Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving is Where Your Heart and Mind Meet

Hi Y'all.  The only thing that would make this photo any better is to have it filled with family and friends.  

We're not having a traditional Thanksgiving this year but we have so much to be Thankful for.  
Neil's mother is doing better and is in Life Care Center.  Neil is almost well from a terrible stomach virus which means he will finally get to go visit his mother for Thanksgiving after a week of not seeing her.  My cold is clearing up and all my family seem to be healthy. 

I will miss my son and grandchildren who live in NY., my sister and her family who live in Ft. Worth and my niece and her children and my nephew who live in Atlanta.

But Neil and I are Thankful to be having peace with a kindness of spirit in our home.  We're surrounded by fur babies and I have the most wonderful blog friends ever.  So even though it will be a very quiet Thanksgiving it will be a reflective one where we will relax, rest and count our blessings

I wish each and everyone of you a day filled with the warmth and love of family and friends.  I hope laughter rings throughout your homes.  This is a beautiful time for reflecting on the memories of years past while making new ones that will last forever.

Much love and many warm hearty hugs!!!!  Tracy :)


  1. That looks so inviting....
    Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Thank you Tracy and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too! Sounds like your Thanksgiving will be similar to mine. My girls are away at school in Ohio and it's too far to come home, so they will be having Thanksgiving with my sister and her family. Hubby is on call and will be working most of the day so I'll be home by myself but I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to clean and get ready to start decorating and I'll fix a big dinner for when dh gets home. Hugs and blessings, Nan

  3. Praise God for His healing hand!!

    What a big Thankful for Thanksgiving!! I am so glad ya'll are feeling better.

    You have a calm and peaceful day tomorrow. Hugs and lovin..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. Tracy...glad for the good news on your mother-in-law and your hubby. Curious what Life Care Center your m-i-l is in. My d-i-l works for Life Care Center in Lewiston, ID. Used to be at the one in Boise, ID. Has checked about transferring somewhere else.

    Wishing you a quiet and happy Thanksgiving. We too are going to have a quiet one. Just us in our motor home waiting for the Christmas trees to get delivered so we can start selling those darn trees.

  5. Hey Lady ~ A Peaceful Thanksgiving will be good medicine for You... I know You will Miss Family & Friends, but Your Spirit needs some Rest & TLC!
    Thinking of You & always Remembering You in Prayer... One day, I hope we are able to Meet in person, Until then ~ Happy Thanksgiving My Dear Friend~ xox Cheryl

  6. Tracy have a great Thanksgiving we are all blessed to have the heavenly Father watching over us and doing what is best, even if we don't understand it at the time.
    Take care and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  7. Tracy, I am truly blessed this year by the wonderful friendships in our community. A nearly first friend for me, you have always been there with kind words and encouragement. I send hugs and prayers your way this Thanksgiving Day. Elizabeth

  8. Hope your day was relaxing and cozy!
    we had a busy day.. I've been cooking for two days, and NOw... Im exhusted!
    have a great weekend

  9. Tracy, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy your finally feeling peace of heart and mind!! It truly is something to be thankful for... I'm praying that this continues. Just wanted to stop by and tell you how thankful I am for you!! XO Keke

  10. It appears you Neil are healing physically, a good sign. Thanksgiving was great here and I'm hoping yours was too.
