Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'd Like To Thank...

 I've been awarded.  So please bear with me as I gush and blush in all the limelight.  Give me just a minute to stand drenched in the spotlight and give my acceptance speech.

I'd like to thank all the little people oh' that's right I don't know any little people.  You guys all rock!!!  

No really, I would like to thank my sweet friend Cindy of Creations By Cindy for giving me the award.  She makes me feel so special.  I actually received it a couple of days ago.  I had  to get my head out of the clouds to think clear enough to write the post.  Hee-hee.  Please stop by and visit Cindy, just click her name or here button below.  She has a wonderful and generous heart.  I always feel blessed when I visit her.  Love you for thinking of me Cindy!!!

Now,  just as Cindy blessed me with this honor I'd like to pay it forward to some other great bloggers.
{Here’s how the award works}
  • To receive this award {Trendy Treehouse} you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
  • Post about your award in your blog.
  • List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs. 
  • Share with them. 
  • Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button. 
  • Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.
I hope you'll take a moment to stop and visit each of these wonderful blogs I've listed below and show them some blog love.  Then they too can float for a few days!
 So there's 10 blogs for you to visit this week.  Some you may be familiar with some maybe not.  Isn't that the fun of blogville?  So I hope you'll visit them all and see what wonderful and interesting people they are.

Wishing you all a blessed and fun weekend.  Stop by and visit ME again and please leave a comment if time permits.  I'm selfish that way.  I love to hear from you all.



  1. You are too sweet. And totally correct, it is all about the simple things in life!

  2. You deserve this award Tracy. You are so precious and I will enjoy your blog so much. I appreciate you very much. Have a blessed weekend. Be blessed. Cindy

  3. Oh Tracy thank you so much for this award. You are so right about how we should all remember the simple things in life. I have just had this conversation with a dear dear old friend who I haven't seen in ages (she lives in another country!!). Every day we have the chance to see a beautiful flower and hear a bird sing and a child laugh is a day blessed. Thank you so much and sorry you missed my give-away. There might be another one sooner than you think!!!

    Best wishes, hugs and have a great weekend, Carol xoxox

  4. You are just too sweet! Thanks so much for the award, although I don't feel like I've been too trendy lately...Between church activities and trying to get some kind of income from home, I've been very busy and haven't blogged nearly as much as I would like. I could totally be described by your post a few days ago where you listed all the things you are failing or (seem to be failing in your eyes) to do. Keep beingthe blessing you are. Love ya girl!
