Thursday, April 15, 2010

Traci's Having A Giveaway and No It's Not Me

There's a new giveaway in blogland everyday.  Now I just wish someone would give me an extra 24 hours to find and enter them all.  LOL.  

I'm sure you've all hear me mention Traci over at Beneath My Heart.  She is such a lovely, giving friend.  Well lucky for us she is giving away not one but 2 giveaway prizes sponsered by Lisa Leonard Designs. One is a Family Crest Necklace and the other is a A $40 gift certificate to Lisa Leonard Designs!  Lisa has simply the sweetest jewelry designs. So head on over to Traci's and enter for your chance at one of these beautiful designs.  Like I've said before, even if you don't win you'll love meeting Traci and she's a wonderful friend.  (Sorry I couldn't resist the opportunity to rhyme).

Good Luck and hugs to ya'll....Tracy :)

1 comment:

  1. Headed there now....I love your blog and am going to add to my sidebar..

    Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET! I am going to draw Friday night.....
