Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Blogger and Two Blogs and a giveaway

I want to introduce you to ONE blogger named Doniene and two blogs.  The first is Doniene's 365 Days, which is just what it sounds like, a 365 day journal about the things she see's everyday with a special twist.  As she describes it "From Line Shack to Rustic Mansion: The Tale of a House Building Journey".  She'll be sharing pictures of their home including the construction to the finishes and even things that aren't done. See how Doniene and Mike turned his parents severe accident into a combined family affair.

Her 2nd blog is called "Now it's just quilts".  Do I really need to tell you what it's all about?  Stop by to see some of the wonderful quilts she creates and enter here giveaway that you see below.  What's better than taking a moment from a hectic day of housework to spend a some quiet time in prayer with the Lord and a nice warm cup of tea.  And how cute is that Fire King cup and saucer and the mini quilt you win too.  Just click here are on the picture.
P.S.  Don't forget to enter my giveaway here:

Hope your all enjoying your fall days.  Warm Hugs...Tracy :)


  1. Tracy Suzanne, What a sweet blog about my blogs! I look forward to reading yours and getting to know you better. What a journey we are on!!


  2. Tracy Suzanne,

    Just looked at my followers and I show you as a follower on my dog blog, but you are not showing up on the house blog or the quilt blog. Wondering is something is wrong with blogger?

    Have a great day! Blessings
