Thursday, November 17, 2011

Update and Please Keep Praying Request

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to put something fun and upbeat on my blog lately.  I know you all understand.  This is just a quick up date because it so late early and I've got to get to bed.

Mom is still holding her own.  She still has a twinkle in her eye and tries to communicate some.  We found her in terrible shape yesterday or the day before.  They're all running together.  We came in and no one was with her or outside her CCU window, yet they had taken her off the C-Pap mask to see if she could withstand a regular mask.  While Neil was washing her hands - she popped her eyes open and was in distress.  She was soaking wet, clammy and couldn't breath.  Once again God had someone come in at the exact moment necessary!  Does that speak for it not being her time?  It seems to, to me.  I ran and got a Dr at the next room immediately and they put the C-Pap back on.  She's just too weak for the other mask.  They had her on it for about an hour they said.  They try this 3 times per shift which is a total of 6 times a day.  Can someone explain why they would not be there during this time?  That seems crazy to me.

Anyway today they inserted the ventilator tube again in preparation for doing a tracheotomy tomorrow morning.  At least she won't suffer with that awful C-Pap mask that was so tight on her little face and digging into her eyes and the ridge of her nose.  It was drying her out so much.  I don't even want to tell you had awful it was.  With the trach she won't have the mask on or the tube in her throat and the can at least suction the liquid building up in her lungs.  

I really would say this is too much for her if I didn't believe she was still fighting.  Several times she has smiled and even laughed with the mask on.  She has that I'm happy to see you twinkle in her eyes.  Neil has asked her and even the nurse if she still wanted to fight or would she rather go be with the family in heaven and she clearly let us know which, even though she couldn't talk.  And to me God has clearly had someone walk in at the exact moment she's in distress TWICE!  Last night's (Tues) nurse said she was so cute.  She took moms mask off for just a moment to clean her mouth, which she fights and gets made about, (she doesn't have to take her face and hands let you know).  Anyway mom looked up at her and said "Thank you honey, but I don't need you to do that and patted the nurses hand".  Awe.......  Gosh we love you mom.

Back to prayers.  THANK YOU ALL for all the tremendous prayers you've been sending up.  MIRACLES ~ that's what I call them, came from all your prayers.  Please if you have a moment say one more for the tracheotomy tomorrow.  I know she would be so thankful herself if she knew.  I'm sure she'd pat you on the hand and say, "don't worry about me Honey, I'm just fine".

God bless you all.  Love, Tracy & Neil


  1. I like Mom's spirit. She is a trooper! Best wishes for tomorrow/today.

  2. Of course, prayers, Tracy. Mom is a hero. :)
    xoxo Heidi

  3. Prayers still heading for your mom and you. I know how hard it is to stay upbead on your blog. My husband is in assisant living (doing well though), but I had to put my little dog down on Saturday as she was very anemic with no hope. It has been an extremely sad year for me.

  4. Sending lots and lots of prayers!!!
    I'm sorry I missed this, I haven't been on the blogs for about a week.

    Big hugs!

  5. Praying for your mom - and for you all too!

  6. Sorry to hear about your mum. Thinking of you all.

  7. Praying without ceasing! God is holding her hand each step of the way! And YOURS!

  8. Prayers sent up. Glad she is in good spirits. Hoping she gets better with each passing day. How is your cousin doing. Prayers for him being sent too.
    Wishing you a calm, peaceful weekend

  9. Hi Tracy :)
    Thanks for you sweet comments on my blog lately and for being my newest follower. :)
    I'm so sorry about your mom, but it sounds like she's a real fighter. I'm a true believer in the power of prayer and I'll be praying for you and your sweet little momma. :)
    missy :)

  10. Lifting you and your family up my friend... I pray your Thanksgiving is beautiful and blessed and filled with love from family and friends...

    Love to you and special prayers for your Momma.

    Love, Rebecca
