Sunday, November 14, 2010

Restful & Peaceful Sundays

It's seems I have a dozen things to post about.  It seems like everything is so out of wack.  But........Today, today was peaceful..... Peaceful and Relaxed at least as much as it can be.  I love the photo above.  I think I'll go to sleep tonight thinking of me as that model, well a girl can dream, can't she?  I'll dream that I'm so perfectly relaxed (while looking perfectly put together).  Oh heck, I'll dream that I'm an all American beauty too while I'm at it.  Don't pictures make everything look perfect?

A little update on my MIL Nadine.  Each and every day is different.  One day we come home with Neil saying she's going to lay right there and die.  We can't get her to open her eyes or speak and if she does they close back so fast.  Then all of a sudden the next day you think she's turned the bend and is going to start recovering only to go through the previous process the next day.   They finally put a feeding tube for meds and liquid food in her nose.  Unfortunately she wakes up and tries to remove it.  She has had an around the clock sitter for the last 5 days.  Tomorrow they are going to put a feeding peg in her stomach instead.  When she talks now we can barely understand a word.  I really don't know what to expect day to day.  So I just keep praying for the Lord's will.  I pray for her comfort and for the Lords support and comfort for all of us.

Back to today........
It really was a restful and peaceful day for Neil and I.  His mother didn't sleep at all the night before and was finally resting good so we came home and spent the day together.  We caught up on a lot of little tasks around the house.  The pressure felt like it was gone and Neil and I felt closer than ever it seems, even if it was just a little while it was really nice.  Just when I thought that I couldn't take the pressure anymore and was willing to give, the results of all the prayers that have been held up in my name by my friends here have been heard.  Just a few weeks ago I was in the hospital afraid I was having a heart attack.  Three days later my MIL was taken to the hospital.  But now the Lord has stepped in and somehow worked his miracles and given me relief.  Hearts seemed to have changed and even with all the upheavals my home seems to feel better, kinder and filled with the spirit of kindness again.  And I can breath again!!!  Yes I'm still, tired, still worried and don't know what tomorrow might bring but there is peace.  Thank all of you for being prayer warriors with me.  Thank you for praying for the pain in my home and in our hearts.

I hope to find time to actually share some of the things I've been lucky enough to win lately.  I really hate it, that the wonderful friends that had these giveaways, that I am SO EXCITED to have won might think that I don't appreciate it.  I really do so I promise to get to those soon.  I also was thrilled to participate in another of Elizabeth's swaps over at Bluebird Creations. I had a hard time getting them done with all that was going on but mine were finally mailed.  Now I need to get started on the Christmas tag swap so I am not late!

I've got tons of post in my head and lots of projects started.  I've got one or two that was actually finished.  Now I need to find time to spend blogging again.

Well tomorrow I'm off to the vet.  We have one more family member sick now ~ buger our cat has a UTI problem too (MIL has an acute UTI).  So hopefully we can get this taken care of for both of them.  

I hope all of you had a blessed and wonderful weekend friends.
Love and tons of gratitude straight from my heart....Tracy


  1. Well what a situation with your MIL. I was understanding she was at the end of her life and this is her way of taking some control and moving in that direction by not eating and shutting everyone and everything out. But if they give her feeding tubes this prolongs things. Now if her body is not shutting down and she can recover and come home then that's a different thing altogether. Nan

  2. Glad to hear there's a lil more peace at your house *HUGS* hope your kitty gets to feeling better!

  3. Tracy,
    I am SO happy that you had a restful, peaceful day and some time alone with Neil!
    Thank You Lord for Your grace and mercy!

    Thank you, Tracy, for your kind notes on my blog.
    To have taken the time to comment when your life has been so...well, you know... ;)

    Anyway, may you have sweet sleep and be strengthened for what the new day will bring!

    Love and blessings as always,

  4. You most certainly have your hands full over there and I'm sorry your pet has added to it. I will continue to pray for your MIL!

  5. Hi Tracy, I haven't visited in a while and I'm so sorry to hear of all that you and your family is going through. I'm glad to hear that you at least had some peace and rest for a time this weekend. You'll be in my throughts and prayers.
