Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A few 2010 Christmas Projects In Review

It seems like I've been a little neglectful lately.  My blog needs a major update.  I went through the whole holiday season without changing it even once. 

But it's a new year and I'm looking forward to it being a better year too.  I probably don't need to tell any of you, I didn't shed a tear over the passing of 2010.

So bring on 2011.  The new year with a new attitude.  I'm working on staying positive and finding balance.  Balance in many aspects of my life.  No I'm not making any huge resolutions.  I'm not setting myself up for disappointment.  But I do have ideas and I'll share more of that in days to come.  

For now I'd thought I share a few of my Christmas projects with you. 

At the VERY last minute I asked if anyone was interested in swapping Christmas cards with me.  I didn't care if they were handmade or purchased.  This was all about sharing some Christmas joy.  I had 6 of the sweetest friends swap along with me.  They made my Christmas!  THANK YOU GIRLS!!!  So at the last minute I decided I could get 6 cards and ornaments made in time to send out.  So with Snowmen in mind, these are what I came up with.

 I really had a lot of fun making them.  I just need to plan my timing next year.  And for once I was able to create assembly line style.  Usually I have a hard time making more then one of the same things.

I also had promised to send Christmas ornaments to a friends swap.  I'm ashamed to say with all the problems I was having I was late getting them to her and they did not get sent out but I hope she liked them enough to use them on her tree or attach  them to packages maybe.

I only had to make 6 but couldn't decide which way to go.  I chose the parasol to represent my Southern girl (belle, yeah right) heritage.  I used some beautiful old lace and a glue/water mixture to stiffen them and then glittered them after finishing.  Rather Victorian and just not Christmasy enough so..........

I decided  to make some felt Christmas bells too.  Blogger doesn't want to cooperate with me on the picture spacing so excusssseeee them!

The blanket stitching was so relaxing for me.  I braided some rusty wire to hang them with and added a little rusty bell and they had to have a dusting of snow aka...glitter too.  I didn't even have my tree decorated when I was trying to get these done.  So, so sorry they were late C.

Hope you enjoyed seeing them.  I've missed posting and will be back real soon with other projects from 2010 and maybe I'll get something going for 2011 too.

Hugs Y'all.....Tracy :)


  1. I just adore the parasols, but really dig the bells.

    Glad you are feeling a bit brighter and here's to a better 2011!

  2. Hi Tracy, Happy New Year! Wow girl, ALL of those projects are great! Love the snowmen, the mittens are too cute and the parasols are so pretty. You WERE very productive. Have a great week, xxoo Nan

  3. Hi Tracy:
    Beautiful projects, all. I especially like the bell ornaments you made. Wonderful.
    Happy 2011!

  4. You should check out my blog today! :) SKV6.BLOGSPOT.COM

  5. Glad you're back!! Balance is my motto this year, too!!
    You've been on my mind the last couple of is the MIL doing??

  6. ooo, I love these. Especially the bells. I love working w felt. too cute ;)

  7. Liked the snowman and the bells. I am doing something on Facebook where five people (two already have) sign up on my post and I make them each something and they in turn do the same for five more friends. Cool idea I think.

    Take care and have a great day!

  8. I just adore the little bells!!!!

  9. Hi honey sorry I have not been over in a while. Not that I don't think about u I do. Just so much with by brother having cancer.
    Love your site and the way it changes needed. I did not do anything either on mine for Christmas. I too felt like I should but sometimes other things just keep you from doing your blogging.
    I did start a extra page this week to my site called Temptations. It is for any of my followers who sell their creative pieces.
    Speaking of creative pieces I love your card and bells. Wow how did you do those cards. What a cool idea.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year
    Love ya

  10. hi Tracy!
    I love the card and snowman ornie you sent me! wish I had made something for you though!

  11. I love the snowman! I've got informal collection of them going with my holiday ornaments and decorations!

    And I whole heartedly agree about being very much elated to put 2010 behind me also!

    Wishing you a very prosperous, blessed, and healthy 2011!

    ♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

  12. Thanks honey for such a sweet comment.
    I am happy that I have started back again with my writing. It is a long way from being completed but it feels good to just write.
    Who knows what God has in store for any of us.
    I was a little unnerved when that song started playing the other day while I was completely happy in the chapel. haha
    It showed Gretchen and myself God does have a sense of Humor.
    Have a wonderful Sunday

  13. Hi Tracy!
    I love the card and snowman you sent to me ~ love snowmen 'cause I can decorate with them until March! Your bells were cute too ~ so colorful!
    Sad to say that I've never done the blanket stitch. I need to learn because I love how it looks.

  14. I adored the card and snowman you sent me, they will be hanging around for years to come.
    I wanted to thank you for your sweet comments and support. I know it will be very rough, but in the end better for us all.

  15. How fun!! that bell ornament is adorable!!
    Hope you have a blessed wonderful new year sweet tracy

  16. love your blog. i have GIVEAWAYS

    I am trying to earn a cricut for the Children's art department.


    EASY WAY TO WIN RIGHT. Well here is what I am giving away


    please tell your friends to help me earn the cricut for these kids

  17. Hi Tracy thank you for going over to Jingers. I got you facebook friend request tonight, but my facebook is not working right now. It thinks I am spam,lol

    I will confirm your friendship as soon as I can log back in. Be sure to let your friends know that I am trying hard to earn a cricut for the Children's art department. Any help by telling Jinger I sent them would be appreciated.


  18. Hi Lady, What Sweet ornaments, Where did the Holiday Season go, I know it sure got away from me, I had such Good intentions..... But, You know how that can go.... I am having Computer problems so, I am barely able to post or visit.... I miss our regular meetings ~ Here's to a Positive 2011, now I am heading out to get some needed staples since the Snow is a Comin! BTW - Please Keep Debbie "Lake House" in Your Prayers, she is undergoing Cancer Surgery today... Debbie & Her Family really Need All our Prayers ~ xox
