Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Was Featured on Sweep Tight today

Hi Ya'll.  I was featured today!  

Little ole' me, featured on someones blog.  And not just any ole' someone but cute little ole' Jennifer from Sweep Tight's blog!  Have you ever visited Sweep Tight?  If not, you sure should.  She has everything from reviews and blog giveaway and sweepstakes, to link ups, saving, blog tips and organizing.  She is loaded with information and is wonderful about sharing.  Not to mention she's just a sweetie!  Plus, head over and read about my biggest win and my story about how I started entering sweepstakes.  Just click here.
Thank you Jennifer for featuring me in your Sweeper's Spotlight.  I'm so honored!!!

Quote of the day

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
                       ~Joseph Addison


  1. How lucky for you, Tracy. Popping over to read all about you, my friend.
    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Hi Tracy, Wow, now your a Blogging Star! I am happy to see that things are going good... I did go back and check out some of your recent posts, How is the wildfire Conditions? that had to be so Eerie & Frightening. I have been away so long, I think I will sit for awhile & catch up on some more of your blog, Have a Great week
    talk soon

  3. That is so awesome, Tracy -- Congratulations! I will go visit Sweep Tight! I also wanted to check on Joni and make sure she is doing well...she is still in my prayers. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)

