Monday, January 31, 2011

When Was It That We Became Cat People

I don't think you've seen my Mother-In-Laws cat.  This sweet (ha-ha) little (ha!) thing is enormous!  We took Nadine to the human shelter to pick out a cat and this one had just arrived.  It was the tiniest little ball of orange fur.  Just adorable and we were the first to see him so we got him.  People were asking about him before we could finish the paperwork.  We even had to wait 2 days before we could bring him home.  Then and there we decided to name him Pumpkin, for clear reasons.  The folks at the shelter had named him Baby Fat.  They obviously knew what was coming.

He went home to live with Nadine where he was spoiled beyond belief.  This was what we now realize was the beginning of her Alzheimers.  She left the door open alot ,the electric bill went sky high, we know because Neil was handling all her paperwork and bills at that time.  She fed him constantly, milk too.  And he knew all he had to do was whine and there she would go giving him whatever he wanted.  Open the door at all hours, eat, just whatever.

Of course when she moved in with us so did spoiled rotten Pumpkin.  Nadine quit calling him Pumpkin after awhile and he was called Nino just like her old cat from years ago.  Pumpkin never seemed to question it he answered her Nino or our Pumpkin.  And this cat can be as loving as can be when he wants to but boy can he be a butt-hole when he wants to, too.  You have no idea how big and how heavy this cat is.  I'm surprised hurt never her Nadine jumping in her lap the way he did.  I think we weighed him once and he was about 26 lbs.  He can throw a punch too.  He is strong. 
We had our own cat Booger, or Boogie as I liked to call him. They never did become friends.  Unfortunately boogie died in December but Pumpkin still here bossing us all around.

Everytime I look at Pumpkin I think about how Nadine would call him Nino and it didn't matter a bit to him she was still Moma.

The Dr called us at home Sunday morning and said they were waiting for the surgeon to come in Monday to look at her foot and schedule the amputation and are also waiting to hear from the heart Dr. with the go ahead.  They should schedule it for Monday or Tuesday, most likely Tuesday.  Of course she doesn't know that anything is going on, which is good.  I think Neil and I are just kind of in shock about it still.  It just doesn't seem real.  I never thought she would be with us this long.  She is so strong and so much tougher than even I realized.

I know y'all must think I'll never blog about anything else or ever quit asking for prayers but please remember her when you go to the Lord with your prayers.


  1. Hey Sweetie...such hard decisions...of course we will pray!!
    Hugs and lovin..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. don't EVER hesitate to ask for prayers!!!
    Lifting you all---and the doctor's up!

  3. I am a cat person and got a chuckle from your post! :) Thanks for sharing.
    Prayers for you, always.

    And I want to say THANK YOU for the kind words you always make time to post on my blog!
    What a joy and privledge to be connected with you in this age of technolgy in which we live! God is GOOD! ;)

    Hugs and blessings!

  4. Well Tracy while you have the cat do you think you can reduce some of his fat? I say this because a long time ago my vet said 99% of fat cats get diabetes. Don't set out food for him but feed him a controlled amount it's not that hard to do. Well your mother in law surprises you I understand this is going on with my mother in law but she had nothing wrong with her mind she is 93. A year ago the doctor said she had 6 months. Wrong. She lives alone too with the help from her daughter always coming by and helping her out. Well take care haven't heard much from you lately. Nan

  5. How funny, thanks for sharing!

    Hey, I have a giveaway here, please come join in the fun!
