Monday, December 26, 2011

Be Back Soon

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that we haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  We've been sharing a wonderful viral infection, with all the usual cold symptoms, fever, chills, headaches (oh the headaches), body/muscle aches, and no stop coughing.  Add to that sinusitis.   Today is my 5 straight day in bed with no end in sight.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.


  1. Praying for your quick recovery!!


  2. Merry Christmas! Hope you feel better soon <3 <3 <3

  3. Oh Tracy,
    So sorry to hear you are not feeling well, and I would imagine since we haven't heard from you that you are still sick. Such a bummer to be sick over the holidays. I pray that you are both up and around and feeling 100% better soon!
    PS- love both your cards!

  4. Tracy,
    So sorry you haven't been feeling well! I hope you are better now. :)
    It stinks to be sick around the holidays. I started feeling bad Christmas day and was a little under the weather this past week, but have felt much better today.
    Hope the new year starts of better. :)
