Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hooty Hoo - I've Got a Fall Makeover Treat For You

I found these adorable owl Halloween Plates at the thrift store for .75 each.  I couldn't pass them up.  Next step find the right size candle holders to make a couple of easy treat plates.  Only .50 each for a total of $2.50.
Without before pictures ya'll must be thinking I'm making  things up but let me tell you what happened.  We're still using an older digital camera.  How old?  It uses a floppy disk, that's how old.  Don't judge.  It gets the job done except when you have taken a bunch of pictures (like all my befores) and it suddenly decides that that's the disk it my computer wants to eat.  I got a frustrating message - disc is not formatted.  Yep, a whole disk full of befores - gone.  Uuuuggghhh!!!

Take my word for it these were clear glass candle sticks.  I wanted them in two different sizes and in general style but not matchy-matchy.
I didn't have a spray paint color that I liked so I thought I would prep them with this brown primer.  Guess what?  I loved it!  That's right it's just plain ole' rusty metal primer from Rust-Oleum.
Didn't it come out a perfect rustic color for fall?  I even like the flat look instead of shiny.  I added a little ribbon, some jute twine.  Picked up a few acorns and got Martha Stewart to help me glitter them (I love her glitter) and glued them own with some little foam leaves.  Easy- Peasy.  Fill with goodies and enjoy.  The only problem  - I can't see my cute little owls.
I hope you enjoyed my fast and easy makeover for fall.


  1. Hi Tracy:
    Those owl plates are adorable! I love what you did with them, too.

    Technology (even old) is grand - as long as it works. lol No worries about the "before" photos. Your idea came across just great!

    Happy Day, my friend.

  2. That's adorable. I love the crafty stuff you think of. Since you don't live near me, I can just copy you and everyone will think I thought it all up myself, right? ;0)

    BTW, I never even knew there *were* digital cameras that used floppies. That's hilarious!

  3. What a great and easy idea. You could dress up every holiday that way. sandie

  4. These are so cute. You are a magician! Ginger
