Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pantry Makeover - Organized and Pretty - On a Budget

(After Photo)

I have to admit this was actually done by Christmas but I'm just getting around to posting it.  I've always been someone who likes everything organized and front facing but now it's even prettier.  At least I think so.  After seeing all the wonderful pantry makeovers, I decided mine could use a little primping.   Look at the photo below and you can see why.
Pantry Before 1
(Before photo)

We have a little of everything in there.  Flashlights, tile, floor cleaner.  And worse of all, just plain ugly walls.
I didn't have a stencil so I printed the pattern I wanted off the Internet.  Pattern, ha!  It was more like just one of the Moroccan shapes.  After painting the walls and shelves, I traced each one of those little diamond looking shapes in pencil.  Yep, one-by-one.  This was no one night job people.  I traced and painted one section of wall between shelves each day.  I used a paint brush to paint traced pencil lines.

I put popcorn in one basket for easy access, I've got Ritz crackers in another (we eat lots of those).  I have the instant grits in a little wooden bowl.  The big strawberry basket holds my potatoes. 

In the spirit up up-cycling, I took my old glass spaghetti sauce jars, pickle jars or whatever other jars I had and gave them a makeover too.  First I had to get rid of the mis-matched look by spray painting the lids red.  Then I used my cricut to cut some labels out of chalkboard sticky paper.  That way I can just wipe the name off the container and re-write it when or if I change its contents.  I used some ribbon to style them up a bit.  I would like to get some square glass containers later but I think these came out cute and will do for now.
I keep the un-opened boxes of cereal on the top shelf and we put the open ones in plastic pour containers.
The big black thing on the wall is actually the electrical breaker box. It was that old battleship grey metal and I painted it with chalk board paint. Since it's metal, it's a great memo board that magnets stick to. At least now it can be put to good use and used jotting down notes or shopping list.

I used my hot glue gun to glue shells over all the screws that hold the electric box up.  I just did a center shell collage for fun at the top.

So now I have a new pantry to go with my rustic market pantry sign I made this week.  Click here to see the sign.Photobucket
I bought the paper organizer that's on the door several years ago.  I think I got it at garden ridge, it was under $10 and it's been one of my favorite organizing items.  It holds plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and paper towels.  The wire basket is actually meant to hold plastic lids but I thought it would be perfect for the plastic Ziploc bags. 
We keep the cat food in a plastic laundry detergent bin.  Perfect for storage.

Well that's my newly improved pantry.  What do you think? Not bad for the cost of paint and some elbow grease.  It feels so good to have everything neat and clean.  And since I did this in December, I can tell you, it's stayed that way too.  I still like to just stand there and look at it sometimes.  At least one little corner of my world is organized.
Have a great weekend ya'll.
Hugs...Tracy ♥

I've add the links below to some of the fun parties I've join. 

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. It's just so pretty! I'm envious of your pantry. :-)

  2. Tracy - your pantry looks great! Don't you agree that you can save money when your pantry is neatly organized, because you can see what you have and what you need to restock.

  3. OOOOOHHHHHHHH Tracy, how pretty!!! Wish I could see it in person, it looks so beautiful. Don't you feel like you are playing house in such a beautiful pantry? Love it!

  4. Great job on your pantry! Love the quatrefoil design, and very clever makeover on the electrical box!!

    Thanks for sharing at Simply Klassic Sunday!

  5. Hi Tracey, thank you for stopping over and commenting on my blog. Very very jealous of your pantry makeover! You did an awesome job. Especially love the new walls and the blackboard - what a cool idea!

  6. I like the stencil job, even if it wasn't a real stencil it looks great!

  7. wow!!! i LOVE your pantry! so awesome! i love the wall design and the chalkboard! love love love it! thanks for coming by my blog! :-)
