Monday, June 17, 2013

Those Moments That Mean The Most

Today's post is a catch-up post.  I never shared how special my birthday was this year (way back in April).  It was the first year that I was ever able to spend my birthday with my grandchildren.  I like looking at the picture of half eaten birthday cake because it reminds me of the beauty of having family to enjoy it with.  These are things that mean so much.
A surprise I never could have expected.  My grandson Zach, who has the most sensitive heart wanted to serenade me with a special song on the viola.  Oh' how I love this child with his special heart!
A birthday gift of earring sent from my sweet, sweet friend Julie @ Mamawj's Moment Away.
She made them just for me and I love her so much for being so thoughtful.  She's a talented gal with a love of crafting.  You can visit her HERE.

As you grow older you come to realize that the special memories you have came from the everyday moments of your life.  I hope you're not walking around this week with your eyes wide shut.  You don't want to miss them.



  1. Happy belated birthday girl! So glad you enjoyed your very special day! How sweet for your grandson to play for you! I just love that! Yes, as we get older we do come to realize the things that are so important to us. Praise the Lord for family and friends. God is so good to us. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Happy Birthday!! Sorry I'm late. So happy you enjoyed your special day with special people. What a sweet grandson!! Take care and I wish you the best year ever.

  3. awww, belated Happy Birthday. Sounds so special, especially having your grandson gift and serenading you. That is so special. I know I love it when my grandson (who I live with) does things like this for me. He loves to sing me songs, dance for me...etc. And he talks all day long too..haha.He has the gift of gab for sure. Love him!

  4. Oh, Tracy, what a beautiful gesture. You grandson is so cute and TALENTED!
    Happy Belated Birthday!
    I am always a day late and a dollar short. I am sure you have heard that old one.
    Hugs, Ginger

  5. Oh Tracy,
    I just got back from vacation and didn't have a clue it was your birthday. Sounds like it was a great one. Sorry to have missed it, with graduation and vacation, I have been MIA lately.

    Just stopped by to try and catch up with what you have been up too! Life is settling back down after all the running of the first part of June. Kind of quite around here for a bit!

    Have a great week, Happy Belated Birthday!
