Monday, March 3, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Wreath

Do I hear shouts of joy that -
                                        MARCH is finally here?
St. Patty is already knocking on the door at my house, and I'm ready to greet him and anyone else who wants to stop by.
I whipped up a little green wreath in honor of him and the green grass that will be filling my yard soon (thanks to Scott's Bonus S - more on that soon).

It's easy to come up with something simple, yet quick, for holidays or whenever, without ever leaving the house.  Just pull out a bunch of whatever you can find and then play around till something clicks.
I can across these items:

  • Grapevine Wreath
  • Green fabric
  • Crepe Paper Ribbon
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Green Flowering Stem
  • Cards I had created years before
Works for me!
You'll also need the general Tools like:
  • Packaging Tape
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • Scissors
  • Grocery Bags

  1. Since I didn't want a grapevine look, I wrapped the wreath in plastic bags to pad it.
  2. Cut fabric into strips and start wrapping the wreath form.  I just used tape at this point because I'll probably take it apart after March 17th.  I made sure the tape was on the backside and then it was covered by the next fabric strip anyway so it doesn't show.
  3. Wrap the fabric covered wreath with the crepe paper ribbon and attach with hot glue.
  4. Add the flowering stem to one side and wrap with wire to attach.
  5. Then just add what ever decorative elements you have. I had these cards.  Easy to make - print vintage postcards glue to card stock cut slightly larger and trimmed with decorative edge scissors.  Add bows and rhinestone decals and you have a cute card!
  6. For each clover you need 2 pipe cleaners. Bend 1 into the shape of 2 hearts (all connected).  Bend the other pipe cleaner into 1 more heart and leave a stem.  Just join the 2 by twisting the stem to the other hearts.  There you go - you just made a clover!
  7. Add a bow to the top along with one of the clovers and you're DONE!

Looking for more crafty ideas?  I've got just the crafty gal for you.  Julie @ Mamawj's Moment Away has been pretty busy too.  I think we've all got Spring fever.

Julie's been upcycling old clothes and she came up with these cute scarves for only pennies.   PENNIES!!!  Well maybe quarters but still less than a $, and in my book that's awesome!!  Head over to Julie's and read all about her creative endeavors and be prepared to be inspired to create something on your own.  She has a whole wardrobe of beautiful scarves to go with her outfits now.
If you enjoyed my little wreath tutorial, I hope you'll think about sharing it on pinterest or facebook.  Most of all, I hope you'll leave me a comment.  I love hearing from y'all and it makes sharing these little things, worth all the work.  Tell me what you're doing so I can come by and see what you're up to. It doesn't have to be crafty - just share!!

Top a the Morn' To Ya...
For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. 
                                                                         ~ Song of Solomon 2:11-12

1 comment:

  1. You crafty girl you! Love the wreath! Love the cards and Clovers!
