Sunday, March 27, 2011

Celebrate Brynwood Needleworks 2nd Blog Birthday

But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing and shall have wonderful peace.
                                                                                      Psalms 37:11
We're all better for knowing you!

Good news girls the most talented Donna at Brynwood Needleworks is celebrating her 2nd blog birthday.
Donna has written 688 posts in the last 2 years, well actually 700 is what I'm counting.  It looks like she's written 12 more since she posted the giveaway.  To celebrate she's giving away not 1 but 2 gift packages!!
Just wait till you see.  Donna's handcrafted works are always meticulously done.  She has a wonderful eye for color and fabrics and her creations are always spectacular.  

You love just visiting and reading her blog.  Sweet so sweet and upbeat and has a fun amazing life.  Go enter now before you forget.  Her giveaway ends Thursday 3/31 at 11pm.  You can click on the picture or her name to enter.

Remember ~ 
Life isn't a problem to be solved 
but a gift to be enjoy.

 Have a blessed week and don't forget to come back y'all!   Hugs...Tracy :


  1. Sweet Tracy:
    I'm humbled by your post, my friend. I think I have the best, most beautiful friends in Blogland! Thank you so much for posting about my giveaway, and for the generous compliments about me and my blog. Good luck in the giveaway.
    Love always,
    Donna, Kes and Fezzik I. ^..^

  2. Thanks for the intro to Donna, Tracy! Love finding fun new blogs! :)
