Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What's Pink and Christmas Sweet? Rebecca's Giveaway!

It's the most wonderful time of the year.  Well almost.  After seeing Darling Rebecca's Christmas-ie giveaway, I can't get that song out of my head.  Are you getting excited about Christmas, how can you not in blogland?  It's kinda like being a shopper for Macy's we're planning Christmas before the 4th of July can get started.  And oh' for all you lovers of pink and sugary just hop over to Rebecca's at A Gathering of Thoughts and take a gander at her giveaway, but don't miss her latest creation on today's post either.  Her creations are so heirloom worthy.  You can click on her name or the picture and go see and of course enter yourself. 

Hurry it ends on Oct 29th.
Good Luck Friends, OOXX's....Tracy :)


  1. Hi...:) :)
    I'm visiting from Linda over at Prairie Flower Farm. Your blog title sounded really cute so I had to stop on by for a visit :) :) Oh, congrats on winning Linda's giveaway. She always does such a great job!!! Enjoy!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Okay Tracy.........please come to my blog!!!!!!!!!!! Heather is right! You need to come and say hi and give me your address. I tried to email you today and it haven't heard anything from you yet. Read the last two posts please!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Thanks Tracy for the heads up about the lovely giveaway. I always love stopping by Rebeccas site.
    Appreicate your comment about the ghost and helping me to decide what to do about the heads
    Hope your having a great evening
