Monday, May 13, 2013

Hot Hot Hot High Dollar Coupons To Save You Money

I'm sharing some great coupons today.  Like this hard to find $2.00 off (1) small DIGIORNO Pizza Dipping Strips.  These sale for about $ 2.98 each.  With this coupon you pay only 98¢!!!

There are many more coupons available just click on the one you like.

$0.55 off Joy Ice Cream Cones $0.75 off Dr Pepper & ONE 3M or Milky Way Bars $1.00 off (1) small DIGIORNO Pizza Dipping Strips $2.00 off one pizzeria!™ Pizza from DiGiorno $0.70 off PHILADELPHIA SNACK DELIGHTS Cream Cheese $0.50 off any ONE (1) Newman's Own Salad Dressing

Pain relief

$2.00 off (1) Excedrin 100 ct. product or larger $1.00 off ONE Excedrin 24 ct. product or larger

Water and Beverage (+ water bottles)

$1.50 off IGA Water $1.50 off any Starbucks VIA Refreshers™ beverage $1.00 off any ONE (1) Mott's For Tots Juice $1.00 off ONE Hawaiian Punch Aloha Morning


$10.00 off Mega Bloks Barbie products $25.00 off a FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System

I hope you enjoy using the coupons and saving money. I plan on sharing coupons more often. Let me know if this is something you find useful and would like to see more of. If you have a big savings you'd like to share or a great shopping trip let me know. I'm always looking for guest host to blog about saving and wins. 

Now go save some money Y'all !!! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that DiGiorno pizza coupon and printed a couple and used at Walmart.
