Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Free Clark and Kensington Paint From Ace With a Side of Hardee's Biscuits

Wow, how time flies.  These pics were from June 16th and I'm just getting them on the blog.  Most of you don't know but I LOVE Hardee's Breakfast Biscuits!
No kidding. One of the things I used to love about traveling was I knew we'd get up early enough, yes, we're that late of sleepers, to go to Hardees for breakfast.  I'm  a simple girl, I always get the same biscuit.  A ham biscuit - YUM!  I think I could eat one for breakfast every morning.  This isn't a review, it's just a passion.  This Saturday morning we made it to Hardees, no trip out of town or anything.  I was a happy girl.

After that we headed to Turner Ace Hardware, here in Jacksonville.  Do you know why?  FREE PAINT.  Yep, I couldn't pass up on the free paint coupon I had.  It was only good for that day.  This year Ace Hardware Corp. introduced Clark + Kensington, a new line of premier paint-and-primer-in-one.
Turner Ace has been a landmark of the Arlington area for years.  I can't tell you how many times Neil has sent me up there to get things over the years.  I love that I can run in, get friendly help from a knowledgeable employee, if not the owner himself and get out in a matter of minutes.  But boy has Ace grown over the years.  Just look at the Beautiful Orchids they have in the nursery.
Orchids make me think of my sweet mama.  I remember when my first prom was coming up and I wanted roses, carnations or some other standard flower, she said Tracy you should have an orchid corsage.  They are so much more elegant.  Mama's know best.
I've finally got a chance to go get my hair cut with my Great Clips gift card, so I need to show ya'll my new do.  It's off the neck in time for summer.  It feels so much better.
I can see these gorgeous orchids in my bedroom or bath now.  Wouldn't they look beautiful and serene.  Heck, I want some for the buffet in the dining room too. 
I have a feeling they'd last about 2 Min's with these little Kitty's around.

Then they get tuckered out.  And I get to work cleaning up.  It's a shame it doesn't last long.
And look at the Bromeliads!  Those colors are so vibrant.  The leaves are nearly spotless.  Seeing those bold colors in nature, it's no wonder that they're so popular in decor now!  That shade of green is hot, hot, hot for interior design.  Bromeliads are easy to care for and have that obvious tropical look.  They make great interior plants too.
Isn't Sarah cute taking my Free coupon from me for the paint.  I love the friendly staff there.  Now, I only have to decide what to use my new quart of paint for.  So many projects in mind.  So stayed tuned to see what color I picked and what I do with it.

By the way - don't forget the 2 giveaways I'm having right now.  Just click on the picture on the right sidebar.

And I have a BIG giveaway starting later today.  So come back and read my review and enter to win.  You won't be sorry.  
Hint - It has nothing to do with paint or Ace but it is something for your home.
Ya'll have a great day.  ♥Tracy

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, love me steak bisc. from Hardees! Girl, you are so beautiful! Inside and out! FREE?????? WOWZERS! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
