Monday, July 9, 2012

Announcing 2 Winners - Dry Idea and Pillsbury Baguette Chips

I hope ya'll all had a wonderful Independence Day despite the sweltery heat. 

It's been a non stop week here.  My sister, her husband and my nephew got here on July 4th!  Having family in the house for 3 nights with us was so wonderful.  All I have to do now is go bout a mile down the road to see them.  So much better than having them in Atlanta or Ft. Worth.  They're now moved in (sorta) and are new residents of the sunshine state. 

We haven't seen them in 3 or maybe 4 years.  Wow!  But we did talk nearly every day.  It's hard to believe that we can see them every day of the week now.  I'm so excited that we'll be able to spend the holiday together this year.  I hope to host Thanksgiving and even better a Christmas Eve party!  I'm happy just thinking about so many of us getting together.  My cousin's Greg, Bobbie and Amanda and her family live in the area and it would be such a treat to have them all join us.  And the biggest dream of all would be to have my son's family from N.Y. and my nieces and nephew from Atlanta all come home to gather together with us to celebrate the blessings of Christmas!

OOP's I got off track...  I wanted to announce the winners of 2 giveaways but first I want to thank all my long time readers and the new ones for stopping by to enter.  You really have been great about supporting the giveaways which makes it possible for me to bring more giveaways to you.  ♥

The 3 winners of the Dry Idea Advanced Dry Giveaway is....
1. Liberty Boblett
2. Debbie Newton
3. Amanda Sanchez
The winner of the Pillsbury Baguatte Chips Giveaway is....
Maryann Drapkin

Congratulations girls!  Please be sure to contact me via email within 48 hours to claim your prize.  After 48 hours another Cotton Picken Cute entry will be chosen if I haven't heard from you.

Now I know you don't want to forget to enter the Vtech Phone Giveaway!  Just click the photo below and enter by following the rafflecopter form.  Please be sure to do what is requested or else your entry will not count.  I depend on ya'll to help me spread the word by twitting or posting on facebook or blogging about it.

Hugs Ya'll.....Tracy ♥


  1. Yipppeee! Thanks Tracy!!

  2. So glad your sister lives close to you now so you can just pop over for a quick visit anytime! Have fun!!!
