks again to all who entered!  Have a fun weekend ya'll!
Hugs...Tracy :)

I'd Like To Thank...

 I've been awarded.  So please bear with me as I gush and blush in all the limelight.  Give me just a minute to stand drenched in the spotlight and give my acceptance speech.

I'd like to thank all the little people oh' that's right I don't know any little people.  You guys all rock!!!  

No really, I would like to thank my sweet friend Cindy of Creations By Cindy for giving me the award.  She makes me feel so special.  I actually received it a couple of days ago.  I had  to get my head out of the clouds to think clear enough to write the post.  Hee-hee.  Please stop by and visit Cindy, just click her name or here button below.  She has a wonderful and generous heart.  I always feel blessed when I visit her.  Love you for thinking of me Cindy!!!

Now,  just as Cindy blessed me with this honor I'd like to pay it forward to some other great bloggers.
{Here’s how the award works}
  • To receive this award {Trendy Treehouse} you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
  • Post about your award in your blog.
  • List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs. 
  • Share with them. 
  • Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button. 
  • Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.
I hope you'll take a moment to stop and visit each of these wonderful blogs I've listed below and show them some blog love.  Then they too can float for a few days!
 So there's 10 blogs for you to visit this week.  Some you may be familiar with some maybe not.  Isn't that the fun of blogville?  So I hope you'll visit them all and see what wonderful and interesting people they are.

Wishing you all a blessed and fun weekend.  Stop by and visit ME again and please leave a comment if time permits.  I'm selfish that way.  I love to hear from you all.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Need To Get A Few Things Clear!

Hi Ya'll.  Just a quick post because I need to get a few things clear. (and off my chest)
So I'll make this quick and short.

  • I miss you all
  • I want more time 
  • My head can't hold anymore ideas.  Shoot it can't hold what's in it now.
  • I can't stop looking for new ideas.
  • I love Neil and my MIL but I want some quite time and at least twenty (I could've asked for 24 but why be greedy) more hours each day to read and visit blogs
  • I want a week of blog school and can they please include a days worth of instructions on how the heck to tweet and facebook.
  • I want to run away from home often
  • I'm tired
  • I'm way older than I'm supposed to be, feeling it and definitely looking
  • I didn't earn enough money in my younger years to afford a face lift or a private fitness trainer
  • This is not the life I planned but God has his own plan.
  • I need more time with God.  And guess who's fault it is that I'm not getting it.  Hint:  It's not his.
  • Why are days so long when you're a kid and so short when you grow up.
  • I'm 50 and still have no plan and don't know what I want to be before I die.
  • My blogland friends are my lifeline.  I love ya'll.  Thanks for helping me when I freak out, complain too much and just whine.
Panic, clingy hugs to you all.....Tracy :)

Oh' I almost forgot.  Here's a reversible apron I made.  It has a really full gather skirt and a scalloped edge. 

Whatta think?  

 If you get time stop by my Etsy shop Cotton Pickin Cute.  I could use some etsy love too (or at least like).  I hope to list this one by tomorrow.

Friday, May 14, 2010

See How Much I Saved

I've decide to go back to couponing  a lot more.  Frankly we need the savings.  I used to shop with coupons and  combine them with rebates years ago.  After awhile I had so much going on, lots of gardening, we were eatting out a lot.   The economy was thriving and while it would have been nice to save it just wasn't a necessity.  

WELL NOW IT IS NECESSARY!  Most people I know are having a harder time.  Even if they're not broke, they are being a lot more cautious with their spending.  I'm sure there has to be some business' that are thriving such as the Repo guys but since we have commercial rentals we are feeling it.  It's finally trickled down to us.

The top picture is of a shopping trip to 2 stores with 3 separate receipts. 

So I gathered my sale ads, I gathered my coupons and I found several blogs that broke down the best deals.  Did you know you can even print coupons on your printer?  Yep, you can!  I spent way to long doing this.  I felt like my head was going to bust.....but I've done this before so I know it takes time to figure it all out and to get organized.  I know that it does get easier - a lot easier.  I also know that as your cabinets fill up with supplies while they are on sale your weekly or monthly grocery bills start looking smaller and smaller.  So I persevered.

The picture below was my first stop.  I went to Dollar General to get these 4 items.  I paid a total of $1.28.   I saved 5.00 in coupons alone.  The products were on sale.  The Gillette body wash was on sale for $2.00 each and I had a $4.00 coupon off of 2.  The French's mustard was on sale for $1.00 and I had a coupon for .50 cents.  And finally the Band-Aids were on sale for $1.00 and I had a coupon for .50 cents.  Cha-Ching!!!

My next stop was CVS Drug Store.  This is a photo of the 2nd purchase at CVS after I received the Extra Cash Bucks from the 1st CVS purchase.  These were done back to back.  Here's the brake down:
Total paid after sale prices and coupons = $2.40.

Cokes were on sale 88 cents x 5 = $4.40. Purex were B1G1F $6.49, peaches were $1.00 x 2 = $2.00, CVS Baby Powder $3.49. Total after coupons and CVS extra bucks = $2.40.

I didn't take a picture of the first purchase at CVS but the next picture includes both CVS purchases and Dollar General together.  Total of  CVS's 1st receipt after sales and coupons $29.53.  A savings of  $33.67 plus I received 8 separate extra bucks back for the 2nd order.  That is why the 2nd above was so cheap.

The total of the days shopping for the picture below breaks down like this:
$98.41 minus savings of $65.20 = FINAL GRAND TOTAL of $33.21.

Total of 3 receipts and 23 items for same day shop at CVS and Dollar General. 3 Boost 6 pks x $7.99 = $23.97, B1G1F - 2 purex x $6.49 = $12.98, 5 cokes x .88 cents = $4.40, Kotex U Tampons $4.99, Kotex U pads $4.99, Hydro 3 razor $8.99, Right Guard $2.99, Carefree panty liners $1.00, 2 Lindor Truffles (my favorite chcolate by the way) x $2.00 = $4.00, 2 Mentos Gum x .99 cents = $1.98, 2 jars of peaches x 1.00 = $2.00, Band Aids $1.00, French's Mustard $1.00, 2 Gillette Body Wash Hydrator x $2.00 = $4.00 3 receipt total = $98.41 minus savings of $65.20 = FINAL GRAND TOTAL of $33.21.

Don't forget to stop by my giveaway for a chance to win.  I'm giving away a $35.00 Gift Card for a Jiffy lube oil change just click here.

Still Trying To FInd Time To Sew But Here's A Few Projects

I just haven't had time to post a few of the things I made a couple of weeks ago.  I've been trying to get my Etsy store started and finally got a few things listed but I haven't don't much else there.  So here's a mixed up peek what I had been making.

You may have seen these already. I've seen a lot of them online.  It's not my design.  I found instructions online and whipped one up.   

I found an old roll of  woven towel cloth that went in those old hand towel machines.  Of course I washed it first but I don't think it had ever been used anyway.  I added fabric and trim and Velcro tabs to hold it closed on the oven door.  I took pics on my oven but they weren't fragmented or something.  I'll get indoor pics of the next one I make but you get the idea.

I love this baby/receiving blanket.  It is so so soft.  The top fabric is a oh' so soft flannel and the back is a upcycled sheet that is just the softest cotton.  Then I just made a little chenille fabric flower for one corner.
 Here's the full size which is pretty big.

Another project I found online.  I had this really soft and warm pink plush fabric sitting around and made this scarf and cap for my Granddaughter but thought it looked a little small and never sent it to her.  Maybe her doll could wear it.  It would probably fit a baby or toddler. 

Really soft and pretty with a yarn tassel I made.

Don't forget to stop by my giveaway for a chance to win.  I'm giving away a $35.00 Gift Card for a Jiffy lube oil change just click here.