Wednesday, January 18, 2012

God's Amazing Timing

God's timing is amazing.  Big surprize there, right.  On New Years Eve I recieved an email from Janet @ Along the Way.  She told me I had won her giveaway.  I was thrilled but to be honest with all we've had going on I forgot all about it. 
 Then wouldn't you know I recieved the my prize just after mom died.  It was Angels True Stories by Robert J. Morgan.  What a way God has of comforting us.  It seems he had set his plan in place even before he took our mom home.  Thank you Lord for loving me.  And thank you Janet for being the instrument that he used.

Click here to stop by to visit Janet @ Along the Way, where she enjoys blogging about book reviews, giveaways and random thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Our blog friends always seem to know just what to send when we need it the most. My friend, Twyla of Two Crazy Crafters sent me the Todd Burpo book, Heaven is for Real along with a prayer quilt after Fezzik died. It pulled me back from the edge.
    Thank God for our blog friends.
