Wednesday, January 16, 2013

20 Mule Team Borax Giveaway

Lets talk laundry today.  Since I'm a Purex Insider, I get to the latest products, but the one I'm sharing today has been around much longer than I have.  It's a tried and true detergent booster.  Which product am I talking about?  

So what is Borax?

  • 20 Mule Team Borax is 100% natural mineral from the earth.  Once removed from the ground it is washed, dried, and boxed for consumers.
  • Borax is the common name for sodium tetraborate: a naturally occurring substance produced by the perpetual evaporation of seasonal lakes.
  • Absolutely nothing is added.  No phosphates, chlorine, or other additive chemicals.
And why should you use it?

Did you know that over 85% of homes have what most people call "hard water?"   I live in Florida and more than that we're on well water, so I know all about "hard water! "  Hard water is defined as water that contains calcium and magnesium (ions).

When you add detergent to hard water, some of the compounds attach to calcium and magnesium granules that settle on the bottom of your washing machine, eventually retreating down the drain without actually cleaning your clothes.  What a waste of detergent.

20 Mule Team Borax naturally softens hard water, which protects your detergent - so it can maximize cleaning power.

How to use Borax?

It's simple.  
To boost your detergent, simply add a 1/2 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax to every load along with your regular detergent.  I use Purex of course!

You'll find that it:
  • Naturally softens hard water and improves your detergents cleaning power.
  • Helps keep stains from being re-deposited back onto clothes.
And 20 Mule Team Borax isn't just a one hit wonder.  Here's just a few of the other things that you can use your 20 Mule Team Borax for:

  • Dilute a 1/2 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax in a 12-ounce spray bottle of water to deodorize mattresses. Use a 1/2 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax per gallon of water in humidifiers for odor control.
  • 20 Mule Team Borax is the economical way to tackle daunting jobs like brightening grout and tile. With 20 Mule Team Borax, you don’t have to scrub and scrape to remove rings around the tub and other tough bathroom grime.
  • Deodorize your garbage pail by filling it with borax and water. Let it soak then rinse it out. Sprinkle some borax in the bottom once it's clean. This will keep the bugs away and absorb any odor causing moisture.
 You can learn more by visiting the Borax Homepage here:
Now are you ready to boost your cleaning power with 20 Mule Team Borax?  Well you're in the right place because Purex is giving 2 Cotton Pickin Cute readers a FREE coupon!  All you have to do is enter with the easy rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  This product was provided to assist me in my view as a Purex Insider.  All opinions expressed here are my own honest thoughts.


  1. I use 20 Mule Team Borax all the time. We even have a water softener and I still use it.....probably cuz Mom used it. Tried and true!

  2. We don't have hard water, but I would love to use this as a laundry booster.

    Entered the rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

  3. We don't have hard water, but I would like to try this for some of its many other uses like killing ants!

  4. Not sure if I have hard water or not! Would love to try this detergent booster though!

  5. I do have hard water... and it sucks!! We have a really good filter system, but we always use oxi boosters or detergents with oxi like Purex Oxi, that's our fav.

    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  6. We do have hard water. I use Borax as a softener. I also use Borax to make our own laundry detergent

  7. we have super hard water and i just live with it debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  8. I have hard water and I just kind of deal with it:/ My parents have soft water though, which is nice:)

    Shandi Naugle

  9. on well water, so yes, it's hard... and sometimes really hard to get stuff clean unless you use additives. I love the 20 mule team borax, really helps to get stuff clean... would love to win some too

  10. We have very hard water. White vinegar is very helpful at getting rid of mineral buildup.

  11. Im not sure if we do, but I would love to use this to boost my laundry

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  12. Yes, I have hard water, but I haven't noticed it affecting my clothes.

  13. Yes, we have hard water. I use bleach sometimes. We use Borax in our pool every summer. It works great to balance everything.

  14. i have no idea about our water hardness

  15. We do have hard water...but I use borax to make our laundry detergent, so it's a win/win...less skin irritations for the kids, and less build up on the clothes and washer itself :)

  16. we are on well water here, and it's hard. we use borax to help clean the clothes

  17. We do have hard water here, it's awful! I use Borax all of the time, in the dishwasher too.

    Just a note: The Rafflecopter calls me 'Margot' since it is accessing my facebook where I am 'Margot Core'; the Rafflecopter connects to this email: annazed10 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  18. We don't have hard water, but I use Borax in my homemade laundry detergent- it works great!

  19. I don't know if we have hard water, but I do use Borax in our laundry
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  20. I don't know, yet! We have just moved to a new home in a new part of the country, and I'm still unpacking. When I shower, the water feels harder, but I'll have to see as I go along.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  21. Yes, we have hard water and havge a water softner
