Everything Southern & So Cotton Pickin Cute
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Pillsbury Giveaway Ends Tonight ~ Did You Sign Up?
Hey friends.
The end is almost here. Did you already leave a comment so that you're entered into the Pillsbury Cinnamon Roll Giveaway? If not click here and be sure to leave your comment so you're entered. The giveaway ends tonight at midnight when I'll chose a winner. I'll announce the winner tomorrow (Thursday).
Good Luck Ya'll!!!! Hugs...Tracy :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Glitter, Glitz and Gratitude plus Broken Ribs
Hi Ya'll! I have been dying to share this with you and waited until it came to post about it. Then my house became topsy turvy so it had to go on hold. Don't give up, you'll see what I won before the end of this post. Marie, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post my fabulous win but here's why.
Long story short, my MIL got mad with us during the middle of the day went to bed without eating her lunch. When Neil tried to talk to her she just kept saying she didn't feel good, rib hurt, back hurt, things like that. Well what worried us the most was she looked like she had taken sleeping pills or something (which she hadn't, we handle all her meds). Anyway she was mad so she wouldn't talk to us and was acting incoherent, really weird. So rather than take a chance we took her to the emergency room where she smiled, laughed and forgot about being mad and had a good old time. Unfortunately we were there for a good 6 hours before we could go home. They did xrays, blood work, urinalysis and so on only to tell everyone that asked where she had pain (including the Drs and nurses), that she didn't have any and hadn't in a long, long time. When the Dr. whom she had never met came in she got so excited (he was so sweet and friendly) she just giggled and told him that she hadn't seem him in so long and it's so wonderful to see him again. He told her she was his best patient of the day and even gave her a kiss on the cheek. He told us everything was just fine xrays looked great and we could go.
Well here's where it started going down hill. We tried to help her up and she said you're killing my ribs but she got up and walked to the wheel chair and seemed fine. But by the next morning we knew she wasn't. Apparently we broke a rib. She's been in pain ever since. We finally were able to get her to eat and get up today. Poor thing, she just got over 5 broken ribs. Earlier this year it was 1 broken rib that took forever to heal and was very painful, then 5 more were broken and seemed to heal better. Even the Dr at the hospital said all was good. Bless her heart she doesn't fall or anything. The Dr. said her bones are just so brittle coughing could do it. So basically she was being stubborn and difficult and we all ended up in the emergency room only to be comforted by knowing there was nothing wrong and leaving with a problem we didn't have when we got there. Neil's stress level is off the charts which affects mine and so the whole house is completely on edge and out of balance.
Back to my GOOD news.........
I was the lucky little leprechaun to win Marie's giveaway at Spun By Me. Yippee, Yippee, Yippee! In case you didn't know Marie had a giveaway to celebrate 500 posts. I'm just now coming up on 100 myself, and yes it is time for a giveaway. I really do hope ya'll take a moment and stop by Spun By Me to meet Marie if you don't know her already. She is such a lovely, sweet person and has not 1 but 2 terrific blogs. Marie's other blog is called 52 Looks. Just click here and you can check it out too. She's a wonderful photographer and crafter. Don't get jealous now but here's the pictures of the goodies I won....
A huge 24 pack of Martha's Glitter!!!! It's so pretty, I'm afraid to waste it. I really have been wanting this for a long time and just haven't been able to get it. And look at the two special cards. One the wonderful sweet vintage that I love so much and the other a vintage replica in the full glittery layered design that I am crazy about. So there sucky depressed days, take that! Bam!!!
Thank you so much Marie. I'm thrilled and I love it. Karma works, God is good, and blogland cares and fixes all the wrongs.
My goodness I feel so lucky. I have been so blessed this past month. First all my friends came to my rescue when I had such a difficult time and then it seems like the wins have just been coming in one after the other. It just warms my heart and has made this such a fun month.
Keep watching for a new post friends, I've been busy sewing and crafting before all this and in-between migraines and want to post some of them to show you.
Hugs to all of you....Tracy :)
Labels: photos
I won,
Spun by Me Glitter Giveaway
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hi Ya'll. I have a sales pitch today. I just wanted to let you know, that there are only 6 hours left on my ebay auctions. I marked tons of things down to 99 cents and everything else is rock bottom too. And I'm happy to combine shipping. I'm tired of ebays fee's and policies and want to switch over to etsy and just sell vintage and my own items. Just click here to go to my auctions listed under north-florida.
Thanks for reading this. Hugs...Tracy
It's Spring and the Giveaways Are Blooming

Here is another giveaway.
Good luck, Ya'll ~ Hugs....Tracy :)
Labels: photos
Creations from my heart giveaway
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls - Sunday Morning Moments Giveaway
Hi Ya'll. There are two things that I do everyday.
- I blog. Whether it's actually adding a post on my blog or searching blogland to see what you're all up to.
- I eat something sweet. I could not, would not go 24 hours without something sweet.
Pillsbury and My Blog Spark provided a gift pack that included not only the Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls VIP coupon but also a black leather photo album. What a great idea, Sunday mornings, sweet rolls and family. Those do add up to photograph worthy memories.
I have never tried the Orange Sweet Rolls before but you can believe me when I tell you they were so melt in your mouth good! I love these rolls. They're so warm and fresh out of the oven - oh' so delicious. Best of all you have the taste of home made in less than 20 minutes. They're so quick and easy and good that I bet they become a regular on your grocery list just like they are on mine.
When I was little I remember Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls were always such a special treat for us. I can still remember eating them with the family and I'm almost 50. Well now they have all kinds to choose from. They can be found in your refrigerator grocery section.
What smart people the Pillsbury company is. The combination of sweet rolls and orange juice for breakfast is a classic and they've combined all that good taste in one roll. YUM! I'll let you in on a little secret. There are lots of nights when we bake Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls up around 9 pm for a snack before bed.
Pillsbury and MyBlogSpark are giving one winner a Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls gift pack that includes a VIP coupon for Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls as well as a photo album to help keep your family's sweet Sunday morning memories close at hand.
How To Enter: Share how you enjoy Sunday mornings with your family, or share a favorite childhood Sunday morning breakfast memory.
And For An Extra Entries:
- Follow my blog publicly.
- Blog about this giveaway.
More Giveaways for St. Patty's Day!!!!
Top of the Morning to you and Happy St. Patrick's Day! Since today is such a lucky day I thought I would post some giveaways I've found and we can all take a chance. That is if you can wade through my ramblings. LOL.
But....before I give you the giveaway 411, I want to tell all of you about my Lucky Irish Blessing. I WON!!!! Yep, you heard me right. I won Marie's giveaway at Spun By Me!!!! I'm twirling and jumping over the moon and making way too much noise. I have been so blessed lately. I'm as giddy as can be. Want to know what I won? Martha Stewart's Essential Colors Glitter Set. Yep ~ 24 glorious colors of shiny glitter! YIPPEE!!! I will post a picture as soon as I get it but if you can't wait just click here or on Marie's name or blog name to check it out.
I've really been wanting this for so long and honestly just couldn't afford to purchase it now. I know your probably getting tired of me saying how much the Lord blessed me with these giveaways, because if the Lords giving out winnings then you would all have your mail boxes overflowing because your all so special and I know he loves you as much as me. I truly believe this is the Lords way of answering so many of your prayers for me. I had felt so alone, and uncared for and you all pulled me through, as silly as it may sound I believe the Lord has been with me and is replenishing me in a way, giving me good to over-ride all the painful things that I've been having to hear lately. You know how I told you I didn't receive a birthday, anniversary, Christmas or any other gift in well over a year. I feel like ya'll have more than made up for that. I don't know what I would do without him and all of you. Sincerely ~ thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
Giveaway # 1
Giveaway #2
The talented Donna at Brynwood Needleworks is celebrating her 1st birthday celebration. And when Donna celebrates she really celebrates. She's not just choosing one winner she's choosing 14, yes FOURTEEN winners!!!! What a sweetie she is. Can you imagine this sweet and talented gal has written a total of 326 post. Be sure to go by for a visit by clicking on her name, her blog name or here and wish her a happy blog birthday. Her drawing will close on March 31st at 9 pm ET. and she will announce the winners on April 1st. Thanks Donna!
Giveaway #3
The Brocantess is having a giveaway to celebrate her 100th Post. Be sure and stop by Brocantess and enter her giveaway. She always shares her love of French Vintage and has the most wonderful vintage finds to share with us. It's just a beautiful blog. She Well her giveaway is no different If you would like to win some of her vintagey goodies you can click here or on her blog name to go directly there.
Giveaway #4
I just found a new blog I'd like to share with you. 2713 Mornings is having a a fan sponsored giveaway. Stefany received a wonderful gift from a reader and is passing it along as the reader asked. I took the following straight off of Stefany's blog. This really says a lot about Stefany and her blogging.
"You two have helped me to see beauty in every day things. You have been like a morning hug waiting at my computer. You have been a dose of love, friendship and inspiration. ..... My relationship with my husband was really not going so well but as I have started to take note of the many blessings I have surrounding me - I am not so miserable........ Thank you for your blog posts. Please keep them coming."
The sender requested to remain anonymous.
The sender also sent along a gift certificate and requested that we use it as a BLOG GIVEAWAY.
So... we have a 50 gift certificate for breakfast at any Cracker Barrel Restaurant. YES, fifty dollars. 50 DOLLARS could buy a whole families breakfast!
Thank you Stefany and thank you anonymous!! How generous of both of them. If I'm lucky enough to win this one you know where I will be celebrating my 50th birthday and Neil's birthday too since it's only 11 days after mine. Hee-hee. If you would like to enter Stefany's giveaway just click here or on her name or blog name. I know you will feel as blessed as I do by just visiting her blog. She has lots of beautiful photos. Stefany gives us such an appreciation for the everyday beauty of life.
Well I hope you enjoy the giveaways. Keep those toes and fingers crossed because I am.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Good Morning, Good Afternoon or even Good Evening. I don't care what time you stopped by, I'm just glad to have you here.
Do you remember what we talked about last week? Did you think about looking around and seeing things from a new point of view, maybe with a new attitude? I'd love to hear about it if you did.
WARNING: This is long (aren't they usually) and lots of pictures.
Saturday afternoon I had to go downtown. In Jacksonville downtown is pretty much shut down on the weekends. It's not like other metropolitan cities such as downtown Seattle and San Francisco. What a perfect time to ride by a church I've noticed several times. The architecture is incredible and whenever I passed it the detail always caught my eye. So I stopped and took several pictures. I'm sure I could have gotten some better photos but it's not very safe for a woman to be out there by herself. My old age must be finally taking hold, I can remember when I would have never worried about things like that - ahhhh' wisdom. The only ones around are the homeless or mentally disabled (mumbling and such) or some unsavory characters. Now don't get me wrong. I would never be unpleasant to anyone anywhere and my heart goes out to them but you do have to consider safety these days. So I only took pictures that I could get by staying in the car.
While taking my tourist photos I couldn't help but be in awe of the amazing craftsmanship of this cathedral. By the way this is the only cathedral in Jacksonville. Looking at it I thought I could almost be in another country. This is so old and beautiful like the pictures I've seen of buildings in other countries. I can't begin to imagine the creativity of someone to imagine this and design it. And what about the men who carved these stone pieces and the men who carved the wood? What about the stain glass artisans? This is only the outside. Take a look at these beautiful Celtic crosses with all their adornment. I don't know much about the Episcople faith so forgive me if these that name isn't correct. I wish I had a zoom lens that would have gotten closer views. BTW - Look at those gorgeous blue skies. We had such a pretty weekend. I love this time of year when the blue is so deep and bold. Once the real heat comes everything gets kinda gray and washed out. Today and yesterday was just beautiful.
What did these men think as they spent countless hours laying these stones, installing these windows, carving the magnificent woodwork? Did they feel Gods touch? Certainly the hands of God lead them, steadied their hands, used them in an extraordinary manner. Only a higher power, GOD could have given man the imagination and talent, the drive and wherewithal. Only our LORD could have given man the driving passion to create beauty, beauty like this.
That thought led me to think about that burning desire to create. I believe all of us in blogland experience this in someway. The feeling to create whether it be in storytelling, crafting in an enormous number of different ways, or even in creating a blog itself just so you could touch other people, perhaps even help other people. God gave us a desire to seek others, to be a part of more than ourselves.
I came home and searched for a brief history about this very old church. I've included some of what I found below in case you might like to read it.
I wish all of you a blessed and wonderful week. Enjoy every moment of everyday and see God's grace everywhere you look.
I love ya'll.....Tracy :)
The Great Fire of 1901 was one of the worst disasters in
Around noon of Friday, May 3, 1901, a spark from a kitchen fire during the lunch hour at a mattress factory set mattresses filled with Spanish moss on fire at the factory, located in an area now known as LaVilla. The fire was soon discovered and it was thought they could put it out with only a few buckets of water. Consequently an alarm was not turned on until it had gone beyond their control.
The fire swept through 146 city blocks, destroyed over 2,368 buildings, and left almost 10,000 people homeless all in the course of eight hours. It is said the glow from the flames could be seen in
Florida Governor William S. Jennings declared a state of martial law in
The 1877 sanctuary was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1901, and the congregation again called on the architect Edward Potter, then with the firm of Snelling and Potter, to design a new church. Built on the foundation of the former church building and dramatically sited with an unbroken vista at the summit of
The exterior is faced with
Labels: photos
Miracle Monday,
St. Johns Cathederal
I Feel Like Sally Field - I'd Like To Thank ......
The Sunshine Award ~ For Me?
How in the world have I been so lucky to have met so many kind and caring friends? Ya'll have heard me talk about Sweet, Sweet Kymberly from Free Trinkets and Treasures before. She is always, ALWAYS caring, giving, sharing, comforting, loving and in general just waiting to be a BLESSING to everyone who knows her! She has her own struggles like we all do but never fails to be here for others. She is a gift to be treasured and I can't say enough good things about her. She just included me in her list of six that she awarded the Sunshine Award too. And as if that wasn't special enough you should really read all the wonderful things she said about each of us. I keep wanting to go back and say "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake on the name, you can't possible mean me." Like I said I feel a lot like Sally Field ~ You like me, you really, really like me. he-he. Thank you so much Kymberly, I like you too!!!
Here are the rules Kymberly passed on:
Here are the rules!
Copy and paste the above award in your post!
Think of 6 people that you would like to
present this wonderful award to. Someone
who makes you smile, makes your day,
and brings sunshine into your life!
Now post a link to the person's blog that
gets the award so that others can visit
their blog sites and experience the sunshine
for themselves! So, my wonderful friends, get your
award and start giving it away to those you love!
Take a moment and stop by Free Trinkets And Treasures to view Kymberly's blog and the other five bloggers Kymberly awarded the Sunshine Award to. Copy and paste the above award in your post!
Think of 6 people that you would like to
present this wonderful award to. Someone
who makes you smile, makes your day,
and brings sunshine into your life!
Now post a link to the person's blog that
gets the award so that others can visit
their blog sites and experience the sunshine
for themselves! So, my wonderful friends, get your
award and start giving it away to those you love!
FYI - I've been in bed with yucky stomach bug so as soon as I get the opportunity I'll be posting my 6.
Is Anyone Tire of Giveaways? NOT ME EVER
Giveaway # 1
Heather at Speckled Egg is having one. I get so excited when I find a wonderful giveaway to share with all of you. I'm still thinking about creating a blog page just for these. But shoot. I'm having trouble just getting my Etsy store started. So for now I will share them right here. If you would like to enter Heather's Sweet and Springing Daisy bracelet giveaway just click on her name, blog name or here.
Giveaway # 2
Giveaway # 2
Congratulations to Marydon at Blushing Rose! Today she's celebrating her one year anniversary and more than 300 post. Not only have we been lucky enough to get to know her for a year now she wants to give us something to celebrate. That always feels a little backwards to me. It seems like she's already given so much I should be giving her something for her anniversary. So if you'd like to add your name to the hat just click on Marydon's name or her blog name Blushing Rose or here and go visit her and leave a comment. You'll be doing yourself a favor if you don't know her already. What a sweetheart she is! Thank you Marydon. Love you.
Hope everyone is enjoying the giveaways. I'd love to hear your opinion on me starting a giveaway, sweepstakes type blog.
Have a blessed Sunday Ya'll. Hugs....Tracy :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Giveaways Make Me Smile
Win this set of Spring Pillows
It looks like Spring Fever is running ramp-id. Everyone is in such a good mood, they seem to not be able to resist giving things away. What could be more spring like than this totally cute Cotton Tale Lizzie Pillow Pack.
Jenny at Fated Follies thought that a giveaway might lift her spirits and perhaps ours as well. I absolutely agree with you Jenny! If you would like to enter Jenny's giveaway just click on her name, blog name or here to go visit her and leave a comment on her blog before March 23. Easy as pickin' daisies on a warm spring day.
By the way Jenny is also hosting May Day Petite Basket Swap.
It looks like Spring Fever is running ramp-id. Everyone is in such a good mood, they seem to not be able to resist giving things away. What could be more spring like than this totally cute Cotton Tale Lizzie Pillow Pack.
Jenny at Fated Follies thought that a giveaway might lift her spirits and perhaps ours as well. I absolutely agree with you Jenny! If you would like to enter Jenny's giveaway just click on her name, blog name or here to go visit her and leave a comment on her blog before March 23. Easy as pickin' daisies on a warm spring day.
By the way Jenny is also hosting May Day Petite Basket Swap.
I've joined up and am really looking forward to this. Go by Jennys and check out the swap and the giveaway. There's lots of eye candy to check out at Fated Follies. Jenny's the sweetest little thing. I have a feeling that this young woman has a very old and loving soul.
Good Luck and have a terrific Tuesday. ooxx's.......Tracy :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Warmer Days Bring Giveaways ~ I Keep Adding More
You know I love giveaways. I'm seriously thinking about a new blog for just giveaways and sweepstakes. Thinking, thinking, still thinking.....
So for now I have decided to share some blog love with you right here.
The first one which is pictured above is from one of the Sweetest girls I know. Anne from Fiona & Twig is hosting a wonderful giveaway called Paris Flea Market Giveaway.
She has the best eye for beauty and display. And on top of the giveaway she had planned she has decided to wait until she gets back from her trip to Warrenton after buying some awesome treasures from her shopping excursions during Antique Week! There is going to be one very LUCKY WINNER!!!! Be sure and click on her name, blog name or here to enter Annes wonderful giveaway. Warning if you've never been by Annes, you will be there awhile. Awesome blog!
2- The next giveaway photo is of the precious Easter Blocks pictured above. Maleah Matthews is hosting her March giveaway and Gongy And Squish
are her sponsors. I just think these are the sweetest little blocks. So be sure to stop by Meleah Mathews Photography and follower her directions for entering. You will love her amazing art. Talent abounds in blog land. You never know the winner might be you!

Well I'm not done yet. I have a new one to add.
4- Rebecca over at A Gathering of Thoughts which is truly a girly pink shabby chic gorgeous blog is having a giveaway too. She is giving away one of her beautiful Angel/Cherub Sachets with a Matching Card and Hang Tag. She is a very creative soul and her items are so delicate and precious looking. Another blog you won't want to leave! You can enter Rebeccas giveaway by clicking on her name, blog name or here.
Good Luck & Hugs...Tracy :)
So for now I have decided to share some blog love with you right here.
The first one which is pictured above is from one of the Sweetest girls I know. Anne from Fiona & Twig is hosting a wonderful giveaway called Paris Flea Market Giveaway.
She has the best eye for beauty and display. And on top of the giveaway she had planned she has decided to wait until she gets back from her trip to Warrenton after buying some awesome treasures from her shopping excursions during Antique Week! There is going to be one very LUCKY WINNER!!!! Be sure and click on her name, blog name or here to enter Annes wonderful giveaway. Warning if you've never been by Annes, you will be there awhile. Awesome blog!
2- The next giveaway photo is of the precious Easter Blocks pictured above. Maleah Matthews is hosting her March giveaway and Gongy And Squish
are her sponsors. I just think these are the sweetest little blocks. So be sure to stop by Meleah Mathews Photography and follower her directions for entering. You will love her amazing art. Talent abounds in blog land. You never know the winner might be you!
3- And last but not least is the giveaway from Sweet Marie at Spun by Me pictured below. She is having a wonderful giveaway to celebrate 500 post. Way to go Marie! I can't imagine ever getting there. Please go by and congratulate her and you can be entered to win this glittery giveaway pictured below. It's Martha Stewart's "essential colors glitter set". Martha says, "These fine glitters in 24 vivid colors will add sparkle to any project". Just click on her name, blog name or here to enter.
Marie is so interesting. She post the best stories and lots of pictures that I just love looking at when I visit. Be sure to take some time and enjoy her blog. Bet you love it as much as I do.

Well I'm not done yet. I have a new one to add.
4- Rebecca over at A Gathering of Thoughts which is truly a girly pink shabby chic gorgeous blog is having a giveaway too. She is giving away one of her beautiful Angel/Cherub Sachets with a Matching Card and Hang Tag. She is a very creative soul and her items are so delicate and precious looking. Another blog you won't want to leave! You can enter Rebeccas giveaway by clicking on her name, blog name or here.
Good Luck & Hugs...Tracy :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The World Is Full of Miracles
Hi ya'll. It's good to be back with Miracle Mondays after missing a couple of weeks. The photo above is one my son took in Nebraska a couple of years ago. Isn't it beautiful.
Thanks to all of you who stuck it out with me, loved, comforted and prayed for me. I love you all so!
I have a challenge for you. Each and everyone of you. If you choose to accept this challenge you will be given a task that will change your Monday. It will bless you and fill you up with goodness.
The challenge is to look at your Monday with as if you are a tourist in your town, new to your job, maybe a stranger passing through. You're challenge is to see the beauty in your town that you normally take for granted. To appreciate it as only a stranger would.
What about your job is there something positive you can find there. We get so used to complaining about our lives and jobs. Okay, so maybe it's just me but it still wouldn't hurt to look at things a little differently.
Is there someone that you don't really know or maybe someone that just clashes with your personality. Try speaking them today or find something you can like about them and let them know.
Maybe the snow is melting and the sun is shining in you corner of the world. Maybe the flowers are even peeking through. I know you will find an amazing miracle somewhere. Planet earth abounds with the blessings of the Lord. Please share with us by describing what you saw and felt today.
This is the last time I saw my only child Ty was Nov. 1, 2008. Boy would I like to see him and the rest of the family. They live in NY. He's only slightly taller than me. hee-hee.
Now he is truly my MIRACLE!!!!
P.S. My photos are not showing up on the blog dashboard anymore and I can't figure out what to do to fix it. Can anyone help me? Thanks...
Labels: photos
Miracle Monday 3,
The challenge
My Part In The Valentine Swap
Well by now I'm sure everyone knows I am number challenged. Not just any numbers, numbers as in dates and times.
Yes, I admit it. My name is Tracy and I'm a lateaholic. I'm notoriously late. I don't want to be, I hate to be. What a curse it is. What an embarrassment. It's really pathetic, it's not like being a horrible singer, which by the way I am. It is something that could be controlled, changed if you will. But just like any other holic I can't. I'm just like my Daddy. It must be a curse or something. It's kind of funny Daddy was late for everything but never, ever work. In all my years I only remember him being home sick one time. Other than that he worked 34 for the Jacksonville Shipyard and the only other times he would take off was for an occassion funeral and even then it was usually only a half a day. We take that sort of thing very serious here in the South. You must show respect and make sure you turn that radio down before passing the funeral home when someone lays inside.
Back to singing what makes being off key even worse is the fact that close family (Neil & Ty). Have to hear it because I LOVE to sing! Oh' the nightmares they must have. That reminds me of a story when my son was about two.
Everybody: Oh' no, not another story. Is she really going to tell it?
Me: Yes, yes I am.
When Ty was about two I had a little blue convertible Fiat. I had to say blue because Ty's eyes were blue and he was so cute in that car. Now remember, Ty was born when I was 19. He was only 10 months old when I decide to divorce his Dad and we moved home to Moma and Daddys. This is where I promptly got to enjoy my age and be a kid again yet I was also the Mommy I had always wanted to be. Ty and I used to go everywhere together. We always had the top down and usually listening to something like Prince, Michael Jackson, Duran Duran or Boy George, obvious 80's. There we were riding (flying) I'm so glad he lived through those years with the young me, and I'm singing and Ty's saying "Don't sing Mom". I'm laughing and singing even louder. Then and there he burst into tears, crying "No Mama, don't sing, don't sing". ROFLOL!!!! I was not the Mother who could sing her child to sleep.
I've been asked to join the church choir at different times and my answer is always the same. No Way! It would be just like the Andy Griffith show where Barney joined the choir and they couldn't get rid of him and had to turn off his mic. I wouldn't put them or myself through that humiliation. Just because you're smiling and singing in the pews doesn't mean you're doin' it loud enough to get kicked out of church. Hee-hee.
My family teases me (or maybe they're not) about my long winded, don't leave out a minuet detail stories. So back to the reason for this story.
I'm just now posting the Valentine boxes I made for the Petite Inspiration Swap ~ Valentine Edition that Heather hosted at Speckled Egg. Wasn't that about the longest way around to the end you've ever heard of? Anyway here are a few pictures of the boxes I made for my three swap partners. I also filled pink vintage style glass bottles with lavander, which I forgot to get a picture of. I also found this cute little bird house that I thought would be fun for them to spruce up as well as bundles of 3 little heart print fabrics and the cutest heart suckers.
So while ya'll are all out there sharing your lovely Easter/Spring goodies here I am sharing Valentines. Better late then never as they say.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I sure had fun with Heathers Swap.
Have a blessed Sunday and be sure to join me for Miracle Mondays again. I'd love to hear about your own blessings. Hugs...Tracy :)
Labels: photos
Speckled Egg,
Valentine Petite Inspiration Swap
Saturday, March 6, 2010
How In The World Did I Get So Lucky
Hi Ya'll.
Well I'm just beside myself. Mail two days in a row. Not just any mail. Special mail! Winning Mail! Goodie Mail! That's right the man in brown came to see me and he was carrying a treasure chest. Oh' he didn't know it but it certainly was. I won twice in one week. Can you believe it? Does God bless us when we need it most or what? I'm just certain all your prayers to see me through the dark, to help me feel loved when I felt cold, well I'm just certain that those GENEROUS PRAYERS were heard and my cup runneth over.
I was so excited to hear that I had won Lisa's wonderful Thank You giveaway from tarnished and tattered. Just get a look at all the fantastic vintagey goodness she sent me! I had been looking for a pair of vintage baby shoes forever so you really can't imagine how excited I was, spinning and twirling with GLEE! It is everything you could want in a present.
- Velvet millinery pansies and yards of delicate old laces.
- Sweet cabinet photos.
- My precious much sought after baby shoes.
- A lovely frame
- Beautiful German glass glitter in a cut glass shaker ( I have been wanting some of this for quite a while too).
- One of Lisa's wonderful homemade vanilla candles in an elegant stemmed glass dish.
- Darling old crocheted doilies.
- An old jar packed with vintage white buttons and they were packed so sweet with vintage seam tape, a brass B stencil with a lovely beaded jewel.
- Not one but two cherished old hymnals.
- A big bag of her shredded vintage sheet music.
- 2 - sheet music's that I know I'll enjoy crafting with.
- 2 softly colored photo display pages from an old celluloid album.
- The most fun vintage french flash cards.
- 2 magnificent vintage French postcards.
- A wonderful wooden frame with a birds nest.
- There were even these sweet little flash cards included.
- Everything came wrapped so sweetly in vintage pattern tissue.
I'm just so excited about spring now. I have a song in my heart bursting with gratitude. I'm am so ready to get crafting, I can't wait! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART LISA!
Labels: photos
tarnished and tattered,
vintage giveaway
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