Sunday, June 15, 2014

Family Game Night #Giveaway with #Ryans, HomeTown Buffet., Old Country Buffet & Hasbro

Throughout the month of June, Ryan's, HomeTown Buffet and Old Country Buffet are partnering with Hasbro again for an exclusive Family Night promotion.

Every Thursday night in June from 5 -8 pm., families who dine at any of the restaurants will receive a themed activity sheet which includes a coupon for a 10% product discount from 

The activities include tie-ins to family-favorite board games like Trouble, Sorry, Battleship and Operation. Who doesn't love those classic games?

I think June is the time of year that's all about fun.  The kids are out of school and families are finding fun ways to keep everyone occupied.  It's not about big family get togethers like Thanksgiving & Christmas.  It's all about mom & dad time with the kids and memories get made that last a life time.  Dinner out and board game nights are great ways to spend time together.

One lucky Cotton Pickin Cute reader is going to win their own Family Game Night package, that includes two (2) of Hasbro's best loved board games - SORRYTROUBLE plus four (4) GUEST PASSES to the any restaurant listed below:
  • Ryan's Buffet
  • HomeTown Buffet
  • Old Country Buffet
  • Fire Mountain Buffet 
  • Country Buffet
How's that for a fun time? We love the delicious food at Ryans and go every chance we get.

If you'd like to win this fun prize pack valued at over $60.00 just follow the instructions on the Giveaway Tools form below.

Play hard & have fun y'all...

Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor's crown unless he competes according to the rules.
~ 2 Timothy 2:5


  1. I would probably go to Ryan's. And I think Battleship is my favorite Hasbro game.

  2. My favorite Hasbro game is Monopoly, but my son would probably choose the Angry Birds games!

  3. I would go to Old Country Buffet.

  4. We would go to Ryan's. We love Battleship.

  5. we would go to old country buffet. our favorite game to play is sorry.

  6. I would love to use this for our trip to Colorado. We love old country time buffet located in westminster. I love Monopoly!

  7. My kids would choose to go to Ryan's

  8. We'd go to Old Country Buffet, because that is what is local. My favorite board game is Sorry.

  9. I would pick Old Country Buffet. Our favorite Board Game is Life.

  10. we will go to old country buffet and favorite game is sorry

  11. I would go to Old Country Buffet.

    My favorite Hasbro game is Life.

  12. The only one near us is Ryan's but we love Ryan's
