Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm Home and Playing Catch Up

I've been feeling like a fish out of water lately.
I'm amazed by this plastic bottle fish sculpture.  Can you believe this is made from recycled platci bottles.  How awesome and creative is this persons mind?  You know how much I love the concept of recycling or upcycling useless trash into something of worth.

I just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm not ignoring you.  Please don't feel slighted if you haven't hear from me or I haven't responded to your comments lately.  I haven't felt great for a while but the last couple of weeks more so than usual.  Well I finally ended up in the hospital Friday and wasn't released until Monday morning.  I'm don't have any answers but I don't have any heart damage that they can find.  Because I have an abnormal heartbeat it still shows up as a very low pulse but it's just the tireness that's getting to me.

I'm back home and trying to catch up with numerous things.
I hope all of you are well and I miss spending more time keeping in touch.  Love all of you and I read and appreciate every comment I get.♥


  1. Oh sweetie!!!! I am so sorry to hear you are having heart issues, and yes a slow pulse makes you feel like you are walking thru waist deep water all of the heart beats slow too......take care of yourself! :) Sandy

  2. Hope you'll start feeling better real soon, Tracy! Take care of yourself!!!

  3. Hi Tracy, Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog. It is great to connect with you too :) Hope you feel better soon. hugs Anu
