Thursday, September 27, 2012


Good Morning Ya'll.  I'm writing this post from the library computer because my computer crashed
I need your help!!! 
I'd love it if you could take a peek in my Etsy shop "Cotton Pickin Cute" and see if there's anything of interest to you.  If not, maybe some of my friends could pass the word on their blogs so I might be able to raise the money to get back online as soon as possible. 

You can see some of the Etsy items I have list and the link on my sidebar or click here.

With the holidays coming up I have so much to do and the computer is an intrical part of  be able to keep things going.  It's been a busy summer with first my sisters family being here and now my daughter-in-law and grandchildern and the past computer problems, I thought I was just about to be able to visit and contact all my blog friends and company commentments that I've been behind on, and now this.   I really need to earn the money to get this taken care of . 

I'm sorry to ask have to ask but any help to promote my Etsy store would be a HUGE help.  Well that's what's so wonderful about bloggers right!

Thank you and love you all so much!

1 comment:

  1. Your Etsy shop is nice, but it could be better. It's not the items that are lacking, but it's how you market your shop overall. For example, the pictures of the items could do with better photography. And as for marketing, it definitely takes a lot of hard work to promote your business online, and not just by opening social media accounts or exchanging blog links with other Etsy sellers. Perhaps you might want to consider hiring an SEO consulting firm to do their marketing for you so you can attract more customers and establish your store's online presence.

    Online Marketing In A Box
