Friday, April 19, 2013

I Use Pinterest More Than Google

Pinterest is really addictive. I pin way more than I ever get around to doing. Here's some of the ways I use it:
Isn't that the cutest faux snowcone garland!

  • Decorating Pin all those inspiring ideas you love.

I could live in this bathroom!
  • Holidays I have a board, i.e. folder for every holiday.  It contains crafts and decorating ideas for that specific holiday.  I even have separate Holiday Food boards, there's just so many creative foods to create for holidays.

Geraniums are one of my favorite summer plants. With a patriotic table setting like this you're bound to have a blast on the 4th
  • Recipes It's like having a cookbook with only your favorite recipes.

 This looks easy enough, even for me.
  • Gardening/Outdoor Design It's time to start making everything look nice outdoors.  This is the place to start.

 I love this Tybee Island Porch.
  • Fashion Keep up with the latest and pin your favorites.
Source: via Tracy on Pinterest

I love the pieces that were chosen for this outfit.
  • Giveaways and Reviews It's a way to let all my followers know what's going on. And when they share it multiples like rabbits. Good for bloggers. 

  • Beauty tips

Perfect summer blonde (the hair color not her - duh)
  • Homemade Recipes for cleaning, beauty products, everything.  

  • Blogging tips, camera, learning tutorials all on one board/file. It's so helpful.

  • Places to see All the places I want to visit go into a file. It never hurts to dream or have goals.

 Bora Bora, French Polynesia
  • Hobbies Any hobby can have a board/folder.  Again it's like having the best magazine ever. It's full of only the things you like. 

I love card making.  Even when it's just admiring someone elses.
  • Secret files are great for keeping things you want just for yourself. It can be really helpful for gift giving or getting. 
Come on, you didn't really think I was gonna show you that one!
  • Gift Idea files You can create a folder for every person you have to buy for. It makes shopping so easy. You can even allow others to pin on your board, so your loved ones can add what they want. Next time someone asks what you want tell them to go to the board where you've added all the things you're dreaming of.
  • Source: via Tracy on Pinterest

Here's a nice little something for me.  You know just in case you were looking.

When ever I'm looking for something I want to create, whether it's a craft or recipe or even if I need fashion tips, I search on Pinterest first. It's easier than google and much more visual.

Finally Pinterest is much easier to use than you think. You'll be an addicted pro in no time. Hope this gives you the courage to try Pinterest if you haven't already.

Have a fun weekend Y'all
♥ Tracy 


  1. No Kidding! I can wander Pinterest for hours!!

  2. I love Pinterest. I'm using already plan my kids birhtday parties later in the year.
    Also, before I got my haircut, I browsed Pinterest for ideas on styles I liked!
    Pinterest really is great for everything!

  3. Tracy, I am so crazy. I thought you birthday was soon but I commented on a post from 2012.I feel so stupid but Happy Birthday! I know you are having one someday.
    I am having such a hard time keeping things straight. Pray for Bob, he is not well.

  4. Hi Tracy! Thank you so much for visiting!

    I am obsessed with Pinterest as well. I even have a wishlist on there for my hubby (sometimes they need guidance, ha ha). It has come such a long way. I remember when I joined I needed to be invited by someone - you couldn't just sign up like it is now.

    The Silhouette will definitely help with all those pins you have!
