Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bing Rewards: Earn FREE Gift Cards the Easy Way

Thank you to BING for sponsoring my writing today. To learn more about BING Shopping Rewards, click here. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

If you're reading this, I'm guessing that it's a safe bet that you spend a lot of time online.  At our house we use the internet to search out everything.  I can't even tell you the last time I used our phone book.  Right now, we're shopping for windows, siding, flooring and a lot of miscellaneous supplies to do some home improvements.  We've keep  the Home Depot and Lowes websites burning.With all this shopping why shouldn't we earn rewards.

While gas prices are continuing to climb, it's just not affordable to jump in the car and run to the store to check prices.  So by using Bing I'm saving time, gas, energy (mine and our natural resources) while earning points for free rewards cards.  That spells a WIN-WIN situation for me.  It can for you too.  Look for a free shipping codes and other discount codes when shopping and it's a real home run!

The Bing Rewards Preview program allows you to earn credits for searching and exploring various features of Bing. Once credits begin to add up, you can go ahead and redeem them toward gift cards, buy merchandise, even give to charity.

There are two easy ways to start earning and tracking your credits:
Bing has introduced a rewards program where you can earn credits for shopping and exploring the web.   There are two easy ways to start earning and tracking your credits:
1. Sign up for the Bing Rewards Preview, take advantage of offers to earn credits and then redeem those credits for rewards. Offers may include searching on Bing, setting your homepage to Bing or trying out new features of Bing. Once you have enough credits to redeem for a reward, access the Redemption Center to select from a wide variety of rewards. Shipping is free!  Upon signing up, you’ll automatically start with 250 credits.

2. Just install the Bing Bar toolbar onto your browser and register, and you can watch the Rewards credit counter climb.

Disclosure: Thank you Bing  and Clever Girls Collective for sponsoring this post.  All opinions are my own honest views.

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