After 2 years of not putting up a tree (which broke my heart), I'm back in the spirit again. I only wish I had either better photography skills or a better camera. It's really hard to take pictures in the house. We have the basic wiring done but have not had it finished or the ceiling fixtures installed. Crazy hun? Light switches but no overhead lights.
Anyway, we (meaning I) put up two trees this year. I love ornaments and have collected them for years so I just couldn't resist. The photo above is of the tree I refer to as my formal tree. Lots of white and pink with spots of burgundy. Covered with angels and dolls. It's so much prettier in person.

This year I decided to have a dove help me decorate the tree. This reminds me of the old Disney Cinderella movie (or was it snow white)? The one where the birds helped trim the dress with lace and ribbon. Loved that. I really wanted to add two more doves, everything is better and more balanced in threes, but I didn't leave enough slack in the beaded garland. It was so simple to do. I hot glued the garland to the beak, then took a couple of strands of white embroidery thread and ran the needle right through the back of the dove, ouch. With a straight pin stuck through the thread I just pushed it into the ceiling. Easy! I could have gone out to the shed and dug out so nylon fishing line but it was too cold for me. With the flash on you can see the string in the photo but you really don't see it in person. Here's a photo of it without the flash.

The next photo is my son Ty's first ornament. Yep, it's 31 years old! Gosh my life is starting to consist of vintage/antiques in my time frame. I love that ornament and so does Ty.
My first Grandchild Zack's first Christmas ornament is below. I love the precious little deer on this Fritz and Floyd one. It's another of my favorites. Each year I by the Grandkids a new ornament. Buy the time they get married and are ready to decorate their own trees, they should have over 20. And hopefully a very special collection. I marked them each with their names and the year.
These sweet little pink baby shoes are my Granddaughter Kia's first ornament. I get chills every year as I unwrap each of these beautiful treasures. This is my one real collection. I don't look for the most expensive ornaments for this tree just the ones that are really beautiful to me. These baby booties are the softest pink glass and so sparkly.

Neil is the collector of antiques in our home. We have at least 3 big Wurlitzer jukeboxes, way down from the 21 he bought a few years back. Yes, I pretty much flipped over that! One is a bubble Wurlitzer and the two others are even older in big wooden cabinets with reverse painted glass. They are in a back room and not displayed right now so it's hard to remember. Then there about 5 counter-top juke boxes. One comes with it's own metal stand. And I can't even guess as to how many horned phonographs, like a Victrola, I'm sure over 30. They're beautiful but I'm not really a Victorian era girl. I really like more of an eclectic look. Boy did I get off track. Anyway, I'm not a big hallmark ornament collector but I found this cute little diner jukebox that plays old Christmas songs and had to get it for him.
I have used these pretty little flocked violets for filler for years.
I also take the silver grape bunches and just lay up on the branches as fillers.
I love the sparkle of these Swaroski crystals I found last year.
A little traveling suitcase and airplane below to remind me of my love of travel. And to remind not to forget my dream of wanting to travel more. I've never been out of the country. There is also a world globe that goes with this set hanging on our tree.
I bought the angels years ago and love to spread them throughout the tree.
**Another little tip. I haven't come across any pine tree scent to spray my artificial tree with so I bought one of the hanging pine tree car air fresheners for each tree and just laid it in the middle on the branches.**
Now if only Santa wasn't so busy granting all the deserving boys and girls their Christmas wish list, I would find a new camera under my tree and you would have a year of better pictures from me. Of course I want a lightweight laptop for blog reading in bed/couch. And I've really being wanting a Cricut Expressions too.
This is what I told Neil I wanted for Christmas. AN ALL ANIMAL CHRISTMAS LIST:
- A new kitty. One that likes to be squeezed, hugged and loved like a Rag Doll kitty.
- A Cricut Expressions.
- And to top it all off, I thought I would add a Jaguar
In reality this is not the year for any of them. But it's fun to dream!
So friends what is it you're wishing for this year? I've love to hear. And I'm not talking about peace and love but totally materialistic Wish List!
Hugs...Tracy :)
Come back later this week and see my other tree.