Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Teach Your Kids To Vote

It was another first for all four of us today.  How so you may ask?  Well it was the first time Neil and I have ever been able to share the voting process with 2 of our grandchildren, Zach and Ki'a.
And it was the first time the children had the experience of going to the polls and seeing the voting process first hand.
I've noticed that all those T.V. ads that we're sick of seeing have even caught the kids attention.  After so many ads we find ourselves tuning a lot of it out.  Kids listen, even when they don't always show it.  The kids will ask us something and really get us talking about the election.  They make a lot of good points too.  Zach gives a lot of thought to the election and shows enough interest to want to discuss it.  He even makes me and his granddad re-think a few points.

  • Zach said "you're really wanting to go vote aren't you Grandma?".  Which gave me the chance to explain that's it a privilege to be able to cast my vote.  That it's also my patriotic duty.  Something that should never be taken lightly.
  • When we were at the voting booth, I shared that on election day, we have the opportunity to vote for more than just our President and Vice President.  We also vote for out state leaders and constitutional amendments.
I don't go in-depth with the process.  Heck, some times I'm not so sure I understand it all.  The point is, it was a simple introduction of the voting processOur children learn by example.  It was so easy to show them this first hand.  Now they know just how easy it is to perform their civic duty and how important it is.


  1. A wonderful thing and important to teach our children and grands to vote! Thank you for sharing! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. I agree that it's great to bring children along. I went this year for the first time (I was too young in 08) and my parents have never ever voted, ever! My boyfriend on the other hand always went with his mom so he grew up realizing how important it is, etc. We live in a rural are and our voting place is pretty small and we went at 7pm and didn't have to wait in line or anything but two of the women working there were probably in their 60's and they were "collecting' the babies in their infant seats to hold and talk to them while their parents vote so I felt it was very child friendly which was great.
