Friday, October 15, 2010


Do you have an attic, a storage room or a shed?  I went up to my attic a couple of days ago.  Wow, you miss one year of decorating and the cobwebs claimed it their home.

Wild witches, spirit balls, fall florals....check, check, check.  Yep, it's all still there.  Why does it seem to have grown though?  You just never know with wicked things.  I probably should have pulled that Gypsy spirit ball down.  I could use a reading right now.

Body parts everywhere.  I do believe that's  a wooden leg sticking out.  Boy wouldn't you hate to have to crawl in that attic on a dark night.  It would be fun to find a stash like this in 40 years.

My son hasn't lived in Jacksonville in 8 years yet I still have his military duffel bag in my attic......and those bags and boxes  behind it....all his and his wife's.  Can you believe it, I'm still storing her wedding gown from her first marriage (before my son).

Tombstones lying in wait.  Hey, those red poinsettias aren't suppose to be mixed in with my Halloween.

Opening  boxes to see what's what.  Take another year off Freddy, you look like you can use it.

Bats and bones.  Sounds like one the potion's from Broomhilda's Magical Spells book.

Time to leave.  Even in October it's too hot to be in a Florida attic.
Are you ready to see the after?  

Well that was an ugly trick.  This is actually the before.  As in -  this was Halloween decorating for 2008.  Last year I really didn't decorate at all, I don't think.

We had dead pirate bones, witches, skeletons, skulls boiling, black cats, gypsy's, pumpkins, the grim reaper, grave yards, scary ghost and friendly ghosts, vampire bats and even a scare crow.

Even the dead were rising.  No not the photo below, the one above.

This was the year that my son and his family came home to visit.  Back row from left is my daughter-in-law Christal, me, my son Ty, MIL - Nadine, Neil,  and in front my beautiful Granddaughter Ki'a and adorable Grandson Zack.  Zack is holding my baby Mattie who is 10 now.

These ghost are the happiest ghost I know, singing and dancing all the way to All Hallows Eve.

Well I did take a few things out of the attic but most stayed.  No mechanical scary's brought down.  I'm going back to simplicity.  If the kids were here I would happily do it all over again.  Our neighborhood kids have grown up too.  Last year we got a couple of teens and that was it.  So I've hung a fall wreath and a friendly witch plaque.  Maybe I'll even get a picture.  

So, what about you.  Simple or all out wicked?  Leave me a comment.  I LOVE - LOVE - LOVE COMMENTS!!!! Tell me about yours so I can drop over for a visit.


  1. Well I'm no fun at all as I do no decorating for Halloween at all. We are a bit too rural here for that and get no kids coming here for trick or treat or otherwise. We're too far from the road for a display to be seen. Now Christmas that's different as we all love to decorate with lights and we have longer dark days. We really go all out for lights around Christmas which have to be installed very soon before it's freezing.

  2. Hi Tracy ~ Love the Family Photo & even the Spooky Decor.... So it's still hot in Florida, in the 60's here in Michigan, but the sun has been shining.... Thanks for Your Sweet Words, I'm certainly feeling better with such Encouraging words....

  3. Back home, i used to go all out, but got rid of everything when I moved. So, starting over, I have alot of made-by-me stuff, no vintage...but that is ok. I don't have any pictures up on my blog tho. Bad me!

  4. Tracy, I have a serial killer in my house, you have sawed off wooden legs in your attic. Haven't seen a white puppy in your neighborhood have you? What a couple we are! What a fun post! I have never seen so many decorations in one house before. Amazing! This was such a fun post! I'm with you, no kids, little decorating. Ah simplicity!

  5. Hello Sweetie,
    Thanks for the wonderful post about my giveaway! You always say such nice things about me and I want you to know that I really appreciate your friendship and have always felt like somewhere, somehow, we're gonna meet someday--cause you have felt like family to me from the beginning!!!

    Reading this post reminds me of all of my art and knitting "stash" that I have boxed up and carried downstairs--now get this-4 months ago-and they are still downstairs in everyone's way!At least you had yours in the attic! Come up here and organize me--please!!

    I had the idea to turn our basement den into a Art Studio for me and the kids to chill out and do art together but when Keith had his knee replaced, I really didn't want to do anything but take care of him!! I have cleaned out and organized some art supplies and the yarn but stil have a lot of work to do!!

    Oh well, the work is always there but it can wait! What does a few boxes compare to our wonderful lives we share with our family, friends, and our bestest blog buddies!

    You really have the most awesome Halloween decorations I have seen to date! I'll have to go "all out wicked" this year for all of my "little monsters" but making some great memories is what having a family is all about! And I know you made some lasting memories last year with your son, daughter-in-law and grandkids!

    Gosh--lady--you look too young to be a grandmother!!

    O.K. !! I know, I'm writing a novel again but I've just got to tell you the great news!!

    Now--for the "REAL REASON" I am here!
    I'M SO EXCITED!!! Just wait til you read this!!

    Yesterday, I visited Shabby and read Megan's post about asking for some pretty incredible bloggers, like yourself, to join her new Shabby Blog Team to help her get ready for a surprise new blog she is ready to launch!! I thought of you immediately! Yeah!!!

    You've just got to go over there and read her post and e-mail her to put your name in the pot! She is asking for (4) types of people to join her team--digital artists, (and she described you when she added this to the list) a wonderful person who loves to visit other blogs, leave wonderful comments, who loves blogging, and always spreads a huge amount of sunshine everywhere she goes--that's you!!

    She also wants someone for computer tutorials and--this is you too-someone to write posts for Shabby Blogs about all of the awesome backgrounds and other cute things Meghan will be creating! You would be the perfect person to join her Blog Team!! Let me know if you reply to her post!

    Big Hugs, Kym

  6. Honey, you could have a haunted house in that attic! I was up in mine today...pulling out the Halloween decorations so I'd have some fun things around for the grandkids. Nothing like that all-out decorating you did in 2008 though! I do think it's time to get rid of the wedding gown from your DIL's first marriage...maybe one of the grandkids could use it for a Halloween costume...Dracula's bride???? I've been missing coming over and reading your posts and now I've got to catch up. Happy Halloween!!!

  7. Hi Tracy,
    Oh you made me laugh with the treasures you have up in your attic, like your daughter-in-laws wedding dress from before! That is just too funny!
    I absolutely love your blog and I so appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog and for becoming a new friend, it is such a pleasure to meet you!! And thank you so much for adding my giveaway button to your side bar!
    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  8. What a wonderful display you used to put up! Living in the country far off the road no one would see this at out house, and with a daughter almost out of high school, not much decorating at all gets done around here. But it is fun to look at, thanks for sharing the old pics!
