Friday, July 27, 2012

VTech Cordless Phone Winner

You guys ROCK!!  The VTech Cordless Phone giveaway was a BIG success and it's all because of YOU!

The lucky Cotton Pickin Cute winner is............
Shelley Peterson!

Shelley, I've sent you an email and you have 48 hours to contact me and claim your prize.

It's been a busy week here.  Last night I went to a fun TMobile event.  It was so great meeting other local bloggers.  I'll be posting a new giveaway this afternoon, so you'll want to check back and enter.  If you're not already following CPC on facebook and twitter, please do.  It's such a simple way to hear about the latest giveaways here.  You can follower by clicking the icon on the right side.

Happy Friday Ya'll....Tracy

I selected this post to be featured on Blogs for Women. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

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