Well I can't imagine anyone of you not knowing about this yet but if I missed it maybe you did too. Donna over at Brynwood Needleworks is having a giveaway to celebrate her 500th Post. OMG ~ who wouldn't want a chance to win one of Donna's awesome quilts! You have until 9pm Thursday, Sept 30th to enter so hurry.
Hugs...Tracy :)
Everything Southern & So Cotton Pickin Cute
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Cool and Easy Beach Break
We took the shortest little break yesterday and decided to pick up take out at the beach for dinner. Even my terrible camera couldn't miss the beauty of the late afternoon sky. The air has just cooled down from the 90's this week and is getting a little more seasonal, such as the mid 80's. I love it because the colors come back. When it's the middle of the summer here, the skys get all hazy from the heat and everything is a washed out gray.
I'm no meteorologist and have no idea what they might call these clouds but I call them spiritual. They are just indescribably beautiful. It just makes you heart soar.
I love to hear the beach when the weather is stirring it up. I love the roar and the smell especially in the late of the day. The water was a churnin' yesterday .
We are now at the peak of hurricane season with this active period in the tropics. The surf has been steadily climbing today and it looks like by late tonight there will be 6 to 8 foot waves. On Sunday and Monday morning we will see the surf peak at 8 to 10 feet. Rip currents which are undertows are what we have to worry about now. Even the strongest swimmer can't fight that. The only thing you can do is stay calm and go with it parallel to the shore. Otherwise if you panic and fight it's just going to wear you out and take you under. Scary stuff I've been in a strong undertow but never enough to be scared. Unfortunately we've already lost lives this year due to riptides.
Look at those beautiful pinks and purples as the sun sets to the West.
Still bright with the sun up but if you look East over the ocean there you'll find the moon ready to take over. I can almost see the man in the moon.
Look close, no please - not at me, see the surfers in the background. Yep, those little black dots are surfers, you can't even see their surf boards.
It's so rare for us to get out. We picked up Popeye's chicken at the beach and sat in the car with a bit of the ocean view and ate. My MIL isn't one for getting out of the car, so since the car was close enough to see her from the beach we walked down and spent about 5 lovely minutes. (She wasn't happy, it was one of those "be my guest" comments).
It's so rare for us to get out. We picked up Popeye's chicken at the beach and sat in the car with a bit of the ocean view and ate. My MIL isn't one for getting out of the car, so since the car was close enough to see her from the beach we walked down and spent about 5 lovely minutes. (She wasn't happy, it was one of those "be my guest" comments).
It seems when you step on the beach the tension begins to melt. I can't believe it, I'm actually smiling. Which was perfect for me after being sick with a three day tension headache.
Y'all know how I despise having my picture taken. I am just not photogenic so this will be it most likely for the rest of the year.
If I had a week at the beach I would make it a week long retreat for my blogger friends to come and craft and laugh, swim and eat, shop and giggle. The water is so much warmer by August this would be so much fun.
I hope y'all find something fun to laugh at this weekend. Hugs......Tracy :)
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Twilight at the Beach
Monday, September 13, 2010
Have You Been to Marketplace Monday Yet

Jane over at Finding Fabulous is having her 5th Marketplace Monday Party today. Jane's party is all about sharing your fabulous (on-line) Etsy shop & Boutique items. I've just linked up for the first time myself. I've added my Scottie Apron.
Hugs....Tracy :)
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Marketplatce Monday Party
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Lucky Win or a Cosmic Hint
WOW ~ Am I feeling lucky this week or what? Well whether it's being lucky, being blessed or getting a cosmic push to get healthy, you won't find me looking a gift horse in the mouth.
I just received another giveaway I love it. Jasmine from Sweet and Fit choose me as the winner of her National Parks giveaway courtesy of Myblogspark and Nature Valley. Look at all the goodies that came in the box:
- Insulated Back Pack
- A box of Nature Valley Oat's n Honey bars
- 1,000 Places To See Before You Die by Patricia Shultz
- drink cylinder
- Compass
- Flash light / Keychain
I have looked at this exact book so many times at Walmart and thought of buying it. My dream side of being a world traveler. Boy was I surprised to win it.
From Jasmine's blog:
Nature Valley and Patricia Shultz, author of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, want you to join them to support the National Parks Project - this year this project is focusing on restorative work at The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Biscayne National Parks. Nature Valley is accepting wrappers that you mail in to recycle – and will contribute 10 cents to the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) for every wrapper received. To Learn more about the National Parks Project and how you can help, go to PreservetheParks.com.So thank you Jasmine, Myblogspot, Nature Valley and Patricia Shultz for this fun win!!!
Stop in and meet Jasmine. Her blog is full of luscious recipes and reviews. She's the cutest little thing (I guess that's were the Sweet comes from in Sweet and fit (she's that too), and she just became newly engaged. What a beautiful ring the lucky groom to be choose for her.
Hugs...Tracy :)
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giveaway win
French is in the Air
Rhonda had a giveaway because she reached 501 followers. That's reason to celebrate and boy am I glad she did. Now she's well past that and on her way to her next mile stone.
She gave the winner ***ME*** her bestselling, “BCH Original” pillow cover from The Shop @ Blue Creek Home. I'm sure most of you know this sweet gal already. I love to visit her blog and see what charming new creation she has come up with or what new decorating project she is working on. You really should stop by and tour her beautiful home, virtually of course. And check out The Shop @ Blue Creek Home, where you'll find her original creations as well as vintage items too.
Wait a minute. Where do you think your going? I'm not done yet. As if that wasn't enough of a win there is something else.
Rhonda was also celebrating the release of the new E-Magazine, “Belle Inspiration”. The first issue will hit the internet news stands on September 15th!!! Can you believe it I will be receiving, thanks to editor, Mimi Bleu , a one year subscription to “Belle Inspiration” E-magazine!!!! I just can't wait to see the first issue. I hope you run over to Belle Inspiration and take a peek too. You can click on their name or the photo below.
Can you imagine my with my Southern twang trying to speak French. That would be a hoot!
At Blue Creek Home you'll find a friend and I'm not just saying that because I won Rhonda's giveaway either. She has a very loving heart and is just the type of person you hope to meet in blogland. I feel so blessed by all the people I've been lucky enough to get to know here this last year. VERY BLESSED!!!
Hope everyone's has a blessed and peaceful Sunday. Warm hugs.........Tracy :)
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giveaway win
Friday, September 3, 2010
Giveaway - Anyone? Check this out!
Happy Friday Y'all! Hugs...Tracy :)
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