Monday, January 2, 2012

A Giveaway Helping Hand - Linky List

I  thought I'd share some great blogs to find the latest giveaways.  But before I show you the list I want to remind you of the 2 giveaways I'm having right now.  And I still have another coming up later this week. 
Giveaway #1 - Chex Party Mix Change Giveaway with $20 Visa Gift Card.  Click here or the photo above to enter.  Remember your entries only count if you go to that post and enter.
Giveaway #2  - Frosted Toast Crunch Prize Pack.  Click here or the photo above to enter.  Remember your entries only count if you go to that post and enter.

Good Luck in my giveaways and if your still wanting more then please go check out some of these great linky lists.  I'll be adding to the list as I come across them this week.



  1. Oh what a nice giveaway! I am new to your blog and am so glad that I found it!!

  2. Wanted to come by say hello and to wish you a very Happy New Year

  3. bonjour,

    Que Dieu prenne en compassion votre belle mère, paix à son âme

